Sciencing and Engineering
Our #SciencingAndEngineering Collection will include videos directed at students along with videos directed at teachers highlighting best practices for engaging students. Teachers can either use the videos or they could utilize the videos as professional development and then engage their students using them completely offline (preferred). The focus of this collection will be on phenomenon-driven 3-dimensional science instruction aligned to the new Arizona Science Standards. As always, we will also focus on #STEMontheCheap lessons which require inexpensive materials that make rich learning opportunities.
#NaturesWonder – What Made That? – #SciencingAndEngineering with @SciGalNielsen
Join STEMAZing Teacher Leader, Lisa Nielsen, as she notices and wonders about one of nature’s wonders in southern Arizona’s. There are so many amazing phenomena right outside your door. In this video you will learn ...

A Collection of STEMAZing Lessons for Young Learners
STEM and STEAM lessons for engaging our youngest learners from 3-8 years old. Lessons written for early childhood educators and learning coaches. Each lesson includes directions and explanation of the STEM behind the lessons. Many ...

All STEMAZing Sciencing and Engineering Journals
The PQRST Sciencing Journal helps young scientists do some sciencing by MadLibbing them through how to design a good science experiment. The IDEAS Engineering Journal allows young engineers the opportunity to make modifications to an ...
Ant Wrangling – #SciencingAndEngineering with The STEMAZing Project
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

Arizona Science Standards-Aligned Resources
Lessons, videos, storylines, phenomena, and more all curated by The STEMAZing Project to link directly to grade-level/subject-area specific 2018 Arizona Science Standards ...
Bernoulli’s Principle – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Student Video Teacher Talk Video Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find ...

Binary #MicDropMath (#MicDropCS) Lessons
This series of lessons is designed to take students' understanding of the binary number system way beyond the well known fact that it uses zeroes and ones. While each lesson can be used on its ...

ciencia E ingenieria
Nuestra Colección #cienciaEingenieria incluirá videos dirigidos a los estudiantes junto con videos dirigidos a los maestros que destacan las mejores prácticas para involucrar a los estudiantes. Los maestros pueden usar los videos o pueden usar ...

Design Inspirations from RAFT – STEMAZing Virtual Adaptation
Design Inspirations is taken from an Idea Sheet from RAFT (Resource Area for Teaching). The following STEMAZing Teacher Guide for Design Inspirations Virtual describes how to use this lesson virtually and provides links to prepared ...
Dry Erase Phun – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

ECE Engineering Journal
Google Docs version of ECE Engineering Journal - Young learners can use the Voice typing under the Tools menu to complete this document if they are pre-writing ...

ECE Notice and Wonder Journal
Google Docs version of the Notice and Wonder Journal - Young learners can use the Voice typing under the Tools menu to complete this document if they are pre-writing ...

Engineering the World’s Best Glider using IDEAS Engineering Journal
This lesson serves as a great introduction to the engineering design process when you have a design or prototype and you are attempting to improve that design. In this case, students start with an original ...

got problems? let’s solve ’em Engineering Journal
From noticing problems to brainstorming solutions to testing prototypes, making modifications, and marketing a final product, this journal will walk students step-by-step through the engineering design process as it relates to solving a problem for ...
Human Computers – Creative Message Communication
Believe it or not, there is a five-letter word encoded in the cards shown in the image. Start with lessons on the binary number system. Then, learn how computers use parity bits for error detection ...

Hypothesis Cubes – Best Nature of Science Lesson of ALL TIME!
Hypothesis cubes is the BEST nature of science lesson of all time. Engage students to use evidence to support their claims and then demonstrate the way science works by leaving the "answer" unsettled in the ...

Hypothesis Cubes Virtual – BEST Nature of Science Lesson of ALL time!
Hypothesis cubes is the BEST nature of science lesson of all time. Engage students to use evidence to support their claims and then demonstrate the way science works by leaving the "answer" unsettled in the ...

Ideas are Scary – GE Commercial
A great advertisement about ideas from General Electric that works nicely with the #STEMAZingPictureBook, What Do You Do With An Idea? by Kobi Yamada and with our IDEAS Engineering Journal ...

IDEAS Engineering Journal
The IDEAS Engineering Journal is designed to be used to engage students to iterate through then engineering design process using a starting model of something they have built. Two looper airplanes, pool noodle rockets, and ...

IDEAS Engineering Journal – Virtual Edition
The IDEAS Engineering Journal is meant to be used to engineer improvements to an existing design. Have you built a glider or a wobble head rattle writer or ANYTHING? Use this journal to brainstorm modifications, ...
M&Ms Are Phenomenal – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides ...

Matchbox Car PQRST
This powerful lesson will not only teach students how to identify variables, design a scientific experiment, collect data, make a CER (claim, evidence, and reasoning) based on their experiment, and continue thinking in questions, it ...

