Elementary School Resources
#MicDropMath Card Tricks for Young Mathematicians
Key Question How can we use math to entertain our family and friends with card tricks they think are magic? Learning Objectives Children will be curious about… learn the steps for performing two different self-working ...
#MicDropMath Playing Card Tricks
There are card tricks which are slight of hand and card tricks which rely on the discrete mathematics inherent to a regular deck of cards. These card tricks fall into the latter category and are ...
#NaturesWonder – What Made That? – #SciencingAndEngineering with @SciGalNielsen
Join STEMAZing Teacher Leader, Lisa Nielsen, as she notices and wonders about one of nature’s wonders in southern Arizona’s. There are so many amazing phenomena right outside your door. In this video you will learn ...

#ProjectPhenomena Database
A searchable database of phenomena for all manner of scientific exploration! ...
#STEMAZingPhenomenon Notice and Wonder Video 3
Great phenomenon to use for 3.L1U1.6 Plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate ways plants and animals react to stimuli ...

100th Day of School STEM Activities
Celebrate the 100th Day of school with this growing list of STEM activities related to the number 100! ...

3-5 Grade Band AzSS-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to 2018 Arizona Science Standards ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: 2nd Grade Chapter 1 – Properties of Matter
Lesson 1.1 - Classifying Objects Based on their Observable Properties Students sort common objects according to characteristics such as shape, flexibility, and the material they are made from to investigate the question: Can you group ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: 2nd Grade Chapter 2 – Liquids Have Properties
Lesson 2.1 - Liquids have properties Students do simple tests to observe the properties of water, mineral oil, and corn syrup on the surface of a zip-closing plastic bag to investigate the question: Can liquids ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: 2nd Grade Chapter 3 – Dissolving is a Property
Lesson 3.1 - Dissolving is a Property Students develop a test to compare the dissolving of an M&M and a Skittle in water to investigate the question: Do M&Ms and Skittles dissolve by the same ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: 5th Grade Chapter 1 – Matter is Made of Tiny Particles
Through investigating solids, liquids, and gases and the phenomena of dissolving, evaporation, and condensation, students develop models to investigate matter at the particle level. Lesson 1.1 - Matter Is Made of Tiny Particles Students squeeze ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: Chapter 3 – Substances Can Mix and React to Form New Substances
NOTE: Those these are indicated for 5th grade, they best align with both 5th and 8th grade AzSS standards. Students use baking soda, calcium chloride and other common substances to discover that when certain substances ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: Chapter 4 – Conservation of Mass
NOTE: Those these are indicated for 5th grade, they align with both 5th grade and 8th grade AzSS standards. Through exploring melting, dissolving, and chemical change, students discover that mass is conserved during all these ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: Chapter 6 – Atoms
Students use Snap Cubes (or LEGOs or other building blocks) to see that the same parts can be rearranged to make many different objects, and that these parts can be used as models of atoms ...

ACS Inquiry in Action: Kinder Chapter 1 – Investigating the Weather
Students investigate weather-related phenomena including the cause of rain, evaporation, snow, and wind. Students also explore how a coat helps us stay warm in the cold and how blocking the sun to make a shadow ...

Alice Programming
Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is a freely ...

Annotation Bookmarks by Danielle Swartz
Designed by STEMAZing Teacher Leader Danielle Swartz, these annotation bookmarks are perfect to use with students from K-3 (and maybe even beyond)! ...
Ant Wrangling – #SciencingAndEngineering with The STEMAZing Project
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

Ant Wrangling PQRST Sciencing Journal
Ant Wrangling makes for a great way to introduce students to the PQRST Sciencing Journal. Find the Ant Wrangling PQRST Journal by clicking on the hyperlink or on the image above. You will need to ...

Arizona Geological Society and Resources
Arizona Geological Survey Homepage (click on image) To support our mission and meet state statute responsibilities, the Arizona Geological Survey will: provide geologic information to enhance public understanding of the state's geologic character, geologic hazards ...

Explore 15,000 of the world's endangered species. With over 100,000 photos and videos, ARKive will help you and your students discover what these animals, plants, and fungi look like, what makes them special and why ...
Beginner Coding Game
Beginner Coding Game Young learners can begin to learn coding concepts using this simple game. NOTE: Arrows and functions set up to match the colors used to code Cubetto robot. Once your students have mastered ...

Bernoulli Probe
Can your students predict what will happen to the paper tent when air is blown through it? A great way to introduce students to the wonders of Bernoulli's Principle and then let them experiment! ...
Bernoulli’s Principle – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Student Video Teacher Talk Video Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find ...

Best Top 10 Plasma Tricks and Demonstrations
Did you know you can light a fluorescent bulb or neon tube using a plasma ball? Plasma balls are fascinating STEM toys. The Best Top 10 Plasma Ball Tricks and Demonstrations video highlights purposeful physics and physical ...

Beyond Average – Standard Deviation and Standard Error
Mean is meaningless. Help you students do just a little more with continuous data in order to better tell the story of their data ...

Binary #MicDropMath Build Your Own Cards
This lesson will demonstrate to students how to make the binary #MicDropMath cards. A common question when engaging students with the Binary #MicDropMath is: “Why are those numbers on the cards?” In this lesson, they ...

Binary #MicDropMath Cards
There are five versions of the Binary #MicDropMath Cards below. To perform the Binary #MicDropMath, print out page one of the binary number cards. (NOTE: You only need to print these double-sided to include page ...

Binary #MicDropMath Multiply This
The following lesson engages students to explore exceptionally old algorithms used by Russian and Egyptian people to multiply two numbers together. It turns out these two algorithms are connected to the binary number system, which ...
Binary #MicDropMath Patterns
The Binary #MicDropMath Patterns lesson can be used to help students recognize patterns, understand how to make multiple hypotheses in science and math, and understand the importance of basing claims on more data rather than ...

BioInteractive, from Howard Hughes Medical Institute, is a collection of free resources for science teachers and students. Animations on Chargaff's Ratio, Malaria: Human Host, Malaria: Mosquito Host. Videos on Galapagos Creatures, Bacterial Growth and Dung ...

Bone by Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons by Sara C. Levine
This entertaining picture book will keep readers guessing as they learn about how our skeletons are like--and unlike--those of other animals ...

BrainPop Educators
Check out the BrainPOP Educators website with resources searchable by state and Common Core standards! ...

BrainPop GameUp
BrainPOP GameUp is a free educational games portal for the classroom. Find animated games with curricular content to engage students and bolster achievement. Collections include games for teaching Science, Math, Social Studies, Health, English, and Engineering & ...

Bruno Mars: Don’t Give Up (Sesame Street)
Bruno Mars: Don't Give Up (Sesame Street) is a phenomenal video for growth mindset and persistence. Pair this with the picture book Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by Dr. JoAnn Deak ...

Butterfly Symmetry, Camouflage, and Disguise
A great lesson to put students' knowledge of the REAL primary colors of paints to use. Challenge students to create a butterfly using symmetry which uses either camouflage or disguise as a survival technique ...

Caine’s Arcade
9-year-old Caine Monroy spent his summer vacation building an elaborate cardboard arcade inside his dad's used auto parts store. The entire summer went by, and Caine had yet to have a single customer. Then, on ...

Catching up with inventor William Kamkwamba
Inventor and author William Kamkwamba returns to the TED stage a decade after his TEDGlobal 2007 talk in which he spoke about building a windmill for his community at the age of 14. In conversation ...

CC Better Lesson
Introducing CC.BetterLesson - a brand new, free resource from the BetterLesson team featuring the highest quality Common Core-aligned lessons created through their Master Teacher Project. Browse over 3,000 lessons ...
Checkerboard Coding Game
Use arrows with Velcro dots and code to insects or small animals. Checkerboard games from Dollar Tree make this a great #STEMontheCheap game ...

Chemistry of Cookies
You stick cookie dough into an oven and, magically, you get a plate of warm, gooey cookies. Except it's not magic; it's science. Stephanie Warren explains via basic chemistry principles how the dough spreads out, ...

Chibitronics I Love Science Robot Paper Circuit Template
The I love Science robot template from Chibitronics introduces how a circuit works and parallel circuits. A great paper circuits activity! ...

Color Addition – Primary and Secondary Colors of Light
Use this worksheet with the RGB Light Show to simply focus on the primary and secondary colors of light. If you are looking for more advanced demonstration of understanding, look at RGB Light Show Worksheet ...

Color Me 100
Roll a die. Starting at 1, color in that many squares. Switch colors, roll die again, and color in that many squares. Continue until you reach 100! How many rolls did it take you to ...

Computer Science Education Week
Computer Science Education Week is observed each year, in recognition of the birthday of computing pioneer Admiral Grace Murray Hopper. Computer Science is a foundation for every student. Help introduce it to millions with an ...

Concord Consortium
The Concord Consortium STEM Resource Finder features some of the best of their free, open source educational activities, models and software tools. You can search by keyword or filter by subject, grade level, and type ...

Crosscut Symbols
The Crosscut Symbols below are from Peter A’Hearn. These can be found at http://crosscutsymbols.weebly.com/ with lots of supporting information including critical questions, questions that connect to science and engineering practices, and more for each concept ...

Crosscutting Concept: Structure and Function
A framework for K-12 Science Education: Structure and Function. The way in which an object or living thing is shaped and its substructure determine many of its properties and functions. http://stemteachingtools.org/tools ...

Data Square – Nature of Science Activity
Print the templates below on card stock. There are two templates of the puzzle on each page. Cut out one of the large squares and then cut out the pieces as shown above. At first, ...

Density: Condiment Packet Cartesian Diver
Using an empty 2-liter bottle, condiment packets (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc), water, salt, and a bowl, children will explore how to make the condiment back rise and fall at their command as they make a ...

Density: Orange Life Jacket
Using an orange, a large clear bowl, and water, children will explore whether or not an unpeeled orange will sink or float in water. They will then take the peel off the orange and test ...

Density: Salty and Sweet
Using a fresh raw egg, water, a tall glass, salt, sugar, 1/2 tsp measuring spoon, and 1 c measuring cup, children will explore whether or not a raw eggs sinks or floats in water. They ...

Density: See Level
Using honey, light corn syrup, dish soap, vegetable oil, water, rubbing alcohol, a tall glass or clear plastic vase, small drinking glass, food baster, glass marble, a grape, paper clip, food coloring (optional), 1/4 c ...

Density: Will It Sink or Will It Float?
Using a couple tea light candles, clay, water, a ruler, pencil, and a clear plastic container, children will explore with things that sink and things that float. They will start to understand that weight doesn't ...

Design Inspirations from RAFT
Combine two unrelated ideas to inspire a creative new design! Engineers often use everyday objects to stimulate creative ideas. For example, an early ballpoint pen designer might have had a flash of inspiration while looking ...

Design Inspirations from RAFT – STEMAZing Virtual Adaptation
Design Inspirations is taken from an Idea Sheet from RAFT (Resource Area for Teaching). The following STEMAZing Teacher Guide for Design Inspirations Virtual describes how to use this lesson virtually and provides links to prepared ...

Design Squad Nation
Engage kids in hands-on engineering with activities from PBS Kids Design Squad Nation. Each activity is a hands-on challenge focused on the engineering design process. They use simple materials, allow for multiple solutions, and are ...

Desviación estándar y error estándar para la narración de datos.
Lección de desviación estándar y error estándar Asignación de desviación estándar y error estándar ...

Detecting Exoplanets – Activity 3
In this activity, students will first familiarize with the ZOONIVERSE project named “Planet Hunters TESS” and learn how to spot a transiting planet in a star lightcurve. Next, they will inspect a specific lightcurve and ...

Diary of a Worm
This is the diary . . . of a worm. Surprisingly, a worm not that different from you or me: He lives with his parents, plays with his friends, and even goes to school ...

Diecast Car Loop-the-Loop PQRST Sciencing Journal
Using supplies found at your local Dollar Tree (#STEMontheCheap), you can engage students with an awesome scientific experiment to guide students through how to use the Die Cast Car Loop-the-Loop PQRST Sciencing Journal to design ...

Find activities at DiscoverE from videos showcasing engineering to hands-on activities to field trip ideas which can be used for Engineers Week and beyond! If you will be involving your students in Engineers Week or ...

DIY is the best way for kids to get skills, meet others who share the same passions, and generally be awesome. Every member has their own profile where they share what they make and do, ...

DragonBox Algebra
DragonBox is based on the vision that children should be trained to think creatively. Players discover algebraic rules and play with them. They have to use the rules to solve puzzles that lead to a lot of trial ...
Dry Erase Phun – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

ECE Engineering Journal
Google Docs version of ECE Engineering Journal - Young learners can use the Voice typing under the Tools menu to complete this document if they are pre-writing ...

ECE Notice and Wonder Journal
Google Docs version of the Notice and Wonder Journal - Young learners can use the Voice typing under the Tools menu to complete this document if they are pre-writing ...

Eco-Schools USA
Eco-Schools is an internationally acclaimed program that provides a framework to help educators integrate sustainable principles throughout their schools and curriculum. The Eco-Schools program strives to model environmentally sound practices, provide support for greening the ...

Eddy Current Tube Demo
This classic physics demonstration shows how a magnet falling through a copper pipe will slow down as it transfers some of its energy to move electrons in the conductive copper pipe. Those moving electrons create ...

Edison Engineering Design Challenges with Mr. Grigonis
A great collection of engineering design challenges for upper elementary school to high school programmers and engineers ...

Energy 101
The Energy 101 Videos from the U.S. Department of Energy are a collection of 15 short videos about the fundamental concepts behind renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Learn about Electric Vehicles, Biofuels, Algae-to-Fuels, Marine and ...

Engineering Design Process STEM Challenge Work Mat
Designed by STEMAZing Teacher Leader, Danielle Swartz, this work mat allows students to work through the engineering design process as they use it for any STEM challenge ...

Engineering in Reverse – lesson from TeachEngineering
In this hands-on activity, students take apart a toy to reverse engineer it. Most appropriate for grades 5th-8th grade ...

Engineering the World’s Best Glider using IDEAS Engineering Journal
This lesson serves as a great introduction to the engineering design process when you have a design or prototype and you are attempting to improve that design. In this case, students start with an original ...

Esri Story Maps
Esri Story Maps (click on image below to visit site) Esri Story Maps let you combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content. They make it easy to harness the power of maps ...

Exploratorium – Tinkering Library
Combining tinkering activities with books invites playful engagement with STEAM concepts and processes while also reinforcing language development, collaboration, communication, and literacy skills ...

Exploratorium Science Snacks
Snacks from the Exploratorium are not the kind you eat! They're for learning and having fun! Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium. Each Science Snack ...

Fast Plants
Through activities spanning the life cycle of Wisconsin Fast Plants, you and your students can explore many aspects of plant growth and development and reproduction. In its 35-45 day life cycle, the Wisconsin Fast Plant ...

Finding Habitable Planets – Activity 4
In this activity, students will learn that stars have different properties, such as temperature, size, and lifespan. They will also learn that stellar properties determine the conditions for planets around them, hence affect which planets ...

Flag and Primary Color Afterimage Optical Illusions
You can either print these out in color or just look at them on a screen to see an afterimage based on how your red, green, and blue color receptors work in your eye. Scroll ...

Flying Butterfly
Materials Butterfly Templates (found below) Tape (transparent or masking) Double Stick Tape or Glue Bakers Twine or similar string Large Craft Sticks (also known as tongue depressors) Plastic Drinking Straws Markers or Crayons or Colored ...

From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
Gail Gibbons reveals to young readers how a seed begins, what pollination is, and how flowers, trees, fruits, and vegetables get to be the way they are ...

Geological Columns
Using fossils, plaster of Paris, and sand, create geological columns for your students to explore and discover. A great nature of science lesson! Digging Through the Columns Worksheet Rock Column Lab Revised ...

Geometry Playground
The Exploratorium's Geometry Playground Activities will help spark students' interest in geometry. They are designed for classroom use but can also be done by families or other groups. This collection also includes Outdoor Activities for ...

Girlstart cultivates a culture where risk is rewarded, curiosity is encouraged, and creativity is expected. As a result, Girlstart girls are connected, brave, and resilient. Girlstart makes girls more successful and inspires them to take ...

Globe at Night
Activity guide for January and February 2017 for this awesome citizen science program. Find additional activity guide and resources at www.globeatnight.org ...

Going Places by Peter H. Reynolds
A go-cart contest inspires imagination to take flight in this picture book for creators of all ages, with art from New York Times bestselling illustrator Peter H. Reynolds ...

Goldie Blox
The goal of GoldieBlox is to get girls building. By tapping into girls strong verbal skills, their story + construction sets bolster confidence in spatial skills while giving young inventors the tools they need to ...

got problems? let’s solve ’em Engineering Journal
From noticing problems to brainstorming solutions to testing prototypes, making modifications, and marketing a final product, this journal will walk students step-by-step through the engineering design process as it relates to solving a problem for ...

Hollow Flashlight Invented by 14-Year-Old Girl
Meet Ann Makosinski, a 15-year-old who invented a flashlight powered by thermal energy from her hand - no batteries necessary - EVER! Use this video to introduce your students to a young inventor who won ...

House of Robots by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
It was never easy for Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez to fit in, so he's dreading the day when his genius mom insists he bring her newest invention to school: a walking, talking robot he calls E-for "Error" ...

House of Robots Robot Revolution by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
After a few early glitches in their relationship, Sammy and his "bro-bot" E are now fast friends. In fact, E is such a valued member of the family that the other electronic occupants of the ...

House of Robots: Robots Gone Wild by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez and his 'bro-bot' E are making new friends every day as E works as his bedridden sister Maddie's school proxy. But disaster strikes when E malfunctions just in time to be upstaged by ...

How Does Reverse Engineering Work? article
Learn how this jet was reversed engineered and what we mean by reverse engineering ...

How To Catch A Leprechaun: How to Trick A Wee Person! by Crystal Chandler
Have you ever wanted to catch a Leprechaun as a kid? We all have! This instructional book teaches kids science while also taking them on an imaginary journey to the edge of rainbow ...

