Rule 4: “Once upon a time there was ___. Every day, ___. One day ___. Because of that, ___. Because of that, ___. Until finally ___.”
Use it as a tool for letting students demonstrate their understanding of a topic by writing a picture book for younger students about the topic. Consider including a checklist of ideas or points that must be incorporated into the story along with any other requirements. The “Because of that, …” slides can either be increased or decreased as needed. Don’t miss the one-page planner tool at the end of this page.
The PowerPoint version is found below or you can make a copy of the Google Slides Version of the Write Your Own Picture Book Template by clicking here. If using the Google Slides template on Google Classroom, don’t forget to push a copy out to each student or group for editing.
Write Your Own Picture Book One Page Planner (print double sided) – PDF version below or you can make a copy of Google Docs version by clicking here.