Smithsonian Blog

You may find the Smithsonian’s College of Arts and Sciences blog interesting. From The Art and Science of Growing Snowflakes in a Lab to This is What Happens When You Ask Scientists to Explain Their PhDs in Dance, this blog represents the space where the studio meets the research lab!

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VEX Robotics Competition

The VEX Robotics Competition is the largest and fastest growing middle and high school robotics program. Each year, an exciting engineering challenge is presented in the form of a game. Students build innovative robots and compete year-round in a variety of matches. In addition to learning valuable engineering skills, students gain life skills such as teamwork, perseverance,…

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Rube Goldberg

Did you know there is a Rube Goldberg contest for middle and high school students? For inspiration, show your students the videos from GoldieBlox, OK Go, and Honda – all demonstrating Rube Goldberg Machines.

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eGFI evolved from the name of a magazine called – Engineering, Go For It! eGFI is for everyone! From the interactive website to the colorful and inspiring print and digital magazine, there is something for everyone–students, K-12 teachers and informal educators, parents, and guardians, and anyone else interested in engineering. Students can explore engineering careers. Educators can find lesson…

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Engineer Girl

The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women. Use this fantastic resource from the National Academy of Engineering to let girls learn about engineers, what they do and how they can get there!

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Moving Cubes

Try these activities with your students to get their hands and minds on possibilities! LEARN MORE Also, check out Crazy Paper Thing and Paper Toy.        

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Math and Magic of Origami

The math and magic of origami is a TED Talk featuring Robert Lang – a pioneer of the newest kind of origami. Watch as he uses math and engineering principles to fold mind-blowingly intricate designs that are beautiful and, sometimes, very useful.

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Teen Scientist Harnesses Sun Power

Meet Raquel Redshirt, the Navajo teen who is harnessing solar energy to meet the needs of her community. Raquel uses everyday materials and the sun to build solar ovens. She also received an award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Whether you use this story and video to inspire your students to positively impact their world or…

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Guide to the Energy of the Earth

Energy is neither created nor destroyed — and yet the global demand for it continues to increase. But where does energy come from, and where does it go? Joshua M. Sneideman examines the many ways in which energy cycles through our planet, from the sun to our food chain to electricity and beyond. LEARN MORE

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