3-5 Grade Band AzSS-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to 2018 Arizona Science Standards.

3-5 Crosscutting Concepts and Science & Engineering Practices Elements
Useful for assessing whether or not your students are doing grade band specific elements related to the CCCs and SEPs ...

3rd Grade AzSS-Aligned Resources
Developmentally appropriate resources aligned to the 2018 3rd Grade Arizona Science Standards. 3.P2U1.1 (NGSS-P: 4-PS4-2) Ask questions and investigate the relationship between light, objects and the human eye. 3.P2U1.2 (NGSS-P: 4-PS4-1) Plan and carry out ...

4th Grade AzSS-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to 2018 Arizona Science Standards. 4.P4U1.1 (NGSS-P: 3-PS2-3) Develop and use a model to demonstrate how a system transfers energy ...

5th Grade AzSS-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by STEMAZing Systems Thinking to link directly to 2018 Arizona Science Standards. 5.P1U1.1 (NGSS-P: 5-PS1-1 & 5-PS1-2) Analyze and interpret data to explain that matter of any ...

Data Square – Nature of Science Activity
Print the templates below on card stock. There are two templates of the puzzle on each page. Cut out one of the large squares and then cut out the pieces as shown above. At first, ...

Virtual Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) Image Sort
This Science and Engineering Practices Image Sort is a great way to introduce students to the practices and to get them thinking about what they all mean. Using either a PPT version (below) or Google ...