STEM Toys – Build Your Own
Lessons that involve making toys from #STEMontheCheap materials to play with, engineer, and explore the science behind how and why they work.

Density: Condiment Packet Cartesian Diver
Using an empty 2-liter bottle, condiment packets (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc), water, salt, and a bowl, children will explore how to make the condiment back rise and fall at their command as they make a ...

Flying Butterfly
Materials Butterfly Templates (found below) Tape (transparent or masking) Double Stick Tape or Glue Bakers Twine or similar string Large Craft Sticks (also known as tongue depressors) Plastic Drinking Straws Markers or Crayons or Colored ...
Loop-the-Loop and Other Explorations with Die Cast Cars
Materials (for four testing stations) 4 Name Brand Die Cast Cars (Hot Wheels™ or Matchbox™) 4 Generic Die Cast Cars 16 Hot Wheels™ Track Sections and Connectors 4 Hot Wheels™ Loop Accessory and Track Section ...

Magnets: Fish Tales
Learning Objectives Children will… • make a fishing game. • quantify the strength of magnets by how many big fish and little fish they capture. • use their imaginations to tell stories about their fishing ...

Magnets: Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee
Learning Objectives Children will… • have an opportunity to test their creativity in this open-ended activity in which children will use magnets and other materials to build systems that defy gravity. Key Question How can ...

Pool Noodle Rocket
Build this Pool Noodle Rocket using, you guessed it, a pool noodle, duct tape, rubber bands, scissors, cardboard from a cereal box, a sharpened pencil, plastic knife, rocket fin template, ruler, sharpie, string, and a ...

Projectile Popper
Build this Projectile Popper using an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle, a string, rubber bands, drill (other options), scissors, goggles, bead, ping pong balls, and a box cutter (or knife). (NOTE: Adults should prep the ...

Rattle Writer
Build this Rattle Writer using just a pool noodle, electric toothbrush (found for $1 at dollar stores), a plastic knife, washable markers, rubber bands, googly eyes (optional but fun), paper, duct tape, and a ruler ...

Screaming Balloon
Engage young children with sound explorations using balloons with various things put inside them which you then roll around the inside of the balloon. The ECE Notice and Wonder Journal is a great resource to ...

Spin Top Spin, Mix Color Mix
Key Question Can you create a top that spins? What happens when you make changes to the top? Learning Objectives Children will… construct a simple spinning top. learn to use and experiment further with the ...
Tik Tiki Toy from Trash
A modified version of the Tik Tiki from Arvind Gupta's Toys from Trash - we replaced the button with a wooden bead. The crown cap can be replaced with a plastic lid or metal cap ...

Wobble Walkers
Folk toy turned engineering and STEAM project! Start with noticing and wondering using the first 12 seconds of the video below and then let students explore this pHun phenomenon. Templates for small, medium (original scale), ...