Sciencing and Engineering
Dry Erase Phun – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides version of the Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal here: Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal for Google Classroom…
Read MoreHuman Computers – Creative Message Communication
Believe it or not, there is a five-letter word encoded in the cards shown in the image. Start with lessons on the binary number system. Then, learn how computers use parity bits for error detection and correction. Finally, then learn how you can send messages back and forth using cardboard cards or cards with 0…
Read MoreProjectile Popper
Build this Projectile Popper using an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle, a string, rubber bands, drill (other options), scissors, goggles, bead, ping pong balls, and a box cutter (or knife). (NOTE: Adults should prep the Gatorade bottle by cutting it with the box cutter and drilling the hole in the lid for young children.) Once…
Read MorePool Noodle Rocket
Build this Pool Noodle Rocket using, you guessed it, a pool noodle, duct tape, rubber bands, scissors, cardboard from a cereal box, a sharpened pencil, plastic knife, rocket fin template, ruler, sharpie, string, and a bead. Launch it using your thumb or use a meter stick to launch it and collect data on variables you…
Read MoreRattle Writer
Build this Rattle Writer using just a pool noodle, electric toothbrush (found for $1 at dollar stores), a plastic knife, washable markers, rubber bands, googly eyes (optional but fun), paper, duct tape, and a ruler. Once you have built your Rattle Writer, let the engineering begin! Can you get it to draw a straight line?…
Read MoreA Collection of STEMAZing Lessons for Young Learners
STEM and STEAM lessons for engaging our youngest learners from 3-8 years old. Lessons written for early childhood educators and learning coaches. Each lesson includes directions and explanation of the STEM behind the lessons. Many of these lessons can also be used with students in elementary, middle, and high school with few modifications. Most of…
Read MoreAnt Wrangling – #SciencingAndEngineering with The STEMAZing Project
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides version of the Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal here: Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal for Google Classroom…
Read MoreBernoulli’s Principle – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Student Video Teacher Talk Video Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides version of the Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal here: Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal…
Read MorePQRST Sciencing Journal V4 (recently UPDATED)
The PQRST Sciencing Journal is the A-Z (or at least P-T) template for helping your students process a phenomenon, play to learn, identify variables, design an experiment, conduct experiment to collect data, make a claim supported by evidence with scientific reasoning to explain it, and then keep thinking in questions. There are three versions of…
Read MoreMatchbox Car PQRST
This powerful lesson will not only teach students how to identify variables, design a scientific experiment, collect data, make a CER (claim, evidence, and reasoning) based on their experiment, and continue thinking in questions, it will also teach them girls can do anything! Using the inspiring story of…
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