Tale of the Tree Rings
The study of tree rings (dendrochronology) is a tool used in a wide range of science fields – fire history and fire ecology, paleoclimatology, archaeology, biogeography, isotope geochemistry, paleoecology, and much more. The UA Laboratory for Tree-Ring Research (LTRR) – recognized worldwide as a preeminent center for the advancement of tree-ring techniques – is a phenomenal resource for dendrochronoly education. The LTRR taught educators how to bring this science into their classrooms with a range of hands-on experiences for students.
University of Arizona – Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research (LTRR)
Outreach and Education Resource Page (including contact info for Pamela Pelletier – Community Science and Outreach Planner)

$1 Laser Pointer Macro Lens Hack (or just 10 cents)
Learn how to take apart a $1 keychain laser pointer from Family Dollar and turn it into a macro lens for either a cell phone or tablet. It basically turns your device into a low-powered ...
Dendroclimatology: Using Tree Rings to Reconstruct Past Climates
Dendrochronologist Rex Adams discusses what tree rings can tell us about ancient climates ...

Lesson 1: From Seeds to Giants
This lesson introduces basic concepts of tree growth and encourages learners to make observations and draw conclusions about events that occur during the lifetime of a tree. A review of tree growth processes and the ...

Lesson 2: Observing the Past
This lesson helps learners understand how events are recorded in tree-rings as well as review basic adaptations of trees. Analysis and interpretation of tree-ring data are also covered in this lesson through two hands on ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...

Tale of the Tree Rings PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint presentation for the Tale of the Tree Rings workshop ...
Voice of the Trees by Bartholomaus Traubeck
Years' Tree Turntable demonstration. Utilizing various make-shift components, German designer Bartholomäus Traubeck has managed to create a modified record player that takes wood slices of a tree and makes music from its inner rings ...