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A Collection of STEMAZing Lessons for Young Learners
STEM and STEAM lessons for engaging our youngest learners from 3-8 years old. Lessons written for early childhood educators and learning coaches. Each lesson includes directions and explanation of the STEM behind the lessons. Many ...

All STEMAZing Sciencing and Engineering Journals
The PQRST Sciencing Journal helps young scientists do some sciencing by MadLibbing them through how to design a good science experiment. The IDEAS Engineering Journal allows young engineers the opportunity to make modifications to an ...

All the STEMAZing Workshops
STEMAZing Workshops provide teachers with a wide variety of resources to use in their classrooms. Workshops are listed alphabetically ...

Arizona Science Standards-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to grade-level/subject-area specific 2018 Arizona Science Standards ...

Binary #MicDropMath (#MicDropCS) Lessons
This series of lessons is designed to take students' understanding of the binary number system way beyond the well known fact that it uses zeroes and ones. While each lesson can be used on its ...

Black Lives Matter STEM
Actions, articles, research, resources, books, and picture books which support equitable STEM education to cultivate STEM minds of our BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) students ...

Edison Robots
Edison is a little robot, with lots of potential. From pre-programmed barcodes to drag and drop graphical programming and even the ability to use Python (a relatively simple programming language), there are lots of EdVentures ...

Resources specific to Makerspaces that encourage making with STEM connections that bring the art of design and creation to life! From cardboard construction to paper, snap, and squishy circuits, robotics, sewing, newspaper dowels, Zometools, and ...

Sciencing and Engineering
Our #SciencingAndEngineering Collection will include videos directed at students along with videos directed at teachers highlighting best practices for engaging students. Teachers can either use the videos or they could utilize the videos as professional ...

Solar Eclipses
NASA Image: https://images.nasa.gov/details/GSFC_20171208_Archive_e000234 There are two solar eclipses during the 2023-2024 school year. The first was an annular solar eclipse on Saturday, October 14, 2023 and the second is a total solar eclipse is on ...

STEAM – Rich Arts Connected Resources
A collection of STEMAZing resources which integrate the arts into STEM with rich, deep connections ...

STEMAZing Books and STEMAZing Picture Books
Some of our favorite nonfiction and fiction books and picture books for use with STEM lessons. If you would like our most recent favorites, search Facebook or Twitter for the hashtags #STEMAZingBooks and #STEMAZingPictureBooks. These ...

STEMAZing libros y libros ilustrados
Algunos de nuestros libros favoritos de no ficción y ficción y libros ilustrados para usar con lecciones STEM ...

STEMAZing Slow Reveal Graphs
Slow Reveal Graphs designed by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders. #SlowRevealGraph is an instructional routine adaptable for all ages which promotes sensemaking about data ...

Tucson Mural Quest
Tucson "No Spoilers" Mural Guide No Spoilers = Murals are purposely covered so you can experience them for the first time in person. Be sure to share your #MuralQuest adventures on social media and tag ...

Workshop Resources : ALL the Resources
All the resources from all the STEMAZing workshops, all in one place! ...