Reverse Engineering Design Process

Reverse engineering embodies the true spirit of “break it to make it”. Reverse engineering involves taking something apart to see how it was designed and then using that information to either make improvements or design something new.  

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The Great Fossil Find

                Students are taken on an imaginary fossil hunt. Following a script read by the teacher, students “find” (remove from envelope) paper “fossils” of some unknown creature, only a few at a time. Each time, they attempt to reconstruct the creature, and each time their interpretation tends to…

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RGB Primary Color Light Show Paper Circuit

Let students build this paper circuit to explore the REAL primary colors, which are NOT blue, yellow, and red! For detailed step-by-step instructions, check out our Instructable for this paper circuit: #STEMontheCheap RGB Light Show Paper Circuit If you are interested in a 3rd grade science unit to introduce the REAL primary colors, you might…

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Perplexing Parallel Paper Circuit

Let your students explore the nature of science and use the science practices when they build this paper circuit and explore the rules that govern which LEDs will light at the same time and which ones will not. Extend their learning into constructing an explanation as you challenge them to provide a claim, supported by…

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