All the STEMAZing Workshops
STEMAZing Workshops provide teachers with a wide variety of resources to use in their classrooms.
Workshops are listed alphabetically.

A Collection of STEMAZing Lessons for Young Learners
STEM and STEAM lessons for engaging our youngest learners from 3-8 years old. Lessons written for early childhood educators and learning coaches. Each lesson includes directions and explanation of the STEM behind the lessons. Many ...

Adaptations: You’ll have ‘allele’ good time!
In the newly adopted 2018 Arizona Science Standards, there are 12 standards related to adaptation and heredity before high school. Many students hold persistent misconceptions about adaptation and inheritance. This workshop deepens your understanding of ...

Best Practices
Each STEMAZing Workshop will have a focus on one or more of the best practices shown below ...

Designed and facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Ginny Wheeler and Patricia Patchin Did you know that a medicine used to treat Type 2 Diabetes was inspired by the saliva of a Gila Monster, and camouflage clothing ...

Break It to Make It: Engineering Every Day
Learn how to look at the design of common products through reverse engineering to see how they work. Then, take your new knowledge to design your own solutions. We will use the crosscutting concept of ...

Bring on the Food: STEM, Agriculture, and You
Designed and facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Danielle Coleman and Robyn Yewell Where does food come from? How can we use sustainable methods to grow it? Our hungry planet must consider options for the future ...

Butterflies and Frida Kahlo
This workshop at the Tucson Botanical Gardens focused on the life cycle of butterflies and Frida Kahlo’s connection to these lovely creatures. With a walk through the Amazing Butterflies tropical butterfly exhibit, a tour through Frida ...

Coding for Young Learners
Make learning to code even more fun for children by using hands on activities. Resource to teach coding in your classroom without computers. Take our youngest learners on coding adventures ...

Coding with Mighty, Mini, Adorable Robots: Adopt an Ozobot
Designed and Facilitated by STEMAZing Facilitators Sherrie Dennis, Sharon Beall, and Denice Powers Parents, teachers, and students LOVE Ozobot! Measuring in at only 1-inch, this technology packed robot is sure to inspire creativity, improve problem solving ...

Construct This!
Using the STEMAZing Picture Books, these workshops focused on connections to the 7 Essential Life Skills from Mind in the Making. From activities with Duplos to construction with craft sticks, cups, sticky craft sticks, and newspaper ...

Edison Robots
Edison is a little robot, with lots of potential. From pre-programmed barcodes to drag and drop graphical programming and even the ability to use Python (a relatively simple programming language), there are lots of EdVentures ...

Engineer This!
Using the STEMAZing Picture Books Those Darn Squirrels and Those Darn Squirrels Fly South, this workshop will use engineering design projects from the Resource Area for Teachers, Toys from Trash, How Wee Learn, and Instructables to engineer "Launching ...

Engineering Instruments
Engineering Instruments focuses on homemade instruments made from reused and/or cheap materials from your favorite dollar store. Most of the instrument projects highlighted here come from the Resource Area For Teaching collection of Idea Sheets ...

Excavating Evidence: If Rocks Could Talk
What stories are hidden in the rocks? Think like a scientist and make connections to our past through fossil hunting, the geological column, and fossil reconstruction. Learn to interpret the past using systems thinking and ...

Exploring Systems
Brought to you in collaboration with Systems Thinking in Schools, Waters Foundation and the Creative Learning Exchange, this workshop was based on The Shape of Change AND The Shape of Change: Stock and Flows books “Change ...

Far Out! Exploring Space through STEM
Designed and Facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Jennifer Maxwell and Amanda McPherson Have you ever wondered how scientists observe and gather data on objects so far away? Engage your students with innovative ideas to explore your ...

Fast and Furious
Build #STEMontheCheap Race Cars Using the Engineering Design Process An energetic workshop where teachers learned how to easily develop an engineering mindset in the classroom. Incorporate math, science and engineering practices by designing and building ...

Force Be With You
Get ready, set, go! If you want motion, you have to add force. Come away with a deeper understanding of the power of energy by engaging your students in their own engineering and exploration. You ...

Framework to Fun
Facilitator: Svea Anderson - 4th Grade Educator from Agua Caliente Elementary Use the Science Practices from the Framework for K-12 Science Education with hands-on, engaging activities and lessons. Apply these practices to the Arizona Science and Language Arts Standards ...

Games for STEM
STEMAZing games develop spatial reasoning, strategy, problem solving, collaboration, communication skills and more ...

Have a Heart
Just in time for Valentine’s Day, this workshop not only involved the hands-on experience of observing real hearts from a cow and a chicken, but also involved activities in which students build their own internal organs using ...

Homedale Taste of STEMAZing and #STEMontheCheap
Resources used to engage 7th grade students and for a half day professional development workshop at Homedale Middle School ...

i-STEM Institute 2023 – Energy Flows Where the SySTEMs Thinking Goes
This is a collection of STEMAZing Resources used or referenced during i-STEM Institute 2023 - Energy Flows Where the SySTEMs Thinking Goes. Thanks to the Idaho STEM Action Center and sponsors for hosting this event ...

Imagine Alien Worlds: The Hunt for Earth Twins (Exoplanets
Are we unique and alone in the Universe? Explore the diversity of planets around other stars, learn about on-going and future projects aimed at discovering Earth twins, and experience how to turn your students into ...

Little Bits
Making with littleBits (color-coded, magnetic electronic components) is a workshop taught by the Palo Verde Optimal Robotics Team. This workshop shows off some of the potential of littleBits to invent and innovate. Prototypes from simple ...

PQRST – Question Your Students into Scientists and Engineers
Phenomenon, Questions, Research investigation, Science story, Thinking more Help students make sense of the world using PQRST journals and lessons. Let students notice, wonder, and learn using science and engineering practices. Develop their skills as ...

Primary Colors – The REAL Physics of Color
What are the primary colors? NOT red, blue, and yellow. In this workshop, we explore the physics behind the primary colors of paint used in color subtraction and the primary colors of light used in ...

Research and Explore This!
From science fair projects to engineering design and citizen science opportunities, learn about options for engaging students in hands-on, real-world science and engineering. With a particular focus on the Southern Arizona Research, Science, and Engineering ...

Shapes, Folding, and Storytelling
STEMAZing Facilitators Jaymie Jacobs, M.Ed., STEMAZing Early Childhood Specialist DaNel Hogan, M.A.T., Director of The STEMAZing Project Using a STEMAZing Picture Book, Butterflies for Kiri, as the foundation for this workshop, educators were engaged in hands-on paper folding for ...

Tale of the Tree Rings
The study of tree rings (dendrochronology) is a tool used in a wide range of science fields – fire history and fire ecology, paleoclimatology, archaeology, biogeography, isotope geochemistry, paleoecology, and much more. The UA Laboratory ...

To WIND-finity and Beyond! An Investigation of Wind and Its Incredible Potential
Discover ways to help students make sense of wind and its renewable capabilities. Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices, navigate the new Arizona Science Standards and apply them through the inquiry of wind ...

Wait, What? $1 Microscopes and Paper Circuits!!
Explore the natural world with a $1 microscope. Magnify your amazing findings by designing and creating paper circuits to make what you have discovered come to light. This workshop focused on $1 microscopes you can ...

Water Energy WORLD
Water Energy WORLD is a collaboration between Western Resource Advocates, Project WET, and The STEMAZing Project to develop and facilitate professional development for educators to enhance teaching about the water-energy nexus. Goals People understand the ...

Why Gravity Rocks
An Exciting Earth Exploration Designed and Facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Jennifer Kernan and Katie Berghoefer How has gravity impacted your day? Through critical thinking and problem solving, educators will receive tools to enhance Earth and ...