Binary #MicDropMath Multiply This
The following lesson engages students to explore exceptionally old algorithms used by Russian and Egyptian people to multiply two numbers together. It turns out these two algorithms are connected to the binary number system, which also serves to demonstrate that the binary number system was not invented to be the language of computers. It has been around and used since ancient times! This could also be used as an integration point if students are studying either Russian or Egyptian cultures. This lesson can also serve as an introduction to technical writing.
The #STEMAZing Project has a series of lessons related to binary numbers in the Binary #MicDropMath Lessons collection. While all these lessons can stand on their own, in a perfect world with eons of time to engage students, the following would be the recommended sequence:
• Binary #MicDropMath Patterns
• Binary #MicDropMath Build Your Own Cards
• Binary #MicDropMath Multiply This
• Human Computers – Creative Message Communication
These can all be found here: