STEMAZing Picture Books
STEMAZing Picture Books can be used to teach all manner of topics and concepts. Picture books should not just be considered for younger students but are also incredibly useful for older students in middle school and high school. This collection includes both picture books and board books.
Click on the book posts for a synopsis and links to any STEMAZing Resources.
This is a growing collection. To see our most recent favorite picture books, search Facebook or Twitter for #STEMAZingPictureBook.

11 Experiments That Failed by Jenny Offill (author) and Nancy Carpenter (illustrator)
This is a most joyful and clever whimsy, the kind that lightens the heart and puts a shine on the day, raved Kirkus Reviews in a starred review. Is it possible to eat snowballs doused in ketchup--and ...

5 Little Raindrops Falling from the Sky by Steve Metzger (author) and Mike Bryne (illustrator)
Umbrella and Raindrop Number Match Preschool Activity. Here's a great math activity to do with toddlers or preschoolers ...

A Chip Off the Old Block by Jody Jensen Shaffers (author) and Daniel Miyares (illustrator)
Rocky comes from a long line of rock stars! Uncle Gibraltar, Aunt Etna, and Great-Grandma Half Dome are just some of the legendary rock formations he calls family. It's no wonder he wants to matter ...

A Native American Thought of It by Rocky Landon and David MacDonald
Everyone knows that moccasins, canoes and toboggans were invented by the Aboriginal people of North America, but did you know that they also developed their own sign language, syringe needles and a secret ingredient in ...

A Ray of Light by Walter Wick
The wonder of light has fascinated readers for ages. Walter Wick's mesmerizing photographs paired with simple yet fascinating text and scientific observations help readers understand the secrets and complexity of light. You will learn what ...

A Snake Falls To Earth by Darcie Little Badger
Nina is a Lipan girl in our world. She's always felt there was something more out there. She still believes in the old stories. Oli is a cottonmouth kid, from the land of spirits and ...

Aaron Slater, Illustrator by Andrea Beaty (author) and david Roberts (illustrator)
Aaron Slater loves listening to stories and dreams of one day writing them himself. But when it comes to reading, the letters just look like squiggles to him, and it soon becomes clear he struggles ...

Above and Below by Patricia Hegarty
Lift the lid on eight animal habitats to see the extraordinary natural stories that happen above and below the surface. From the rainforest to the ocean and the macro to the micro, lift the flap ...

Ada Byron Lovelace and the Thinking Machine by Laurie Wallmark (author) and April Chu (illustrator)
Ada Lovelace, the daughter of the famous romantic poet, Lord Byron, develops her creativity through science and math. When she meets Charles Babbage, the inventor of the first mechanical computer, Ada understands the machine better ...

Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty illustrated by David Roberts
Ada Twist's head is full of questions. Like her classmates Iggy and Rosie--stars of their own New York Times bestselling picture books Iggy Peck, Architect and Rosie Revere, Engineer--Ada has always been endlessly curious. Even when her fact-finding missions and ...

Ada’s Ideas by Fiona Robinson
Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) was the daughter of Lord Byron, a poet, and Anna Isabella Milbanke, a mathematician. Her parents separated when she was young, and her mother insisted on a logic-focused education, rejecting Byron's "mad" ...

Adelita : A Sea Turtle’s Journey by Jenny Goebel (author) and Ana Miminoshvili (illustrator)
One moonlit night, a young loggerhead sea turtle crawled into the ocean. As she swam and rode currents, she wandered far from the beach where she'd hatched. How far? Nobody knew for sure. In 1996, ...

Ah, Music
Ah, Music! is about composers and instruments. It’s about artists and performers. It’s about history—from the earliest music through classical, modern, jazz, and popular times. It’s about diversity and pleasure ...

Amazing ABC: An Alphabet Book of LEGO Creations
This alphabet board book of fantastic LEGO creations is specifically for toddlers. It's a visual LEGO feast rather than an instructional book. The colorful, bold images are easily recognizable for the youngest LEGO enthusiasts ...

An Indigenous Peoples History Of The United States For Young People by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz adapted by Jean Medoza and Debbie Reese
Today in the United States, there are more than five hundred federally recognized Indigenous nations comprising nearly three million people, descendants of the fifteen million Native people who once inhabited this land. The centuries-long genocidal ...

Angular Momentum on Hanukkah by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator) Baby discovers the science behind spinning a dreidel on Hanukkah! Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores angular momentum, torque, friction, and gravity. Beautiful, visually ...

Animal Adaptations by NTSA KIDS
Animal Adaptations allows children to use their powers of observation to compare the physical characteristics of animals ...

Animal Architects by Amy Cherrix (author) and Chris Sasaki (illustrator)
Did you know the natural world is a construction zone? All over Earth, on land and at sea, animals are building the most amazing things. From tricky trapdoors to undersea cities to palaces of pebbles ...

Ant Cities by Arthur Dorros
Did you ever wonder where an ant goes when it disappears into an anthill? Underneath the hill, there are miles of tunnels and hundreds of rooms! In this Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children (NSTA/CBC), ...

Armadillo Rodeo by Jan Brett
When Bo spots what he thinks is a rip-roarin', rootin'-tootin', shiny red armadillo, he knows what he has to do. Follow that armadillo Bo leaves his mother and three brothers behind and takes off for ...

Baby Goes to Market by Atinuke (author) and Angela Brooksbank (illustrator)
When Baby and Mama go to the market, Baby is so adorable that the banana seller gives him six bananas. Baby eats one and puts five in the basket, but Mama doesn't notice. As Mama ...

Baby Loves Aerospace Engineering! / ¡Al bebé le encanta la ingeniería aeroespacial!
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for Baby, this book explores the basics of flight--from birds to planes and rockets--and ties it all to Baby's world. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate ...

Baby Loves Coding!
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book showcases the use of logic, sequence, and patterns to solve problems. Can Baby think like a coder to fix her ...

Baby Loves Gravity by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the ups and downs of gravity. When baby drops food from a ...

Baby Loves Gravity! / ¡Al bebé le encanta la gravedad!
Now available in Spanish bilingual editions, this best-selling series offers big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the ups ...

Baby Loves Quarks! / ¡Al bebé le encantan los quarks!
Now available in Spanish bilingual editions, this best-selling series offers big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for Baby, Quarks explores the basics of particle physics ...

Baby Loves the Five Senses: Hearing! by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Baby loves the five senses! Accurate enough for experts, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the science of sound and hearing. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage baby's ...

Baby Loves the Five Senses: Sight! by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Baby loves the five senses! Accurate enough for experts, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the science of vision, light, and color. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage ...

Baby Loves The Five Senses: Taste! by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chance (illustrator)
Accurate enough for experts, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the science of taste. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage baby's sense of wonder. Parents and caregivers may ...

Baby Loves the Five Senses: Touch! by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Accurate enough for experts, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the science of touch. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage baby's sense of wonder. Parents and caregivers may ...

Baby Loves the Fives Senses:Smell! by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Accurate enough for experts, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the science of smell. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate language to encourage baby's sense of wonder. Parents and caregivers may ...

Balloons Over Broadway by Melissa Sweet
Meet the master puppeteer who invented the first balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Melissa Sweet brings to life the inspirational story of the puppeteer who invented the giant balloons floating in the sky ...

Be A Tree! by Maria Gianferrari (author) and Felicita Sala (illustrator)
We are all like trees: our spines, trunks; our skin, bark; our hearts giving us strength and support, like heartwood. We are fueled by air and sun. And, like humans, trees are social. They "talk" ...

Be You! by Peter H. Reynolds
Be curious... Be adventurous... Be brave... BE YOU! Discover a joyful reminder of the ways that every child is unique and special, from the beloved creator of The Dot, Happy Dreamer, and New York Times bestseller, The Word Collector. Here, ...

Be Your Own Best Friend Forever! by Gary Robinson featuring Jayla Rose
Be Your Own Best Friend FOREVER! is packed with inspiring tips for any girl who doubts herself or is the subject of exclusion or body shaming. Jayla, the confident young person sharing her advice, takes pride ...

Beaks! by Sneed B. Collard III (author) and RobinBrickman (illustrator)
Young naturalists explore a variety of birds, their habitats, and how their beaks help them build, eat, and survive. From the twisted beak of a crossbill to the color changing bill of a seagull, readers ...

