STEAM – Rich Arts Connected Resources
A collection of STEMAZing resources which integrate the arts into STEM with rich, deep connections.

Butterfly Symmetry, Camouflage, and Disguise
A great lesson to put students' knowledge of the REAL primary colors of paints to use. Challenge students to create a butterfly using symmetry which uses either camouflage or disguise as a survival technique ...

Color Addition – Primary and Secondary Colors of Light
Use this worksheet with the RGB Light Show to simply focus on the primary and secondary colors of light. If you are looking for more advanced demonstration of understanding, look at RGB Light Show Worksheet ...

Design Inspirations from RAFT
Combine two unrelated ideas to inspire a creative new design! Engineers often use everyday objects to stimulate creative ideas. For example, an early ballpoint pen designer might have had a flash of inspiration while looking ...

Exploratorium – Tinkering Library
Combining tinkering activities with books invites playful engagement with STEAM concepts and processes while also reinforcing language development, collaboration, communication, and literacy skills ...

Flag and Primary Color Afterimage Optical Illusions
You can either print these out in color or just look at them on a screen to see an afterimage based on how your red, green, and blue color receptors work in your eye. Scroll ...

Notice, Wonder, Learn: Paper Circuits
These templates allow for initial exploration of paper circuits, series and parallel circuits, and circuit diagrams. Supplies are not too expensive and links to necessary supplies are included in the document below (final page). Check ...

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – Rube Goldberg Machine
Rube Goldberg Machine - Official Video - From the OK Go album "Of the Blue Colour of the Sky" available at ...

OK GO SANDBOX – Needing/Getting
OK Go wanted to find out if they could play their song using a car and everyday objects. Turns out they could!! ...

OK GO SANDBOX – The One Moment
This video was actually shot in 4 seconds, but when played back in slow motion, it stays in sync with the music. How did they do it?!?! ...

OK GO SANDBOX – This Too Shall Pass
OK Go created this video by connecting a series of simple machines together, to create a single chain reaction machine timed perfectly to their song. So perfectly, in fact, that one section of the machine ...

Pepper’s Pyramid Projector
Turn your cell phone or tablet into a 3D hologram-like projector using plastic you would normally recycle. Reuse flat clear plastic to give this old physics trick a high tech twist. Less ecologically friendly, but ...
Perplexing Parallel Paper Circuit
Let your students explore the nature of science and use the science practices when they build this paper circuit and explore the rules that govern which LEDs will light at the same time and which ...

Rainbow-ish – ROY G BIV
Starting with the primary colors of paint (cyan, yellow, and magenta), challenge your students to mix up all the colors of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Below is the ...

REAL Primary Colors PQRST
How does your eye see a red apple? Explore this question using a phenomenon driven storyline to engage students in exploring how the eye works and how we create color using light and using pigments ...

RGB Color Light Show Video
Do you know the REAL primary colors? With just a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can recreate this STEMAZing demonstration of the REAL primary colors of light and color addition in your ...

RGB Light Show Worksheet
Do you know the REAL primary colors of light? Use this worksheet along with red, green, and blue flood lights to demonstrate the REAL primary colors of light and the principle of color addition. Find ...

RGB Primary Color Light Show Paper Circuit
Let students build this paper circuit to explore the REAL primary colors, which are NOT blue, yellow, and red! For detailed step-by-step instructions, check out our Instructable for this paper circuit: #STEMontheCheap RGB Light Show ...

Set Up for RGB Color Light Show Video
Video with tips about how to set up the RGB Light Show if you have your own set of red, green, and blue flood lights. Click on the title here, Set Up RGB Color Light ...

Seven String Kumihimo
Seven String Kumihimo uses #STEMontheCheap materials to engage systems thinkers with a Japanese braiding technique called kumihimo, while at the same time challenging them to think about how a system's structure generates its behavior ...

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds- Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a ...

Spin Top Spin, Mix Color Mix
Key Question Can you create a top that spins? What happens when you make changes to the top? Learning Objectives Children will… construct a simple spinning top. learn to use and experiment further with the ...

Straw Oboe
Using two different diameter straws, create an oboe with just a simple cut to create a reed and a little bit of practice ...

The Science Toy Maker – Slater Harrison
From Walkalong Gliders, like the new Jagwing, to making your own helicopter propellers out of 2-liter soda bottles, this is a makers dream site! ...