How to Detect Exoplanets – Lecture 3
An introduction to the various techniques used to detect exoplanets ...
Human Computers – Creative Message Communication
Believe it or not, there is a five-letter word encoded in the cards shown in the image. Start with lessons on the binary number system. Then, learn how computers use parity bits for error detection ...

Hypothesis Cubes – Best Nature of Science Lesson of ALL TIME!
Hypothesis cubes is the BEST nature of science lesson of all time. Engage students to use evidence to support their claims and then demonstrate the way science works by leaving the "answer" unsettled in the ...

Hypothesis Cubes Virtual – BEST Nature of Science Lesson of ALL time!
Hypothesis cubes is the BEST nature of science lesson of all time. Engage students to use evidence to support their claims and then demonstrate the way science works by leaving the "answer" unsettled in the ...

I am Albert Einstein by Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulos (illustrator)
Even when he was a kid, Albert Einstein did things his own way. He thought in pictures instead of words, and his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of ...

IDC – Independent, Dependent, and Control
How to turn just about anything into a science experiment! ...

IDC (not IDK) How to turn absolutely anything into a science experiment!
Notice something interesting! Wonder how it works? Use this process to turn absolutely anything (well almost) into a science experiment. Learn about independent, dependent, and control variables. Brainstorm independent variables which can be systematically manipulated ...

Ideas are Scary – GE Commercial
A great advertisement about ideas from General Electric that works nicely with the #STEMAZingPictureBook, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada and with our IDEAS Engineering Journal ...

IDEAS Engineering Journal
The IDEAS Engineering Journal is designed to be used to engage students to iterate through then engineering design process using a starting model of something they have built. Two looper airplanes, pool noodle rockets, and ...

IDEAS Engineering Journal – Virtual Edition
The IDEAS Engineering Journal is meant to be used to engineer improvements to an existing design. Have you built a glider or a wobble head rattle writer or ANYTHING? Use this journal to brainstorm modifications, ...

If the Moon Were Only One Pixel
If you are trying to teach students about the scale of the solar system, this scale model of the solar system, If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel, is a phenomenal tool! How long does ...

If You Were the Moon by Laura Purdie Salas
If you were the moon, what would you do? You'd spin like a twilight ballerina and play dodgeball with space rocks! And more ...

Inch by Inch
Meet a winning, winsome inchworm, proud of his ability to measure anything under the sun, from a robin's tail to a toucan's beak ...

Introduce a Girl to Engineering
What makes a superhero a superhero? Use this video to teach young girls how some real-life superheroes at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering are using the special powers to save people and make their ...

Investi-gator from Natural Inquirer
Investi-gator is a FREE science journal designed for grades 4-8. Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States is now available in hard copy and electronically. The Southwestern United States is a special place. This Investi-gator will introduce you to ...

Invisible Bicycle Helmet
You know what kind of sucks about riding a bike? Other than all that pedaling? Bike helmets. Sure, they keep that overrated "brain" from getting splattered, but they take a lot of the open-air--joy out ...

ion Future: The STEM Career Exploration Game
Every day, professionals in STEM careers help people get better, discover new things, save the planet, build the future, solve mysteries, and play with some very cool tools. iON Future lets you explore these careers, ...

Joy of Pi
David Blatner is an internationally known expert in publishing and the author of fifteen books on popular science, religion, and graphics. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars around North America. You can ...

K-2 Grade Band AzSS-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to 2018 Arizona Science Standards ...

Kids Against Climate Change
All around the world, kids are learning about climate change. Why should we care? Duh – it’s our future! And we want our voices heard!!! This is a site created by kids (and a teacher) ...

Lab Rules Dua Lipa “New Rules” Parody
Lab Safety. Don't be a Carol. Low cost science parody of Dua Lipa's official music video New Rules! ...

Learning to Fly Jagwing Walkalong Gliders with Slater Harrison (beta)
Static Cling Issues with Jagwings - a real possibility in the dry desert! ...

Life in the Ocean: The Story of Oceanographer Sylvia Earle
Sylvia Earle first lost her heart to the ocean as a young girl when she discovered the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico in her backyard. As an adult, she dives even deeper ...
M&Ms Are Phenomenal – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

Made by Maxine by Ruth Spiro (author) and Holly Hatam (illustrator)
Meet Maxine, an inspiring young maker who knows that with enough effort and imagination (and mistakes), it's possible to invent anything. Maxine loves making new things from old things. She loves tinkering until she has ...

Mae Jemison by Laurie Calkhoven
Blast off into space and get to know Mae Jemison—the first African-American woman to ever go to space—with this fascinating, nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series of biographies about people “you should ...

Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum: A Book about Sound
In a companion book to the new PBS series starring Lily Tomlin, readers learn about sound and how it is made as Ms. Frizzle's class spends the night in a sounds museum that turns out ...

Matchbox Car PQRST
This powerful lesson will not only teach students how to identify variables, design a scientific experiment, collect data, make a CER (claim, evidence, and reasoning) based on their experiment, and continue thinking in questions, it ...

Math Forum
How many celebrations are there in your math class? Each year on March 14th many classrooms break from their usual routines to observe the festivities of "Pi Day" because the digits in this date correspond ...

Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines by Jeanne Walker Harvey
As a child, Maya Lin loved to study the spaces around her. She explored the forest in her backyard, observing woodland creatures, and used her house as a model to build tiny towns out of ...

Minute Earth
MinuteEarth is a YouTube channel with short video clips (usually less than 3 minutes in length) on the science and stories about our awesome planet! From Why Are Leaves Green? to The Biggest Organism on Earth to How do Trees Survive ...

Mission 31
Mission 31 broke new ground in ocean exploration and honored the 50th anniversary of the monumental legacy left by Fabien's grandfather Jacques-Yves Cousteau who is credited with creating the first ocean floor habitats for humans ...

Mojo Puts It All Together – ClassDojo
Mojo reflects on the meaning of 'your brain is like a muscle' after a setback ...

NASA Bernoulli’s Principle – Museum in a Box
Be careful! Sometimes NASA is wrong. In this document, it claims air moving across the top and bottom of the wing must reach trailing edge of the wing at the same time. This is a ...

Natural Inquirer
The Natural Inquirer program produces a variety of science education materials for PreK through grade 12. Natural Inquirer products are produced by the USDA Forest Service, the Cradle of Forestry in America Interpretive Association (CFAIA), and other cooperators and ...

NC State Engineering Design Process
One of our favorite versions of the Engineering Design Process, especially the part of failure! ...

NCTM Illuminations
April is Math Awareness Month! Beyond the Mathemagic activity of the day revealed each day this month on mathaware.org, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics has a site called Illuminations. Home to over 600 ...

Newsela Feathery Dinosaur Article at 3 reading levels
This feathery dinosaur probably flew, but not like any bird you know Grade 3 Reading Level Grade 5 Reading Level Grade 7 Reading Level ...

Next Generation Science Storylines
The Next Generation Science Storylines project is dedicated to providing tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country. We like their Science and Engineering ...

Next Generation Science Storylines
A storyline is a coherent sequence of lessons, in which each step is driven by students' questions that arise from their interactions with phenomena ...

NGSS Phenomenon
Searchable database for phenomena to drive instruction for the new Arizona Science Standards ...

NGSS Practices Web from NextGenStorylines
The scientific method is out! It is all about the web! ...

Not a Box
A box is just a box...unless it's not a box. From mountain to rocket ship, a small rabbit shows that a box will go as far as the imagination allows ...

Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals
Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals come in formats that are printer friendly and in Google classroom versions for both Slides and Docs. Great tools for helping students notice and wonder how the world works! ...

Notice, Wonder, Learn: Paper Circuits
These templates allow for initial exploration of paper circuits, series and parallel circuits, and circuit diagrams. Supplies are not too expensive and links to necessary supplies are included in the document below (final page). Check ...

Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin
What would you do if you lived in a community without a library, hospital, post office, or fire department? If you were Benjamin Franklin, you'd set up these organizations yourself ...

NumberNut offers an introduction to mathematics and its variety of topics. It's not just for kids, it's for everyone (even if you aren't a number nut). From Shapes & Colors to Scientific Notation and Variables, ...
Nunaniuryuraqama: Maintaining Self Through Environmental Energy
Nunaniuryuraqama: Maintaining Self Through Environmental Energy is presented by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and AK EnergySmart. Mayaq Irussaar Qip’arluk Kagganaq Maangyaar (Valerie Tony) is the latest representation of her Yup’ik and Sup’ik ancestry of the ...

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine
Rube Goldberg Machine - Official Video - From the OK Go album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky" available at www.okgo.net/store ...

OK GO SANDBOX – Needing/Getting
OK Go wanted to find out if they could play their song using a car and everyday objects. Turns out they could!! ...

OK GO SANDBOX – The One Moment
This video was actually shot in 4 seconds, but when played back in slow motion, it stays in sync with the music. How did they do it?!?! ...

OK GO SANDBOX – This Too Shall Pass
OK Go created this video by connecting a series of simple machines together, to create a single chain reaction machine timed perfectly to their song. So perfectly, in fact, that one section of the machine ...

On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne (author) and Vladimir Radunsky (illustrator)
A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light. This brilliant mind will one day offer up ...

One Page Kite
Learning Objective Children will… • build and fly a kite using a piece of paper and other inexpensive materials. Key Question Can you make a kite from a single sheet of paper? (Lección disponible en ...

Paint Sample Scavenger Hunt
Key Question Can you discover items that match the color of the paint samples? Learning Objectives Children will… identify items that match the paint samples (red, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow). graph the total amount ...

PBS SciGirls
SciGirls has the bold goal of changing how millions of girls think about STEM. Each half-hour episode highlights the processes of science and engineering, following a different group of middle school girls who design, with ...

Pepper’s Pyramid Projector
Turn your cell phone or tablet into a 3D hologram-like projector using plastic you would normally recycle. Reuse flat clear plastic to give this old physics trick a high tech twist. Less ecologically friendly, but ...
Perplexing Parallel Paper Circuit
Let your students explore the nature of science and use the science practices when they build this paper circuit and explore the rules that govern which LEDs will light at the same time and which ...

Phases of the Moon
Learning Objectives Children will… • become part of a model to demonstrate the phases of the moon. • match the phase of the moon they see using the model to phase of the moon cards ...

Phenomenal GRC Lessons
A collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education ...

PhET Interactive Simuations
PhET Interactive Simulations range from elementary to university level and cover subjects like physics, biology, chemistry, earth science, math and cutting edge research. Check out John Travoltage to teach about static electricity! Each simulation has ...

Photosynthetic Floatation – Science Snack from the Exploratorium
Photosynthetic organisms capture energy from the sun and matter from the air to make the food we eat, while also producing the oxygen we breathe. In this Snack, oxygen produced during photosynthesis makes leaf bits ...
Pi Day
Our favorite Pi Day lessons and stories! Two Circles to Square Selfie Frame from NumbersAlive! Find Pi: the King of Circles! video and more resources on NumbersAlive! Article: Indiana's State Legislature Once Tried to Legislated ...

Pi Day Exporatorium
Founded at the Exploratorium by Prince of Pi, physicist Larry Shaw, Pi Day has become an international holiday, celebrated live and online all around the world ...

Pool Noodle Rocket
Build this Pool Noodle Rocket using, you guessed it, a pool noodle, duct tape, rubber bands, scissors, cardboard from a cereal box, a sharpened pencil, plastic knife, rocket fin template, ruler, sharpie, string, and a ...

PQRST Sciencing Journal – Virtual Edition
The PQRST Sciencing Journal - Virtual Edition is the interactive student notebook Google Slides version of our printable PQRST Sciencing Journal (click here for printable versions). Make a copy of the Google Slides and use ...

PQRST Sciencing Journal V4 (recently UPDATED)
The PQRST Sciencing Journal is the A-Z (or at least P-T) template for helping your students process a phenomenon, play to learn, identify variables, design an experiment, conduct experiment to collect data, make a claim ...

Press Here by Herve Tullet
Press Here by Herve Tullet- Press the yellow dot on the cover of this book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey! Each page of this surprising book instructs the reader to ...