Beautiful By Stacy McAnulty (author) and Joanne Leu Vriethoff (illustrator)
Every girl is unique, talented, and lovable. . . .Every girl is BEAUTIFUL. Much more than how one looks on the outside, true beauty is found in conquering challenges, showing kindness, and spreading contagious laughter ...

Beautiful Oops! by Barney Saltzberg
A spill. A smear. A smudge. A tear. When you think you have made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful! A life lesson that all parents want their children to learn: ...

Bone by Bone by Sara Levine (author) and T.S Spookytooth (illustrator)
What if you had no leg bones but kept your arm bones? You'd be a whale, a dolphin, or a porpoise! This entertaining picture book will keep readers guessing as they learn about how our ...

Bone by Bone: Comparing Animal Skeletons by Sara C. Levine
This entertaining picture book will keep readers guessing as they learn about how our skeletons are like--and unlike--those of other animals ...

Born Curious by Martha Freeman (author) and Katy Wu (illustrator)
Why do galaxies spin the way they do? What's the best kind of house for a Komodo dragon? Can you cure malaria with medicine made from a plant? The scientists and mathematicians in Born Curious sought answers ...

Boxitects by Kim Smith
A STEAM-centered, adorably illustrated picture book about Meg, a brilliant and creative boxitect who creates extraordinary things out of ordinary cardboard boxes ...

Boy + Bot
One day, a boy and a robot meet in the woods. They play. They have fun. But when Bot gets switched off, Boy thinks he's sick. The usual remedies—applesauce, reading a story—don't help, so Boy ...

Bridges: Amazing Structures to Design, Build and Test (Kaleidoscope Kids) by Carol A. Johnman (author) and Elizabeth J. Rieth (illustrator)
Build bridges of your design -- from the 'workhorse' truss-beam bridge to the dazzling suspension bridge. Use bridge-building basics, and, along the way, discover how science and creativity come together in the creation of those ...

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin (author) and Eric Carle (illustrator)
A big happy frog, a plump purple cat, a handsome blue horse, and a soft yellow duck-- all parade across the pages of this delightful classic children's book, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? Children ...

Butterflies for Kiri
Illustrated with eye-catching cut-paper collages, this book celebrates one child's determination and creativity ...

Butterflies for Kiri by Cathryn Falwell
A Japanese American girl grows creatively and, with perseverance, masters the art of making an origami butterfly. Includes instructions. Kiri loves to make things. When she receives an origami set for her birthday, she can't ...

Cactus Hotel Brenda Z. Guiberson (author) and Megan Lloyd (illustrator)
It is another hot day in the desert. Birds and other animals scurry about looking for food. When they get tired they stop to rest at a giant cactus. It is their hotel in the ...

Camp Logic by Mark Saul Ph.D and Sian Zelbo J.D
This book offers a deeper insight into what mathematics is, tapping every child's intuitive ideas of logic and natural enjoyment of games. Simple-looking games and puzzles quickly lead to deeper insights, which will eventually connect ...

Capturing Cow Farts and Burps by Erin Twamley
How many cows live on Earth? There are nearly one and a half BILLION cows on our planet. And those cows have gas! A few gassy cows would not be a problem, but their burps ...

Carl and the Meaning of Life by Deborah Freedman (author and illustrator)
A story about finding your place in the world. Carl is an earthworm. He spends his days happily tunneling in the soil until a field mouse asks him a simple question that stops him short: ...

Caterpillar to Butterfly
A very accurate book about the life cycle of the butterfly from National Geographic ...

Cece Loves Science by Kimberly Derting and Shelli R. Johannes illustrated by Vashti Harrison
This picture book is perfect for fans of Ada Twist, Scientist, and anyone who enjoys asking questions. Cece's parents say she was born curious. She asks: Why? How? What if? When her teacher, Ms. Curie, assigns ...

Change Sings : A Children’s Anthem by Amanda Gorman (aurthor) Loren Long (illustrator)
In this stirring, much-anticipated picture book by presidential inaugural poet and activist Amanda Gorman, anything is possible when our voices join together. As a young girl leads a cast of characters on a musical journey, ...

Charolotte the Scientist Finds a Cure by Camille Andros (author) and Brianne Farley (illustrator)
The animals of the forest are all getting sick and no one can figure out why. Determined to get to the bottom of the mystery and help her friends and family, Charlotte dives into some ...

Charolotte the Scientist is Squished by Camile Andros (author) and Brianne Farley (illustrator)
Charlotte is a serious scientist. She solves important problems by following the scientific method. She has all the right equipment: protective glasses, a lab coat, a clipboard, and a magnifying glass. What she doesn't have ...

Chasing Space by Leland Melvin
In Chasing Space, Leland Melvin tackles stupendous obstacles with dogged determination, showing you what is indeed possible in life--if you belive. --Neil deGrasse Tyson, author of Astrophysics for People in a Hurry and Welcome to the Universe. This middle grade ...

Chester Nez and the Unbreakable Code : A Navajo Code Talkers Story by Joseph Bruchac (author) and Liz Amini-Holmes
As a young Navajo boy, Chester Nez had to leave the reservation and attend boarding school, where he was taught that his native language and culture were useless. But Chester refused to give up his ...

Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3 by Bill Martin Jr, Michael Sampson, and Lois Ehlert
1 told 2 and 2 told 3, "I'll race you to the top of the apple tree." One hundred and one numbers climb the apple tree in this bright, rollicking, joyous rhyme, now available as a Classic Board Book. As ...

Chickens Aren’t the Only Ones : A Book About Animals that Lay Eggs by Ruth Heller
Ruth Heller's prose and pictures are the perfect means for discovering the variety of oviparous animals and their unique ways of laying eggs ...

Child of the Flower-Song People by Gloria Amesuca (author) and Duncan Tonatiuh (illustrator)
As a young Nahua girl in Mexico during the early 1900s, Luz learned how to grind corn in a metate, to twist yarn with her toes, and to weave on a loom. By the fire ...

Circulo! Esfera! Circle! Sphere! by Grace Lin
Manny and his friends Olivia and Mei blow bubbles in this playful introduction to geometry. Manny's wand is a circle. Olivia's wand is a square. Mei's wand is a heart. What shape will their bubbles ...

City Shapes by Diana Murray (author) and Bryan Collier (illustrator)
From shimmering skyscrapers to fluttering kites to twinkling stars high in the sky, everyday scenes become extraordinary as a young girl walks through her neighborhood noticing exciting new shapes at every turn. Far more than ...

Coding and Robot #STEMAZingBook List
In no particular order: Baby Loves Coding by Ruth Spiro Robotics for Babies by Chris Ferrie and Dr. Sarah Kaiser How to Code a Sandcastle by Josh Funk How to Code a Roller Coaster by ...

Color by Ruth Heller
Vibrant colors and transparent overlays show young readers the world of color printing, from the pencils, markers, and paints used to create art, to the dots of primary colors that printers use to print the ...

Communication Long ago and Today by Lindsy O’Brien
What was communication like in the days of old? What were some of the biggest inventions that brought us to the digital age? Discover how communication has changed over hundreds of years, and where it ...

Count on Me by Miguel Tanco
Everyone has a passion. For some, it's music. For others, it's art. For our heroine, it's math. When she looks around the world, she sees math in all the beautiful things: the concentric circles a ...

Counting On Frank by Rod Clement
Young readers will instantly befriend this unconventional boy who uses facts, figures, and his own wild imagination to make math fun Follow Henry and his big dog, Frank, as they present all sorts of wacky ...

Cracking Up a Story About Erosion by Jacqui Bailey (author) and Matthew Lilly (illustrator)
A rocky cliff juts out toward the ocean, its rough face jagged and worn. In a process called erosion, water, ice, and wind wear away the rock and change its shape over time. From rivers ...

Dara’s Clever Trap retold by Liz Flanagan and illustrated by Martina Peluso
In this folktale from Cambodia, Princess Dara must prove that her father's wicked ministers have set up her husband for a crime he is innocent of-- ...

Deep Sea Creatures by Lorraine Gregory
One evening Harold decides to go for a walk in the moonlight. Armed only with an oversize purple crayon, young Harold draws himself a landscape full of wonder and excitement. Harold and his trusty crayon ...

