Disneyland – Our Friend the Atom

Our Friend the Atom features Dr. Heinz Haber, a noted scientist in the field of atomic energy, discussing the atom as an exciting new energy source. He starts by comparing atomic energy to a genie in a bottle, both of which are capable of doing both good and evil, and it is up to humankind to…

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Celebrating Women in Science

The Celebrating Women in Science Video Series introduces students to women role models in different science fields. Meet Dr. Bahija Jallal, Ph.D., executive vice president at MedImmune, who discusses what she enjoys most about her work, the challenges she’s faced, and her advice for the scientists of the future. LEARN MORE

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Solar FREAKIN’ Roadways

Solar FREAKIN’ Roadways! It’s the roadway of the future! Solar Roadways is a modular paving system of solar panels that can withstand the heaviest of trucks. These Solar Road Panels can be installed on roads, parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, bike paths, playgrounds… literally any surface under the sun. They have many features including heating elements to…

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3D Printed House Technology

Forget waiting weeks or months for your new home to be ready. Researchers from the University of Southern California created a 3D printer that can build a 2,500 square-foot house in 24 hours!

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Climate Change: The State of Science

The National Climate Assessment summarizes the impacts of climate change on the United States, now and in the future. A team of more than 300 experts guided by a 60-member Federal Advisory Committee produced the report, which was extensively reviewed by the public and experts, including federal agencies and a panel of the National Academy of…

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Fail Better

The goal of FAIL BETTER is to open up a public conversation about failure, particularly the instructive role of failure in stimulating creativity: in learning, in science, engineering and design. This video presents highlights from FAIL BETTER, an exhibition of beautiful, heroic and instructive failures at Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin. Let’s help students FAIL TO SUCCEED –…

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Eight Science Tricks with Water

These 8 Water Tricks That’ll Melt Your Mind from BuzzFeed are a great way to amaze students of any age. For How-To directions and a quick explanation of the science behind each science trick, visit the BuzzFeed article. Have fun melting minds!

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Pale Blue Dot

Enjoy the Pale Blue Dot – Animation, a video with an excerpt from Carl Sagan’s book Pale Blue Dot read by Sagan himself. We need to do our best to preserve and cherish our home – a lonely speck suspended in a sunbeam! It is never too late to engage your students with some Earth Day activities!

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Scientific Literacy – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Scientific Literacy – Neil deGrasse Tyson features the popular host of the COSMOS series describing why scientific literacy is so important. “The goal here is not to make everybody a scientist. … What matters is whether they’re scientifically literate and maintain that literacy and that curiosity throughout their lives.”

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Moss FM

Looking for an alternative source of energy – how about moss? This video demonstrates Moss FM – a radio powered by moss, using Photo Microbial Fuel Cells (Photo-MFCs), an emerging biophilic technology that uses plants like biological solar panels to generate electricity. A fantastic video to use when trying to show your students creative solutions that are…

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