Primary Predicament – The REAL Primary Colors – #SciencingAndEngineering with Danielle Van Derlaske
Teacher Talk Video coming soon! Detailed Unit Plan The Primary Predicament Unit uses a 5E Lesson Plan Model from BSCS. You can find a one-pager describing the BSCS 5E Instructional Model. Part 1 - Paint ...

Projectile Popper
Build this Projectile Popper using an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle, a string, rubber bands, drill (other options), scissors, goggles, bead, ping pong balls, and a box cutter (or knife). (NOTE: Adults should prep the ...

Prompts for Integrating Crosscutting Concepts Into Assessment and Instruction
Prompts for both formative and summative assessment for each of the crosscutting concepts. Great for thinking about the questions you ask students as they are doing science and engineering projects. STEM Tool #41 from STEM ...

Questions that Blend CCCs and SEPs
These questions merge ideas from the crosscutting concepts and the science and engineering practices ...

Qwirkle is as simple as matching colors and shapes, but this game also requires tactical maneuvers and well-planned strategy. Earn points by building rows and columns of blocks that share a common shape or color. Look ...

R.A.F.T. Resource Area for Teaching
Resource Area for Teaching has loads of Idea Sheets which you can search through for exceptional, #STEMontheCheap ideas like Design Inspirations ...

Rachel Carson: Clearing the Way for Environmental Protection
Rachel Carson: Clearing the Way for Environmental Protection. The format of the series is unique, with humorous, cartoon-like original illustrations from the author ...

RAFT Idea Sheets
RAFT Idea Sheets are easy-to-use hands-on experience guides linked to core curriculum topics. Use the Idea Sheets Search Tool to rapidly pinpoint activities perfectly suited to the grade level, subject area, and content standard you ...

Rainbow-ish – ROY G BIV
Starting with the primary colors of paint (cyan, yellow, and magenta), challenge your students to mix up all the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Below is the ...

Rattle Writer
Build this Rattle Writer using just a pool noodle, electric toothbrush (found for $1 at dollar stores), a plastic knife, washable markers, rubber bands, googly eyes (optional but fun), paper, duct tape, and a ruler ...

Raytheon STEM Challenge
#RaytheonSTEMChallenge developed with support from The Raytheon STEM Challenge is a series of STEM challenges designed for 4th-8th grade students though may be used with students below and above that grade range. Each STEM Challenge ...

Reading Horizons
"The Importance of Reading Aloud to Students of All Grades and Levels," an essay presented on the website Reading Horizons ...

REAL Primary Colors (NOT red, yellow, and blue)
If you ask a physicist, "What are the primary colors?" They would ask you, "Are you talking about light or paint?" The answer is different for light and paint but beautifully connected. The REAL primary ...

REAL Primary Colors Book
What are the primary colors? If you ask a physicist, they will have to ask you a question back. Are you talking about the primary colors of light, used for color addition, or the primary ...

REAL Primary Colors PQRST
How does your eye see a red apple? Explore this question using a phenomenon driven storyline to engage students in exploring how the eye works and how we create color using light and using pigments ...

Reverse Engineering Design Process
Reverse engineering embodies the true spirit of "break it to make it". Reverse engineering involves taking something apart to see how it was designed and then using that information to either make improvements or design ...

RGB Color Light Show Video
Do you know the REAL primary colors? With just a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can recreate this STEMAZing demonstration of the REAL primary colors of light and color addition in your ...

RGB Light Show Worksheet
Do you know the REAL primary colors of light? Use this worksheet along with red, green, and blue flood lights to demonstrate the REAL primary colors of light and the principle of color addition. Find ...

RGB Primary Color Light Show Paper Circuit
Let students build this paper circuit to explore the REAL primary colors, which are NOT blue, yellow, and red! For detailed step-by-step instructions, check out our Instructable for this paper circuit: #STEMontheCheap RGB Light Show ...

Students love space! RocketSTEM blends space history - past, present, and future - with interviews, career paths, astronomy lessons, aerospace and astronomy news, museum features, NASA technology spinoffs, puzzles games, quizzes, lesson plans and other ...
Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty (author) and David Roberts (illustrator)
Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night she's a brilliant inventor of gizmos and gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. When her great-great-aunt Rose (Rosie the Riveter) comes for a ...
Save My House on the Hill – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper
A Civil Engineering Flood Protection Project #SciencingAndEngineering Project Resources Teacher Talk with 2nd grade teacher Ms. Maddie Schepper and Robot General Sherrie Dennis Project Plan (detailed lesson description with links to all resources) STEMAZing Kit ...

Say Zoop by Herve Tullet
Make some noise! Shout "OH!" Whisper "oh!" Say "Zoop"? Yes! "Zoop!" "Zoop!" "Zoop!" The newest book from Hervé Tullet magically responds with bursts of color and moving shapes ...

Scaled Solar System – Activity 1
In this activity, students will explore the vastness of the distances between planets in our Solar System and learn about the planets’ relative sizes by creating a classroom scale model of the Solar System ...

Scaled Trappist-1 Planetary System – Activity 2
In this activity, students will compare the architecture of our Solar System with that of the recently discovered TRAPPIST-1 planetary system. This system surrounds a star that is less than a tenth of the Sun’s ...

SCAMPER – creative brainstorming
Used widely in gifted education, this creative brainstorming tool will help students come up with even more, divergent ideas about how to solve problems, innovate solutions, and invent new products. It is great to use ...

Schoolyard Garden Guide from National Geographic
Creating Gardens of Goodness - A how-to guide for five types of children's gardens ...

Science and Engineering Practices for K-12 Science Classrooms Infographic
This interactive infographic from the National Academies Press highlights essential practices for K-12 science classrooms from A Framework for K-12 Science Education with references to the contents of the full report. Click HERE for fully interactive ...

Science Buddies
Science Buddies empowers K-12 students, parents, and teachers to quickly and easily find free project ideas and help in all areas of science from physics to food science and music to microbiology. Whether your goal ...

Science ELA and Math Practices Venn Diagram
Use this document to show the overlap between the practices used in science/engineering, English language arts, and math ...

Scratch is a programming language that makes it easy for students to create interactive art, stories, simulations, and games - and share those creations online. ScratchEd is an online community where Scratch educators share stories, ...