Deer Mouse at Old Farm Road by Laura Gates Galvin (author) and Katy Bratun (illustrator)
Children discover that they do not have to travel great distances to see great things as they read about amazing animals, insects, and birds that live in backyards across North America ...

Desert Voices by Byrd Baylor (author) and Peter Parnall (illustrator)
On the hottest summer afternoons when desert creatures look for shade and stay close to the earth and keep their voices low and fling my loud ringing trill out to the sun... So sings the ...

Diary of a Worm
This is the diary . . . of a worm. Surprisingly, a worm not that different from you or me: He lives with his parents, plays with his friends, and even goes to school ...

Diary of Worms by Doreen Cronin (author) and Harry Bliss (illustrator)
This hilarious picture book from the bestselling, acclaimed author-illustrator team of Doreen Cronin and Harry Bliss tells the adventures of a worm through his daily diary entries. This is the diary of a worm. This ...

Doggies by Sandra Boynton
Serious silliness for all ages. Artist Sandra Boynton is back and better than ever with completely redrawn versions of her multi-million selling board books. These whimsical and hilarious books, featuring nontraditional texts and her famous ...

Don’t Let Them Dissapear : 12 Endangered Species Across the Globe by Chelsea Clinton (author) and Gianna Mario (illustrator)
Did you know that blue whales are the largest animals in the world? Or that sea otters wash their paws after every meal? The world is filled with millions of animal species, and all of ...

Earth My First 4.54 Billion Years by Stacy McAnulty (author) and David Litchfield (illustrator)
Hi, I'm Earth! But you can call me Planet Awesome. Prepare to learn all about Earth from the point-of-view of Earth herself! In this funny yet informative book, filled to the brim with kid-friendly facts, readers ...

El Fuertecito Rojo por Brenda Maier (autora) y Sonia Sánchez (ilustradora)
Una adaptación feminista y valiente del favorito de todos los tiempos, La gallinita roja, que seguramente atraerá a los fanáticos de Rosie Revere, Engineer. La mente de Ruby siempre está llena de ideas. Un día, ...

El Ultimo Malvavisco / The Last Marshmallow by Grace Lin
After playing in the snow, Olivia and Mei are ready for cocoa. There's one marshmallow for Olivia and one marshmallow for Mei. But what will they do with the third marshmallow? How can two friends ...

Ella Presistio en el Deporte by Chelsea Clinton (author) and Alexandra Boiger (illustrator)
A lo largo de la historia, en cada deporte, y en todos los niveles de juego, a las mujeres con aspiraciones en el deporte les han dicho que nunca serían lo suficientemente veloces, fuertes o ...

Ellie, Engineer by Jackson Pearce
A charming, hilarious illustrated middle grade about a girl who is an engineer--no, not the kind on a train, the kind that builds things Perfect creative, STEM-powered fun for girls who have interests in how ...

Energy Investigate Why We Need Power & How We Get It by Kathleen M. Reilly
Energy is a valuable resource that comes in many different forms. This book will help kids learn about the history and science of the world's sources of energy, from nonrenewable fossil fuels such as coal, ...

Energy Island by Allan Drummond
Hold onto your hats! It's windy on the Danish island of Samsø. Meet the environmentally friendly people who now proudly call their home Energy Island. At a time when most countries are producing ever-increasing amounts ...

Engineered! Engineering Design at Work by Shannon Hunt (author) and James Gulliver Hancock (illustrator)
How do you land a rover on Mars, resolve a perpetual traffic jam or save a herd of caribou from potential extinction? Ask an engineer Author Shannon Hunt presents nine real-life problems for which engineers ...

Erosion by Robin Koontz (author) and Mathew Harrad (illustrator)
Did you know that rain, waves, wind, snow, and ice can change the shape of Earth's surface? They can create valleys, sea stacks, caves, and rock arches. Learn about the natural forces of erosion and ...

Evelyn The Adventurous Entomologist by Christine Evans (author) and Yasmin Imamura (illustrator)
Back in 1881, when Evelyn Cheesman was born, English girls were expected to be clean and dressed in frilly dresses. But Evelyn crawled in dirt and collected glow worms in jars. When girls grew up ...

Everyday Superheroes by Erin Twamley (author) and Joshua Sneideman (illustrator)
Erin Twamley is an educator and author passionate about providing STEM learning opportunities and writing STEM publications. She is the co-author of Renewable Energy: Discover the Fuel of the Future (Nomad Press 2016), as well ...

Exemplary Evidence Scientist and Their Data by Jessica Fries-Gaither (author) and Linda Olliver (illustrator) (illustrator)
If you think of science as a puzzle, you'll see that data is a key to unlocking it. Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and Their Data touches on the world's many riddles--from how we see to what's ...

Experiments with Simple Machines by Mark Weakland (author) and Christian Cornia (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote will try anything to catch Road Runner. Watch as he builds clever traps using levers, screws, wheels and axles, and pulleys. Will these simple machines help Wile E. catch that bird? Or ...

Exploratorium – Tinkering Library
Combining tinkering activities with books invites playful engagement with STEAM concepts and processes while also reinforcing language development, collaboration, communication, and literacy skills ...

Fairy Science by Ashley Spires
When a forest tree stops growing, all the fairies are stumped--including Esther. But not for long! Esther knows that science can get to the root of the problem--and its solution! Whether you believe in fairy ...

Fairy Science by Ashley Spires
All the fairies in Pixieville believe in magic--except Esther. She believes in science. When a forest tree stops growing, all the fairies are stumped--including Esther. But not for long! Esther knows that science can get to ...

Fairy Science Solid, Liquid, Gassy by Ashley Spires
When a pond dries up, fairy scientist Esther doesn't freeze under the pressure. She and her friends go full steam ahead for to make a scientific discovery! Bestselling author Ashley Spires (The Most Magnificent Thing) creates a ...

Fish Is Fish by Leo Lionni
Leo Lionni's spirited story about a minnow and a tadpole is now available as a Step 3 Step into Reading book--perfect for children who are ready to read on their own! ...

Flood Warning by Katherine Kenah (author) and Amy Schimler Safford (illustrator)
You are lying in bed listening to the soft sound of rain. It has been coming down for hours. Now something is changing. The rain sounds harder and louder, and there is water running down ...

Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
In this glowing new vision of Spier’s beloved classic, follow the wily fox as he roams a sleepy New England town in search of a meal, with tones and textures so vivid you can almost ...

This picture book (available in both English and Spanish) details Frida Kahlo's life with some amazing lessons about art and life ...

From Caterpillar To Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman (author) and Bari Weissman (illustrator)
After a caterpillar comes to school in a jar, the children are captivated as it eats, grows, and eventually becomes a beautiful Painted Lady butterfly. This is a clear and appealing environmental science book for ...

From Seed to Plant by Gail Gibbons
Gail Gibbons reveals to young readers how a seed begins, what pollination is, and how flowers, trees, fruits, and vegetables get to be the way they are ...

From Wax To Crayon by Robin Nelson
With large, vivid photographs that correspond to simple, short sentences, Start to Finish reveals the life cycles and processes behind the common, everyday things that beginning readers see in the world around them. Supports the ...

G is for Googol a Math Alphabet book by David Schwartz (author) and Marissa Moss (illustrator)
B is for Binary, F is for Fibonacci, P is for Probability... even a small sample begins to give you the idea that this is a math book unlike any other. Ranging freely from exponents ...

Galápagos Girl Galapagueña by Marsha Diane Arnold (author) and Angela Dominguez (illustrator)
As a Galápagueña, Valentina spends her days observing the natural world around her. She greets sea lions splashing on the shore, scampers over lava rocks with Sally-lightfoot crabs, and swims with manta rays. But Valentina ...

Game Over Super Rabbit Boy by Thomas Flintham
Super Rabbit Boy is the strongest, bravest, fastest animal in all the land. . .and he's also the star in a video game! Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early ...

Georgia’s Terrific, Colorific Experiment by Zoe Persico
Is it possible for science and art to really mix? Georgia wants to be a scientist, and a great one at that. But in order become a great scientist, she must first create her own, ...

Germs Are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick (author) and Marieka Heinlen (illustrator)
Achoo! Cough! F-L-U-S-H! What to do? In childcare, in preschool, at home, and everywhere, toddlers need to learn that germs are not for sharing. Rather than focus on what germs are, this book teaches the ...

Girl on a Motorcycle by Amy Novesky (author) and Julie Morstad (illustrator)
A picture book biography by an award-winning team about the first woman to ride a motorcycle around the world - a spectacular celebration of girl power and resilience. One day, a girl gets on her ...

Girls Think of Everything by Catherine Thimmeah (author) and Melissa Sweet (illustrator)
In kitchens and living rooms, in garages and labs and basements, even in converted chicken coops, women and girls have invented ingenious innovations that have made our lives simpler and better. Their creations are some ...

Girls Who Looked Under Rocks by Jeannine Atkins (author) and Paula Conner (illustrator)
Girls Who Looked Under Rocks: The Lives of Six Pioneering Naturalists is for a world no longer confined by gender stereotypes, and a place where science is for girls, too Parents and children will love this ...

Go Show the World : A celebration of Indigenous Heroes by Wab Kinew (author) and Joe Morse (illustrator)
Celebrating the stories of Indigenous people throughout time, WabKinew has created a powerful rap song, the lyrics of which are the basis for the text in this beautiful picture book, illustrated by the acclaimed Joe ...

Going Places by Peter and Paul Reynolds
A go-cart contest inspires imagination to take flight in this picture book for creators of all ages, with art from New York Times bestselling illustrator Peter H. Reynolds. It's time for this year's Going Places contest! Finally ...

Going Places by Peter H. Reynolds
A go-cart contest inspires imagination to take flight in this picture book for creators of all ages, with art from New York Times bestselling illustrator Peter H. Reynolds ...

Going to the Zoo
Now you can go along too, as Tom Paxton's classic song comes to life in this boisterous picture book ...

Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs by Mo Willems
Once upon a time, there were three hungry Dinosaurs: Papa Dinosaur, Mama Dinosaur . . . and a Dinosaur who happened to be visiting from Norway. One day--for no particular reason--they decided to tidy up ...

Goodnight Lab by Chris Ferrie
It's been a long day at the lab for this scientist. Now it's time to say goodnight Goodnight laser Goodnight notebook Goodnight picture of Einstein with a stern look While poking fun at the clutter ...

Grand Canyon by Jason Chin
Rivers wind through earth, cutting down and eroding the soil for millions of years, creating a cavity in the ground 277 miles long, 18 miles wide, and more than a mile deep known as the ...

Green Energy by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores climate change and the ways we can work to protect our planet ...

Grow! Raise! Catch! by Shelley Rotner
Farmers and fishermen show off their bounty in this celebration of agriculture and healthy eating! Bright, enticing photographs of plants, animals, and the people who work to raise them are paired with an accessible text ...

Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
In pictures as bright as sunshine, a father and child share the simple joy of planting, watering, and watching seeds grow in the family garden. Then tomatoes, potatoes, corn, cabbage, and lots of other vegetables ...

Happy Dreamer by Peter H. Reynolds
The beloved, worldwide bestselling creator of The Dot and I Am Human inspires readers of every age to find their own unique path to happy, and to always follow their dreams. From the beloved, bestselling creator of The Dot, The Word ...

Harry Builds a House by Derek Radford
Harry Hippo and his friends build a house, step by step from digging a ditch for the pipes to putting in the last joints and plugs ...

Have Fun Molley Lou Melon
A creative companion to Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon Molly Lou Melon's grandma taught her to be happy with herself no matter what, but that's not all she learned. Molly Lou heard all about how her ...

Have You Ever Seen A Flower? by Shawn Harris
Have You Ever Seen a Flower? is an enchanting picture book exploring the relationship between childhood and nature. In this simple yet profound story, one child experiences a flower with all five senses--from its color to ...

Hello, Star by Stephanie V.W. Lucianovic (author) and Vashti Harrison (illustrator)
When a young girl learns that a bright light in the sky is coming from a dying star, she promises to keep it company until the light goes out. Every night the girl reassures her ...

Hello, Red Fox by Eric Carle
Mama Frog gets a big surprise when the guests arrive for Little Frog's birthday party: Red Fox looks green to her! Orange Cat looks blue! What has gone wrong? With the active help of the ...

Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly (author) and Laura Freeman (illustrator)
Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden were good at math...really good. They participated in some of NASA's greatest successes, like providing the calculations for America's first journeys into space. And they did so ...

Hip, Hop, Hooray It’s Monsoon Day by Roni Capin Rivera- Ashford (author) and Richard Johnsen (illustrator)
Brought to life in this delightful story are some of nature's most spectacular phenomena. There are few things more exciting than a monsoon storm, with its dramatic lightning, thunder, wind, and cloudbursts. "Hip Hip Hooray, ...

Honey in a Hive by Anne Rockwell (author) and S. D. Schindler (illustrator)
In spring and summer, honeybees gather nectar to make into honey. These fascinating insects live and work together in complicated societies, complete with queen bees and workers. Read and find out about honeybees and their ...

Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera by Candace Fleming (author) and Eric Rohmann (Illustrator)
Get up close and personal with Apis, one honeybee, as she embarks on her journey through life, complete with exquisitely detailed illustrations. Beginning at birth, the honeybee emerges through the wax cap of her cell ...

How a Seed Grows by Helene J. Jordān (author) and Lorettā Krupinski (illustrator)
This is a clear and appealing environmental science book for early elementary age kids, both at home and in the classroom. Plus it includes a find out more activity section with a simple experiment encouraging ...

How Did That Get in my Lunchbox?
Another great picture book which tracks food from farm to table (or lunchbox in this case) ...

How Did That Get in my Lunchbox? by Educator’s Guide
One of the best parts of a young child's day is opening a lunchbox and diving in. But how did that delicious food get there? From planting wheat to mixing dough, climbing trees to machine-squeezing ...

How To Catch A Leprechaun: How to Trick A Wee Person! by Crystal Chandler
Have you ever wanted to catch a Leprechaun as a kid? We all have! This instructional book teaches kids science while also taking them on an imaginary journey to the edge of rainbow ...

How to Code a Sand Castle by Josh Funk (author) and Sara Palacios (illustrator)
All summer, Pearl has been trying to build the perfect sandcastle, but out-of-control Frisbees and mischievous puppies keep getting in the way! Pearl and her robot friend Pascal have one last chance, and this time, ...

How to Hide a Butterfly and Other Insects by Ruth Heller’s
The author/illustrator of Plants That Never Bloom presents a new series of books sure to please small children and simultaneously teach them the tricks of camouflage.--Publishers Weekly. This clever game of hide-and-seek features a grasshopper, ...

I am Albert Einstein by Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulos (illustrator)
Even when he was a kid, Albert Einstein did things his own way. He thought in pictures instead of words, and his special way of thinking helped him understand big ideas like the structure of ...

I am Amelia Earhart by Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulas (illustrator)
We can all be heroes. That's the inspiring message of this lively, collectible picture book biography series from New York Times bestselling author Brad Meltzer. "Kids always search for heroes, so we might as well have a say ...

I Am an Old Horned Toad
With beautiful watercolor illustrations by Jessica Helm, a forward by Petey Mesquitey, a CD including the horned toad song, and a whole page of extra facts about horned toads, this book is fun, educational and ...

I Am Jane Goodall by Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulos (illustrator)
Each picture book in this series is a biography of a significant historical figure, told in a simple, conversational, vivacious way, and always focusing on a character trait that makes the person a role model ...

I am Marie Curie by Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulos (illustrator)
The first woman to win a Nobel Prize, physicist and chemist Marie Curie is the 19th hero in the New York Times bestselling picture book biography series about heroes. This friendly, fun biography series focuses on the ...

I am Neil Armstrong Brad Meltzer (author) and Christopher Eliopoulos (illustrator)
Neil Armstrong's journey to the moon is the focus of the fifteenth picture book in the New York Times bestselling series of biographies about heroes. This friendly, fun biography series focuses on the traits that made our ...

I Am the Solar System by Rebecca and James McDonald
A book about space for kids, from the sun, through the planets, helping preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade children learn all about the solar system ...

I Fall Down by Vicki Cobb (author) and Julia Gorton (illustrator)
Do you know what makes things fall? Renowned science author Vicki Cobb explains the weighty subject of gravity with such ease that even the youngest kids will understand. Follow this book with a child who ...

I Have an Idea by Hervé Tullet
From one of the true creative geniuses of this generation comes a unique meditation on and celebration of the magic of the birth of a simple idea. Sparkling with visual wit and bubbling with imagination, I ...

I know the River Loves Me by Maya Christina Gonzalez
Bilingual English/Spanish. Listen. . . Can you hear the river calling you? Rushing and bubbling, splashing or still, the river has so much to teach us. Listen... Can you hear the river calling you? Rushing ...

I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont (author) and David Catrow (illustrator)
Exuberant rhymes and wild illustrations celebrate self-acceptance and self-love in this sturdy board book from the New York Times best-selling creators of I Ain't Gonna Paint No More High on energy and imagination, this ode to self-esteem encourages ...

I See Myself by Vicki Cobb (author) and Julia Gorton (illustrator)
You might not see yourself, but you will feel yourself getting smarter as you begin to understand how and why you can see yourself. Renowned science author Vicki Cobb illuminates the scientific principles of light ...

I’m Nobody ! Who are You? by Emily Dickinson
collection of poems by an outstanding 19th-century American poet whose works were published posthumously ...

If I Built a House by Chris Van Dusen
In If I Built a Car, imaginative Jack dreamed up a whimsical fantasy ride that could do just about anything. Now he's back and ready to build the house of his dreams, complete with a racetrack, ...

If I Built a School by Chris Van Dusen
If Jack built a school, there would be hover desks and pop-up textbooks, skydiving wind tunnels and a trampoline basketball court in the gym, a robo-chef to serve lunch in the cafeteria, field trips to ...

If You Find a Rock by Peggy Christian (author) and Barba Hirsch Lember (illustrator)
Think of all the rocks there are: skipping rocks, splashing rocks, climbing rocks, and wishing rocks. Children can't help collecting them. With joyful, poetic text and luminous photographs, If You Find a Rock celebrates rocks everywhere--as well ...

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff (author) and Felicia Bond (illustrator)
If a hungry little traveler shows up at your house, you might want to give him a cookie. If you give him a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of milk. He'll want ...

If You Were the Moon by Laura Purdie Salas
If you were the moon, what would you do? You'd spin like a twilight ballerina and play dodgeball with space rocks! And more ...

If You Were the Moon by Laura Purdie Salas (author) and Jamie Kim (illustrator)
What would you do if you were the moon? Do you think you would rest quietly in the night sky? Oh, no. The moon does so much more than you might imagine! It spins like ...

In The Wind by Elizabeth Spurr (author) and Manelle Oliphant (illustrator)
Simple and evocative language and charming illustrations describe a girl's experience on a windy day. In this gently rhyming board book, a young girl makes, flies, and loses her kite on a windy day. But ...

In the Wind by Elizabeth Spurr (author) and Manelle Oliphant (illustrator)
Simple and evocative language and charming illustrations describe a girl's experience on a windy day. In this gently rhyming board book, a young girl makes, flies, and loses her kite on a windy day. But ...

Inch by Inch
Meet a winning, winsome inchworm, proud of his ability to measure anything under the sun, from a robin's tail to a toucan's beak ...

Inky’s Amazing Escape : How a Very Smart Octopus Found His Way Home by Sy Montgomery (author) and Amy Schimler-Safford
Inky had been at the New Zealand aquarium since 2014 after being taken in by a fisherman who found him at sea. Inky had been getting used to his new environment, but the staff quickly ...

Interstellar Cinderella by Deborah Underwood (author) and Meg Hunt (illustrator)
Once upon a planetoid, amid her tools and sprockets, a girl named Cinderella dreamed of fixing fancy rockets. With a little help from her fairy godrobot, Cinderella is going to the ball. But when the ...

Iqbal and Ingenious Idea by Elizabeth Sunbey (author) and Rebecca Green (illustrator)
It's monsoon season in Bangladesh, which means Iqbal's mother must cook the family's meals indoors, over an open fire. The smoke from the fire makes breathing difficult for his mother and baby sister, and it's ...

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds
A creative spirit learns that thinking "ish-ly" is far more wonderful than "getting it right" in this gentle fable from the creator of the award-winning picture book The Dot. Ramon loved to draw. Anytime. Anything. Anywhere ...

Ish by Peter H. Reynolds
Drawing is what Ramon does. It¹s what makes him happy. But in one split second, all that changes. A single reckless remark by Ramon's older brother, Leon, turns Ramon's carefree sketches into joyless struggles. Luckily ...

Izzy Gim and the Invention Convention by Pip Jones (author) and Sara Ogilvie (illustrator)
Inventor Izzy Gizmo returns in an engaging tale of creativity and determination - perfect for little makers and STEAM fans. "This ode to imagination, perseverance, and fun just may inspire young readers to do some ...

Izzy Gimmo by Pip Jones (author) and Sara Ogilvie (illustrator)
A feisty girl engineer endeavors to help an injured crow fly in this vibrant, STEAM-infused tale of determination, ingenuity, and friendship ...

Jackrabbit McCabe & The Electric Telegraph by Lucky Margaret Rozier and Leo Espinosa
The fastest man in the West meets his match in this deliciously clever original tall tale. With his extra-long legs, Jackrabbit McCabe can outrun anything on the American frontier: horses, trains, and even twisters. So ...

Jada Jones Rock Star by Kelly Starling Lyons (author) and Vanessa Brantley Newton (illustrator)
When Jada Jones's best friend moves away, school feels like the last place she wants to be. She'd much rather wander outside looking for cool rocks to add to her collection, since finding rocks is ...

Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg
Over thirty years ago, Peter and Judy first found the game--Jumanji--with the instructions that once the game is started, it must be finished or it will go on forever--and it was then, with this same ...

Kai to the Rescue by Audrey Penn (author) and Mike Yamada (illustrator)
Kai is a small green-and-white pumper truck who moves into Firehouse #10. Firehouse #10 has some of the biggest, reddest fire trucks around. So how can Kai fit in with the other fire trucks? When a big ...

Kaia and the Bees by Maribeth Boelts (author) and Angela Dominguez (illustrator)
Kaia is the brave type. Like hottest-hot-pepper brave. But there is one thing that scares her: BEES! And right now, thousands of bees live on her roof because Kaia's dad is a beekeeper. Her dad ...

Katherine Johnson by Devika Jina (author) and Maggie Cole (illustrator)
"A wonderful non-fiction book . . . The layout of the book is fun, with many pictures, and small blurbs of extra information." - Goodreads reviewer Hannah Lightning In 1969 history was made when the ...

King’s Chessboard
When the wise man refuses to accept a reward for his service to the king, the king insists and so the wise man asks for a payment of rice for each square of the king's ...

La Araña Muy Ocupada por Eric Carle
The Very Busy Spider de Eric Carle ha sido uno de los favoritos durante más de 20 años. Esta colorida historia de tacto y tacto de una araña laboriosa es un clásico, y ahora la ...

La Oruga Muy Hambrienta, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
The time-honored classic The Very Hungry Caterpillar is now available in two bilingual formats, bringing together two languages for the ultimate reading and learning experience. With easily readable side-by-side English and Spanish text, it's perfect for children ...

La Selva de Zonia by Juana Martinez-Neal
Zonia's home is the Amazon rain forest, where it is always green and full of life. Every morning, the rain forest calls to Zonia, and every morning she answers. She visits the sloth family, greets ...

Learning About Rocks by Mari Schuh and Gail Sounders
A digital solution for your classroom with features created with teachers and students in mind: - Perpetual license - 24 hour, 7 days a week access - No limit to the number of students accessing ...

Let’s Go Rock Collecting by Rome Gans (author) and Holly Keller (illustrator)
Readers follow two enthusiastic rock hounds around the globe as they add to their collection. Along the way they will learn how sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks are formed. From the Egyptian pyramids to Roman ...

Letters from Space by Clayton Anderson (author) and Susan Batori (illustrator)
Astronaut Clayton Anderson spent 152 days in space aboard the International Space Station--and while he didn't mail dozens of letters back to Earth (they would have burned up on reentry!), imagine if he did! These ...

Life in the Ocean: The Story of Oceanographer Sylvia Earle
Sylvia Earle first lost her heart to the ocean as a young girl when she discovered the wonders of the Gulf of Mexico in her backyard. As an adult, she dives even deeper ...

LifeTimes by David L. Rice (author) and Michael S. Maydak (illustrator)
A book to help readers appreciate nature and consider the fundamentals of life. By learning and thinking about the life cycle of a variety of animals on earth, children begin to see our planet and ...

Limitless by Leah Tinari
Tinari’s list is comprised of trailblazers, whose vision, grit, and guts paved the way not only for the generations to come, but for Tinari’s own artistic journey. These women include Louisa May Alcott, Rachel Carson, ...

Little Bot and Sparrow
When Little Bot is thrown out with the garbage, he finds himself in a strange new world. Fortunately, Sparrow is there to take him under her wing. Together, they explore the forest, share adventures, and ...

Little Leader Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
Featuring 18 trailblazing black women in American history, Dream Big, Little One is the irresistible board book adaptation of Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History. Among these women, you'll find heroes, role models, and everyday women who ...

Little Robot
A little girl who loves to tinker and fix things finds a robot in the woods — and is shocked when the push of a button activates him for the first time! Soon, the pair ...

Little White Dogs Can’t Jump
Beautifully illustrated, with an endearing main character, this book is a great tool for teaching children how to overcome obstacles. With Whatley's wry sense of humor, this book will surely appeal to adults as well ...

Lola Gets a Cat by Anna McQuinn (author) and Rosalina Beardshaw (illustrator)
Lola wants a cat, but Mommy says taking care of a pet is a lot of work. So Lola does her homework. At the library she finds books about cats and pet care and she ...

Lola Planta un Jardín por Anna McQuinn (autora) y Rosalind Beardshaw (ilustradora)
¿Cómo crece tu jardín? Lola, amante de los libros, se inspira en una colección de poemas de jardín que lee con su mamá. Quiere plantar su propio jardín de hermosas flores, así que ella y ...

Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn (author) and Rosalind Beardshaw (illustrator)
How does your garden grow? Book-loving Lola is inspired by a collection of garden poems that she reads with her mommy. She wants to plant her own garden of beautiful flowers, so she and Mommy ...

Look & Learn Colors by National Geographic kids
In these 24-page board books, young children will learn important skills such as naming, sorting, counting, matching, as well as basics such as colors, letters, and numbers, through fun, interactive games and activities in these ...

Look I’m an Engineer by DK
Every project features bright photography and charming illustrations, which support the easy-to-follow instructions. Perfect for ages 3-6, this children's book will excite little ones by revealing the everyday ways they can be an engineer. Children ...

Look What I Found In the Woods by Moria Butterfield (author) and Jesus Verona (illustrator)
Open your senses to a world of wonder by taking a walk through the woods! Set off on an outdoor adventure and find natural treasures, from prickly pine cones to swirly snails' shells, then learn ...

Look, Grandma! Ni, Elisi! by Art Coulson (author) and Madelyn Goodnight (illustrator)
Bo wants to find the perfect container to show off his traditional marbles for the Cherokee national Holiday. It needs to be just the right size: big enough to fit all the marbles, but not ...

Lots and Lots of Zebra Stripes
With a simple text and vivid full-color photographs, Stephen R. Swinburne shows children a wide range of nature's exquisite designs. He invites children to open their eyes and look for patterns in water and on ...

Lots and Lots of Zebras Stripes by Stephen R. Swinburne
With a simple text and vivid full-color photographs, Stephen R. Swinburne shows children a wide range of nature's exquisite designs. He invites children to open their eyes and look for patterns in water and on ...

Love the Earth: Understanding climate change, speaking up for solutions, and living an earth-friendly life by Mel Hammond
This book is packed with ideas and information for girls who care about the earth to help them understand climate change, speak up for solutions, and live an earth-friendly life. It's full of quizzes, crafts, ...

Made by Maxine by Ruth Spiro (author) and Holly Hatam (illustrator)
Meet Maxine, an inspiring young maker who knows that with enough effort and imagination (and mistakes), it's possible to invent anything. Maxine loves making new things from old things. She loves tinkering until she has ...

Mae Among the Stars by Roda Ahmed (author) and Stasia Burrington (illustrator)
A great classroom and bedtime read-aloud, Mae Among the Stars is the perfect book for young readers who have big dreams and even bigger hearts. When Little Mae was a child, she dreamed of dancing in space ...

Mae Jemison by Laurie Calkhoven
Blast off into space and get to know Mae Jemison—the first African-American woman to ever go to space—with this fascinating, nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series of biographies about people “you should ...

Mae Jemison by Laurie Calkhoven
Blast off into space and get to know Mae Jemison--the first African-American woman to ever go to space--with this fascinating, nonfiction Level 3 Ready-to-Read, part of a new series of biographies about people "you should ...

Magic School Bus in the Haunted Museum: A Book about Sound
In a companion book to the new PBS series starring Lily Tomlin, readers learn about sound and how it is made as Ms. Frizzle's class spends the night in a sounds museum that turns out ...

Magic Trash: A Story of Tyree Guyton and His Art By J.H. Shapiro (Author) and Vanessa Brantley-Newton (illustrator)
This uplifting picture book biography about community-based Detroit artist Tyree Guyton introduces the use of recycled items in art and how one person can make a big difference in the lives of young people. Tyree ...

Malarkey and the Big Trap by Stephen Kensky (author) and Michele Shortley (illustrator)
Malarkey the cat hopes the mousetrap he invents works in time for dinner ...

Many : The Diversity of Life on Earth by Nicola Davies (author) and Emily Sutton
The more we study the world around us, the more living things we discover every day. The planet is full of millions of species of plants, birds, animals, and microbes, and every single one -- ...

Mapping Inner Space by Nancy Margulies (author) and Nusa Maal (illustrator)
Visual note-taking relies on paring down thoughts to key words and pictures. This introduction to this technique illustrates how relationships among various concepts are highlighted and more information can be recorded on a page. This ...

Mapping Sam by Joyce Hesselberth
As Sam follows her customary path, wandering farther and farther away from home, readers encounter different kinds of maps illuminating different points of view and the various spots Sam visits. Finally, when Sam reaches her ...

Marie by Isabel Sánchez Vegara (author) and Frau Isa (illustrator)
When Marie was young, she was unable to go to college because she was a woman. But when she was older, her scientific work was respected around the world. Her discoveries of radium and polonium ...

Mario and the Hole in the Sky by Elizabeth Rusch (author) and Teresa Martínez (illustrator)
The true story of how a scientist saved the planet from environmental disaster. Mexican American Mario Molina is a modern-day hero who helped solve the ozone crisis of the 1980s. Growing up in Mexico City, ...

Mars! : Earthlings Welcome by stacy McAnulty (author) and Stevie Lewis (illustrator)
Meet Mars! The red planet. Planet Marvelous. Favorite sibling of Earth (or so he claims). Sometimes they're close (just 34.5 million miles apart). Sometimes they need space (250 million miles apart)! Earth and Mars have ...

Martin the Guitar (Book and CD)
This charming children's story will delight music lovers of all ages. Little Martin the Guitar lives in Mr. Beninato's Music Store in New York City. He wants so much to be adopted and taken home ...

Martina and the Beautiful Cockroach : A Cuban Folktale retold by Carmen Agra Deedy ( author) and Michael Austin (illustrator)
The beautiful Martina Josefina Catalina Cucaracha doesn't know coffee beans about love and marriage, so when suitors come calling, what is she to do? Luckily, she has her Cuban family to help! While some of ...

Marvelous Mattie by Emily Arnold McCully
With her sketchbook labeled My Inventions and her father's toolbox, Mattie could make almost anything - toys, sleds, and a foot warmer. When she was just twelve years old, Mattie designed a metal guard to prevent shuttles ...

Mary Walker Wears the Pants by Cheryl Harness (author) and Carlo Molinari (illustrator)
Mary Edwards Walker was unconventional for her time: She was one of the first women doctors in the country, she was a suffragist, and she wore pants! And when the Civil War struck, she took ...

Maxine and the Greatest Garden by Ruth Spiro (author) and Holly Hatam (illustrator)
Best friends Maxine and Leo combine their maker and artistic skills to create (and save!) the ultimate garden in this empowering, STEM-focused picture book After sketching and plotting and planting, Maxine and Leo know they've ...

Maya Lin by Jeanne Walker Harvey (author) and Dow Phumiruk (illustrator)
You may be familiar with the iconic Vietnam Veterans Memorial. But do you know about the artist-architect who created this landmark? As a child, Maya Lin loved to study the spaces around her. She explored ...

Maya Lin: Artist-Architect of Light and Lines by Jeanne Walker Harvey
As a child, Maya Lin loved to study the spaces around her. She explored the forest in her backyard, observing woodland creatures, and used her house as a model to build tiny towns out of ...

Maybe Something Beautiful by F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell illustrated by Rafael López
What good can a splash of color do in a community of gray? As Mira and her neighbors discover, more than you might ever imagine! Based on the true story of the Urban Art Trail ...

Millions To Measure by David M. Schwartz (author) and Steven Kellogg (illustrator)
There are millions of things to measure . . . and almost as many ways to measure them! Marvelosissimo the Mathematical Magician is back -- and ready to explore the invention of length, weight, and ...

Moebius Noodles: Adventurous Math for the Playground Crowd
Learn how you can create an immersive rich math environment for your baby. Find out ways to help your toddler discover deep math in everyday experiences. Play games that will develop your child’s sense of ...

Monument Maker by Linda Booth Sweeney (author) and Shawn Fields (illustrator)
This is the story of how a farmboy became America's foremost sculptor. After failing at academics, Dan was working the family farm when he idly carved a turnip into a frog and discovered what he ...

Moon! : Earths Best Friend by Stacy Mcanulty (author) and Stevie Lewis (illustrator)
Meet Moon! She's more than just a rock--she's Earth's rock, her best friend she can always count on. Moon never turns her back on her friend (literally: she's always facing Earth with the same side!) ...

My Body, by Angela Royston and Sally Hewitt
A great book for teaching about the body. Check Barnes & Noble's marketplace sellers for a good used price ...

My Body: All About Me Head to Toe
This book by Lisa Bullard was used during the workshop. Look for it at for the best price ...

My granny Went to Market by Stella Blackstone (author) and Christopher corr (illustrator)
Fly away with Granny as she takes a magic carpet ride around the world, collecting a steadily increasing number of souvenirs from each exotic location! This rhyming story will take young readers on an adventure ...

My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss (author) and Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher (illustrators)
Illustrated in full color. Accompanying a manuscript Dr. Seuss wrote in 1973, is a letter outlining his hopes of finding "a great color artist who will not be dominated by me." The late Dr. Seuss ...

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed by Mo Willems
Wilbur is different from the other Naked Mole Rats in his Colony, because he wears clothes (and he likes it!). But what will happen when Grandpah, the oldest, wisest, and most naked Naked Mole Rat ever discovers ...

National Geographic kids: Dolphins by Becky Baines
Everyone loves the smile on a dolphin's face. Though smart enough to become theme park tricksters, dolphins are first and foremost wild mammals. Melissa Stewart's lively text outlines our responsibility to conserve their natural environment ...

National Geographic kids: Penguins by Jill Esbaum
The engaging Explore My World picture books invite kids to take their first big steps toward understanding the world around them and are just the thing for parents and kids to curl up with and ...

National Geographic Kids: Turtles by Laura Marsh
Take a dip with turtles in this exciting reader. Packed with beautiful and engaging photos, kids will learn all about these fantastic reptiles. This Level 1 reader is carefully leveled for an early independent reading ...

Native Women : Changing Their Worlds by Patricia J. Cutright
Native women have filled their communities with strength and leadership, both historically and as modern-day warriors. The 12 Native American and First Nations women featured in this book overcame unimaginable hardships--racial and gender discrimination, abuse ...

Nerdycorn by Andrew Root (author) and Erin Kraan (illustrator)
Fern isn't your usual unicorn...she loves chemistry and math more than glitter or flowers--and she refuses to change who she is in this sweet and empowering picture book about being yourself--and standing up for yourself, ...

Never Stop Wondering by Emily Morgan (author) and Jacqui Crocetta (illustrator)
Keep curiosity alive! That's the message of Never Stop Wondering, which inspires children to develop an enduring interest in the mysteries of the universe. Illustrated with whimsical drawings and written in lively verse by Emily ...

Next Time You See a Pill Bug by Emily Morgan
Awaken a sense of wonder in a child with the Next Time You See series from NSTA Kids. The books will inspire elementary-age children to experience the enchantment of everyday phenomena, such as pill bugs, ...

Next Time You See a Sunset by Emily Morgan
"Next time you see a sunset, stop and sit down for a while." This book's tempting opening line invites children and adults to take in a daily phenomenon with fresh eyes. By reading Next Time You ...

Not a Box
A box is just a box...unless it's not a box. From mountain to rocket ship, a small rabbit shows that a box will go as far as the imagination allows ...

Not My Girl by Christy Jordan Fenton & Margaret Pokiak-Fenton (aurthors) and Gabrielle Grimard (illustrator)
Margaret can't wait to see her family, but her homecoming is not what she expected. Based on the true story of Margaret Pokiak-Fenton, and complemented by evocative illustrations, Not My Girl makes the original, award-winning ...

Notable Native People by Adrienne Keene
Celebrate the lives, stories, and contributions of Indigenous artists, activists, scientists, athletes, and other change-makers in this beautifully illustrated collection. From luminaries of the past, like nineteenth-century sculptor Edmond Lewis--the first Black and Native American ...

Now and Ben The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin by Gene Barretta
What would you do if you lived in a community without a library, hospital, post office, or fire department? If you were Benjamin Franklin, you'd set up these organizations yourself. Franklin also designed the lightning ...

Now and Ben: The Modern Inventions of Benjamin Franklin
What would you do if you lived in a community without a library, hospital, post office, or fire department? If you were Benjamin Franklin, you'd set up these organizations yourself ...

Ocean Waves for All by Stacy McAnulty (author) and David Litchfield (illustrator)
From writer Stacy McAnulty and illustrator David Litchfield, Ocean! Waves for All is a light-hearted nonfiction picture book about the formation and history of the ocean, told from the perspective of the ocean itself. Dude. Ocean is ...

Octopus’s Garden
Based on the lyrics of the world famous Beatles song, this glorious picture book follows five children on a magical journey through the Octopus's garden ...

On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne (author) and Vladimir Radunsky (illustrator)
A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light. This brilliant mind will one day offer up ...

On the Same Day in March by Marilyn Singer (author) and Frané Lessac (illustrator)
On the same day in March... Polar bears ride on Artic ice. People in French cafes turn up their faces to the sun. Hailstones roll over Indian hillsides. Rain makes a river in Kenya. On ...

One Duck Stuck by Phyllis Root (author) and Jane Champan (illustrator)
Perfect for reading aloud, this counting book not only contains bright bold illustrations but also has lots of . . . sound effects that children will love to replicate ...

One Grain of Rice
A mathematical fairy tale similar to The King's Chessboard. A village girl outsmarts a selfish king by asking him to double a portion of rice every day for 30 days in order to feed the ...

One Grain of Rice by Demi
A reward of one grain of rice doubles day by day into millions of grains of rice when a selfish raja is outwitted by a clever village girl ...

One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies (author) and Jane Chapman (illustrator)
Far, far out at sea lives one of the world's most mysterious creatures, the loggerhead turtle. For thirty years she swims the oceans, wandering thousands of miles as she searches for food. Then, one summer ...

Orion And The Dark by Emma Yarlett
Orion is very scared of the dark--until Dark decides to pay him a visit Orion is scared of a lot of things, but most of all he's scared of the dark. So one night the ...

Oscar and the Moth by Geoff Waring
As Oscar the kitten watches the sun set one evening, he has lots of questions about light and dark. Who better than Moth to help out? Moth shows how sources of light are as different ...

Oso Pardo, Oso Pardo, ¿Qué Ves Ahí? por Bill Martin (autor) y Eric Carle (ilustradora)
Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves? es un clásico de la literatura infantil. El texto rítmico de Bill Martin les habla directamente a los niños pequeños, y las hermosas ilustraciones de Eric Carle cautivan a ...

Otis and Will Discover the Deep by Barb Rosenstock (author) and Katherine Roy (illustrator)
On June 6, 1930, engineer Otis Barton and explorer Will Beebe dove into the ocean inside a hollow metal ball of their own invention called the Bathysphere. They knew dozens of things might go wrong ...