Middle School Virtual Orientation to Groupwork Unit
This virtualized version of the Stanford SCALE Science Unit 0 - Orientation to Groupwork for 6th grade. was co-designed by Melissa Wilburn (6th grade STEMAZing Teacher Leader with the Marana Unified School District), Sherrie Dennis ...

Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals
Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals come in formats that are printer friendly and in Google classroom versions for both Slides and Docs. Great tools for helping students notice and wonder how the world works! ...

Pepper’s Pyramid Projector
Turn your cell phone or tablet into a 3D hologram-like projector using plastic you would normally recycle. Reuse flat clear plastic to give this old physics trick a high tech twist. Less ecologically friendly, but ...

Phenomena Databases and Storyline/Investigation Collections
Can't find what you are looking for in our collection? Sift through these collections to see if they have something that fits your needs ...

Pool Noodle Rocket
Build this Pool Noodle Rocket using, you guessed it, a pool noodle, duct tape, rubber bands, scissors, cardboard from a cereal box, a sharpened pencil, plastic knife, rocket fin template, ruler, sharpie, string, and a ...

PQRST – Question Your Students into Scientists and Engineers
Phenomenon, Questions, Research investigation, Science story, Thinking more Help students make sense of the world using PQRST journals and lessons. Let students notice, wonder, and learn using science and engineering practices. Develop their skills as ...

PQRST Sciencing Journal V4 (recently UPDATED)
The PQRST Sciencing Journal is the A-Z (or at least P-T) template for helping your students process a phenomenon, play to learn, identify variables, design an experiment, conduct experiment to collect data, make a claim ...

Primary Predicament – The REAL Primary Colors – #SciencingAndEngineering with Danielle Van Derlaske
Teacher Talk Video coming soon! Detailed Unit Plan The Primary Predicament Unit uses a 5E Lesson Plan Model from BSCS. You can find a one-pager describing the BSCS 5E Instructional Model. Part 1 - Paint ...

Projectile Popper
Build this Projectile Popper using an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle, a string, rubber bands, drill (other options), scissors, goggles, bead, ping pong balls, and a box cutter (or knife). (NOTE: Adults should prep the ...

Rattle Writer
Build this Rattle Writer using just a pool noodle, electric toothbrush (found for $1 at dollar stores), a plastic knife, washable markers, rubber bands, googly eyes (optional but fun), paper, duct tape, and a ruler ...

REAL Primary Colors Book
What are the primary colors? If you ask a physicist, they will have to ask you a question back. Are you talking about the primary colors of light, used for color addition, or the primary ...

REAL Primary Colors PQRST
How does your eye see a red apple? Explore this question using a phenomenon driven storyline to engage students in exploring how the eye works and how we create color using light and using pigments ...
Save My House on the Hill – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper
A Civil Engineering Flood Protection Project #SciencingAndEngineering Project Resources Teacher Talk with 2nd grade teacher Ms. Maddie Schepper and Robot General Sherrie Dennis Project Plan (detailed lesson description with links to all resources) STEMAZing Kit ...

SCAMPER – creative brainstorming
Used widely in gifted education, this creative brainstorming tool will help students come up with even more, divergent ideas about how to solve problems, innovate solutions, and invent new products. It is great to use ...

Science and Engineering Practices for K-12 Science Classrooms Infographic
This interactive infographic from the National Academies Press highlights essential practices for K-12 science classrooms from A Framework for K-12 Science Education with references to the contents of the full report. Click HERE for fully interactive ...

Science is… Science is not… Nature of Science Lesson
From original Sunsets, Souls, and Senses lesson from ENSI (file found below): Explores the realm and limits of science. Engages students to give examples of topics that can be studied by science, and those that cannot ...

Science is… Science is not… Nature of Science Lesson Virtual
Science is... Science is not... Nature of Science Lesson (in-person classroom version available HERE) is adapted from the University of Indiana's Evolution and Nature of Science Institute's Sunsets, Souls, and Senses Lesson. The following STEMAZing ...

Social Emotional Check In Starters
Our growing collection of social emotional check-ins for the beginning of meetings. Click on the view only link HERE and make copies of any and all of the slides you would like to use ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...

Virtual Science and Engineering Practices (SEP) Image Sort
This Science and Engineering Practices Image Sort is a great way to introduce students to the practices and to get them thinking about what they all mean. Using either a PPT version (below) or Google ...

Wack-a-Pack Science – PQRST
Our favorite phenomenon - Wack-a-Packs from Dollar Tree! These can generally be found for every holiday and also in the birthday section. Use this phenomenon to drive questions for lots of different avenues of exploration ...

Worm World – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper
A Life Science Project for Wormologists The Worm World unit was designed for 2nd grade, but usable at many levels. #SciencingAndEngineering Project Resources Teacher Talk with 2nd grade teacher Ms. Maddie Schepper and Robot General ...