Screaming Balloon
Engage young children with sound explorations using balloons with various things put inside them which you then roll around the inside of the balloon. The ECE Notice and Wonder Journal is a great resource to ...

Sesame Street: Will.i.am Sings “What I Am”
Sesame Street: Will.i.am Sings "What I Am" which should be an anthem for everyone regardless of age. Growth mind set and self-esteem ...

Set Up for RGB Color Light Show Video
Video with tips about how to set up the RGB Light Show if you have your own set of red, green, and blue flood lights. Click on the title here, Set Up RGB Color Light ...

Seven Essential Life Skills
The Seven Essential Life Skills from Ellen Galinsky's book Mind in the Making. Este recurso está disponible en español AQUÍ ...

Seven String Kumihimo
Seven String Kumihimo uses #STEMontheCheap materials to engage systems thinkers with a Japanese braiding technique called kumihimo, while at the same time challenging them to think about how a system's structure generates its behavior ...

Shapes Coding Game
Once your students master the beginning coding game, this is the next level. Use fun shapes and cube to engage young learners with mid-level and more advanced coding ideas. Shape Coding Game Directions Shape Coding ...

Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist
At 9 years old, Eugenie Clark developed an unexpected passion for sharks after a visit to the Battery Park Aquarium in New York City. At the time, sharks were seen as mindless killing machines, but ...

Skittles Science (and M&Ms too)
Key Question How can we create patterns using the dye (coloring) off Skittles and M&Ms? Learning Objectives Children will… identify and create patterns. change different independent variables of the experiment to see what effect it ...

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds- Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a ...

Skype a Scientist
Skype a Scientist matches scientists with classrooms around the world! Scientists will skype into the classroom for 30-60 minute Q and A sessions that can cover the scientist’s expertise or what it’s like to be ...

Slow Reveal Graph: Where does Arizona’s electricity come from?
This slow reveal graph has been designed specifically to start to address the 4th grade 4.P4U3.4 Arizona Science Standard. Special thanks to STEMAZing Teacher Leader Kathy Hartley who co-designed the student worksheets for this slow ...

Spacetime Simulator
You can make your own or borrow one from The STEMAZing Project if you attended this workshop. The spacetime simulator demonstrates how Einstein described gravity - masses warping spacetime and drawing other masses into the ...

Spin Top Spin, Mix Color Mix
Key Question Can you create a top that spins? What happens when you make changes to the top? Learning Objectives Children will… construct a simple spinning top. learn to use and experiment further with the ...

STEM Inventions
Fun and Easy STEM Projects for Kids Original DIY designs from truss bridges to rubber band race cars, helicopters and rockets. Explore 30 cools projects using craft sticks, masking tape, and more. For wheels and ...

STEM Teaching Tools
Practice briefs and tools which will help any educator focused on shifting their science instruction toward 3-dimensional instruction. These very short pieces highlight ways of working on specific issues that come up during STEM teaching ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...
STEMAZing Stories
In June 2018, thanks to support from the Pima County School Superintendent's Office and Thomas R. Brown Foundations, twelve of our STEMAZing Teacher Leaders were given the opportunity to tell their STEMAZing Stories. With help ...

Stone Girl Bone Girl: A Story of Mary Anning of Lyme Regis by Laurence Anholt
Read about Mary Anning, the world's best-known fossil hunter ...

Storytime from Space
Rosie Revere, Engineer made it all the way up to the International Space Station! Listen to astronaut Kate Rubins read Rosie while in orbit ...

Straw Oboe
Using two different diameter straws, create an oboe with just a simple cut to create a reed and a little bit of practice ...

Sundials for Everyone! Evidence of Earth’s Rotation
Learning Objectives Children will… • learn what a sundial is and how it works. • observe and record the pattern of shadows the sun creates on their sundial. Key Question How can we use simple ...

Teach Engineering
Are you looking for ways to make applied science and math (engineering) come alive in the classroom? The TeachEngineering collection provides educators with FREE access to a growing curricular resource of multi-week units, lessons, activities ...

Teach Pi
Welcome to the first and best place on the Web for teachers who want to find or share ideas for Pi Day activities, learning, and entertainment ...

The $1 Pocket Microscope
Explore the microscopic world around you with this $1 3D printed microscope. Looking at insects, plants, and even dirt close up can be fascinating! ...

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (adult, young readers, and picture book versions)
The phenomenal story of William Kamkwamba who taught himself how to generate electricity using science and engineering and then designed and built his own wind turbine. Shares the harsh realities of famine when people do ...

The Carrot Seed
The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, Crockett Johnson (Illustrator). When a little boy plants a carrot seed, everyone tells him it won't grow ...

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds- For anyone who has been afraid to express themselves- from a child in art class to an adult whose fear has shut down a long-held dream ...

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin
If you've ever felt different, if you've ever been low, if you don't quite fit in, there's a name you should know... Meet Dr. Temple Grandin--one of the world's quirkiest science heroes! ...

The Great Fossil Find
Students are taken on an imaginary fossil hunt. Following a script read by the teacher, students "find" (remove from envelope) paper "fossils" of some unknown creature, only a few at a time. Each time, they ...

The Incredible Power of Yet – ClassDojo
Katie discovers the incredible power of yet from an unexpected source ...

The Lab Song (Bruno Mars Parody)
The Lab Song (Bruno Mars Parody) for all the Biology teachers out there ...

The Magic of Mistakes – ClassDojo
Mojo enters a robotics competition and wins an unexpected lesson in the magic of mistakes ...

The Mammoth Game from Creative Learning Exchange
In this activity, teams of students play a dice and graphing game to track the population growth and decline of a herd of twenty mammoths. By changing variables and probabilities with the dice, students can ...

The Mysterious World of Neurons – ClassDojo
Katie leads Mojo on a journey to learn from the secrets of the brain from a mysterious guru ...

The NEED Project
The NEED Project is the BEST place to find developmentally appropriate curriculum for all energy topics!!! ...

The NEED Project – Wind Curriculum – FREE to download!
With curriculum for Primary, Elementary, Intermediate, and Secondary, which is FREE to download, you can engage students of all ages using the teacher developed lessons! ...

The Science Toy Maker – Slater Harrison
From Walkalong Gliders, like the new Jagwing, to making your own helicopter propellers out of 2-liter soda bottles, this is a makers dream site! ...

The Wild Robot Escapes (The Wild Robot #2) by Peter Brown
Shipwrecked on a remote, wild island, Robot Roz learned from the unwelcoming animal inhabitants and adapted to her surroundings--but can she survive the challenges of the civilized world and find her way home to Brightbill ...

The Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science was created to support the next generation of science teachers. The website aggregates resources developed by Paul Andersen and other science teachers implementing the Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS) ...

The Wonder of Science Phenomenon
A good phenomenon is observable, interesting, complex, and aligned to the appropriate standard. This is a searchable master list of phenomenon ...

Thinking Collaborative Strategies
Strategies, like Expert Jigsaw and First Turn, Last Turn, are a fantastic ways to engage learners. This links to all the Thinking Collaborative Strategies which will give you lots of options for mixing up the ...

Three Little Pigs Coding Story / La historia de la codificación de Los Tres Cerditos
Use the classic Three Little Pigs story to let young learners engage with coding and computational thinking skills. Utilice la historia clásica de Los tres cerditos para que los jóvenes estudiantes se involucren con la ...

Time Flies: Day, Night, Week, Month, Year
Learning Objectives Children will… • create a model of Earth rotating on its axis. • use the model to demonstrate a day and a week by making the model Earth rotate. • use the model ...

Toys From Trash
#STEMontheCheap at its best! Toys from Trash is an incredible collection of projects made with inexpensive materials. You will have to consider the minds-on ways you will use these projects to engage students but most ...

Trading Up – Two for One
Key Question How many of the final colored (orange, in the example) pieces can you collect? Learning Objectives Children will… practice counting. use conversions to trade up Unifix cubes for those with higher values. subitize ...

Trees for Wildlife
Trees for Wildlife is an educational program of the National Wildlife Federation providing adult leaders with fun, hands-on science-based activities to help young people learn about the importance of trees and how to plant and ...

Turing Tumble Virtual
Don't want to keep track of all those marbles and parts? Try out this Turing Tumble virtual marble powered computer. Complete with challenges in the menu that get increasingly more difficult ...

Two Looper Airplanes
The two looper airplane is a great model for having students engineer other designs. Fantastic to iterate through the engineering design process multiple times because it only takes straws, tape, and index cards to let ...

Uno, Dos, Tres – Unifix Cubes Patterns and Math
Key Questions What is the pattern? What is the number? What do the numbers add up to? Learning Objectives Children will… create patterns. apply one-to-one correspondence counting. demonstrate adding numbers with cards and cubes. break ...

Variables independientes, dependientes y de control
Como encender absolutamente cualquier cosa (buena casi) en un experimento cientifico! ...

Wack-a-Pack Science – PQRST
Our favorite phenomenon - Wack-a-Packs from Dollar Tree! These can generally be found for every holiday and also in the birthday section. Use this phenomenon to drive questions for lots of different avenues of exploration ...

We are connected – Dr. Jessica Dunkley
https://youtu.be/epqc7RD19-c Dr. Jessica Dunkley advocates for more diversity in medical professions to eliminate discrimination in her field. As part of the Ready2Listen campaign, we invited participants to tell us what drives them, what makes them ...

Weather Movement Die / Dado de movimiento meteorológico
Roll the die and move as directed, like the weather! Tira el dado y muévete según las indicaciones, ¡como el meteorológico! The English/Spanish version is shown below. Find the English only version HERE. La versión ...

Wendell the Narwhal by Emily Dove
Everyone in the ocean can make music, except for Wendell the narwhal. His big, pointy horn can't go "pop pop pop" or "clappy clap clap" or even "whoosh" ...

What If You Had Animal Eyes? (What If You Had) by Sandra Markle
What if you woke up one morning and your eyes weren't yours? What If You Had Animal Eyes? -- the next imaginative book in the What If You Had series ...

Who are you and where did these strange looking animals come from?
A #STEMontheCheap set of lessons to teach about genetics, heredity, and more. Some lessons are remote adaptable and some require materials. These lessons were designed in collaboration with Marana STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Aimee Katz and ...

Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions
You know the Super Soaker. It’s one of top twenty toys of all time. And it was invented entirely by accident. Trying to create a new cooling system for refrigerators and air conditioners, impressive inventor ...

Wild Robot
When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. Why is she there? Where did she come from? And, most important, how will ...

William Kamkwamba: How I built a windmill
William's original TED talk when he was 19 years old. When he was just 14 years old, Malawian inventor William Kamkwamba built his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he ...

Wind Turbine Design Challenge
For the wind turbine design challenge, the following materials were used. Click to visit suppliers of equipment unless store is noted. KidWind Basic Turbine Building Parts 1" PVC coupler (hardware store) Duct Tape (dollar store) ...

Wobble Walkers
Folk toy turned engineering and STEAM project! Start with noticing and wondering using the first 12 seconds of the video below and then let students explore this pHun phenomenon. Templates for small, medium (original scale), ...

World Science U
World Science U - immerse yourself in the world of science! Education for everyone at all levels of interest and knowledge. Watch Science Unplugged videos to explore quick answers to hundreds of questions. Enjoy Short ...

Young Scientist Lab Teacher Resources
Science is about ideas. Teaching is about bringing those ideas to life. Bring the science of everyday life into your classroom with these custom teacher resources that will keep your students entertained, engaged and working towards ...

Your Brain is Like a Muscle – Class Dojo
Introduce your students to the idea of a Growth Mindset. The simple idea that your brain is like a muscle is proven to have profound impact on learning! ...

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, Stretch It, Shape It by Joann Deak
This innovative and timely picture book teaches children that they have the ability to stretch and grow their own brains ...

Youth Climate Action Toolkit
This Is Planet Ed partnered with The Nature Conservancy to design this toolkit with young leaders from across the country to share climate solutions that students can advocate for in schools. The Youth Climate Action ...

Zometool is a unique and award winning building toy that is treasured by kids, parents, teachers, artists, and scientists. From projects to create crazy bubbles or buckyballs or DNA or other fantastic geometric structures, Zometool opens up ...