Outside, Inside by Leuyen Pham
Something strange happened on an unremarkable day just before the season changed. Everybody who was outside . . . . . . went inside. Outside, it was quieter, wilder, and different. Inside, we laughed, we ...

P is for Pterodactyl by Raj Haldar and Chris Carpenter illustrated by Maria Tina Beddia
Let's get real--the English language is bizarre. A might be for apple, but it's also for aisle and aeons. Why does the word "gnat" start with a G but the word "knot" doesn't start with ...

Papa’s Mechanical Fish by Candace Fleming (author) and Boris Kulikov (illustrator)
Candace Fleming and illustrator Boris Kulikov pair up to tell a fun story about a real submarine inventor in Papa's Mechanical Fish Clink Clankety-bang Thump-whirr That's the sound of Papa at work. Although he is an ...

Perritos por Sandra Boynton
Featuring playful, full-color illustrations by Boynton, this terrific concept book allows kids to learn their numbers by barking along with the lively perritos ...

Pete the Cat I Love my White Shoes by James Dean (author) and Eric Litwin (illustrator)
Pete the Cat goes walking down the street wearing his brand-new white shoes. Along the way, his shoes change from white to red to blue to brown to WET as he steps in piles of ...

Pig and Small by Alex Latimer
Two friends learn that size doesn't matter in this hilarious story about finding common ground. Pig and Bug just want to be friends. But their size difference is proving to be a BIG problem. Pig ...

Pink is for Blobfish by Jess Keating (author) and David DeGrand (illustrator)
Some people think pink is a pretty color. A fluffy, sparkly, princess-y color. But it's so much more. Sure, pink is the color of princesses and bubblegum, but it's also the color of monster slugs ...

Planet Power : Explore the Worlds Renewable Energy by Stacy P. Clark and Annalisa Beghelli
An environmental geologist, nature lover, educator and climate journalist, Stacy Clark enjoys distilling science into lively rhymes for young readers. Working between New York City and Dallas, Texas, she is inspired by the awesome potential ...

Playing from the Heart by Peter H. Reynolds
When a young boy begins to play on his family's piano, reveling in the fun of plunking the keys, his father signs him up for lessons so that he can learn to play properly. With ...

Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum by Megan McCarthy
Gum. It's been around for centuries; from the ancient Greeks to the American Indians, everyone's chewed it. But the best kind of gum; bubble gum! wasn't invented until 1928, when an enterprising young accountant at ...

Press Here by Herve Tullet
Press Here by Herve Tullet- Press the yellow dot on the cover of this book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey! Each page of this surprising book instructs the reader to ...

Quantum Physics by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Big, brainy science for the littlest listeners. Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book engages readers in a game of hide-and-seek with Schrodinger's famous feline. Can cat ...

Que Llenara La Canasta? What Will Fit? by Grace Lin
Take a trip to the farmers market in this playful story about spatial sense. Olivia is searching for something just the right size to fill her basket. The apple is so small that it rolls ...

Queen of Physics by Teresa Robeson (author) and Rebecca Huang (illustrator)
When Wu Chien Shiung was born in China 100 years ago, most girls did not attend school; no one considered them as smart as boys. But her parents felt differently. Giving her a name meaning ...

Rachel Carson Clearing the Way for Environmental Protection by Mike Venzia
Meet marine biologist Rachel Carson! Getting to Know the World's Greatest Inventors and Scientists series combines a delightful mix of full-color historical reproductions, photos, and hilarious cartoon-style illustrations that bring to life the work and ...

Rachel Carson: Clearing the Way for Environmental Protection
Rachel Carson: Clearing the Way for Environmental Protection. The format of the series is unique, with humorous, cartoon-like original illustrations from the author ...

Reading Rockets
This article discusses the power of reading aloud and goes a step further to discuss the power of thinking out loud while reading to children as a way to highlight the strategies used by thoughtful ...

REAL Primary Colors Book
What are the primary colors? If you ask a physicist, they will have to ask you a question back. Are you talking about the primary colors of light, used for color addition, or the primary ...

Roberto The Insect Architect by Nina Laden
Ever since he was a wee mite (a termite, that is), Roberto has wanted to be an architect. Discouraged by his woodeating family and friends, he decides to follow his dream to the big, bug ...

Robot and the Bluebird
High atop a pile of rubbish sits a lonely Robot with a broken heart. Then one winter's day, a Bluebird appears, fighting against the freezing wind. When the Robot offers her a home in the ...

Robot, Go Bot!
When this little girl builds her own robot, she thinks she's got the perfect best friend: one who will do whatever she says! But even robots can get tired of being told what to do ...

Robots by Melissa Stewart
Discover the coolest robots of today and tomorrow in this colorful, photo-packed book. In this inviting and entertaining format, kids will learn about the science behind these amazing machines. This Level 3 reader is written ...

Rocket Says Look up! by Nathan Bryan (author) and Dapo Adeola (illustrator)
A comet will be visible tonight, and Rocket wants everyone to see it with her--even her big brother, Jamal, whose attention is usually trained on his phone or video games. Rocket's enthusiasm brings neighbors and ...

Rocks and Minerals A Gem of a Book by Dan Green (author) and Basher (illustrator)
Simon Basher is back with another zany primer to science! Following his 3 successful titles on the basics of chemistry, physics, and biology, BASHER SCIENCE: ROCKS AND MINERALS is an in-depth look at the ground ...

Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee
This exhilarating amusement park visit begins with a line of prospective riders, eagerly awaiting their turn . . . with at least one person who has never done this before. Zooming, swerving, dipping, and diving, ...

Rons Big Mission by Rose Blue and Corinne Naden illustrated by Don Tate
Nine-year-old Ron loves going to the Lake City Public Library to look through all the books on airplanes and flight. Today, Ron is ready to take out books by himself. But in the segregated world of ...

Rosa Rides Her Scooter / A Rosa Le Encanta Montar en su Patineta by Jessica Spanyol
Let's find out which toys Rosa and her friends are playing with today! An important series that celebrates inclusivity, promotes gender equality and embraces the uniqueness of every child ...

Rosa y el Experimento del Gran Girasol / Rosa’s Big Sunflower Experiment by Jessica Spanyol
Rosa's group of friends want to learn all about growing their own sunflowers! The book covers each step, from planting the seed to examining the mini beasts the fully-grown flowers attract. It provides plenty of ...

Rosa’s Big Boat Experiment by Jessica Spanyol
Rosa and her friends want to build boats! But how will they keep them from sinking? Through observation, trial and error, the group of children learn about density. They predict outcomes and make notes about ...
Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty (author) and David Roberts (illustrator)
Rosie may seem quiet during the day, but at night she's a brilliant inventor of gizmos and gadgets who dreams of becoming a great engineer. When her great-great-aunt Rose (Rosie the Riveter) comes for a ...

Rubber-Band Banjos and a Java Jive Bass
Make a hip-hoppin' java jive bass out of an old coffee can. Put on your homemade tuxedo and conduct your own orchestra. Those are just some of the fun projects and activities you'll enjoy as ...

Say Zoop by Herve Tullet
Make some noise! Shout "OH!" Whisper "oh!" Say "Zoop"? Yes! "Zoop!" "Zoop!" "Zoop!" The newest book from Hervé Tullet magically responds with bursts of color and moving shapes ...

Scientists You Can Be Anything by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Babies who love science can be anything! Move over Wonder Woman and Superman--here come Aerospace Engineer and Particle Physicist! Baby loves to explore the world of science! What's next for Baby after learning about physics, ...

Selling Eggs by Tom Noll (author) illustrated by Brandon Fall and Kimiyo Nishio
L.T. has become THE NEW RECYCLING HERO! The series is about his adventures in recycling creatively with its' colorful, whimsical illustrations, nostalgic look and inspiring messages reminding us all that... We Still Need to Recycle, Go Green, Be ...

Serious Fun by Marie L. Masterson and Holly Bohart (editors)
A guide for teachers about the importance of planning learning experiences that integrate child-centered play with rich content-based instruction. Serious Fun emphasizes a teachers' active role in children's play in order to guide learning. Organized ...

Shark Lady by Jess Keating (author) and Martha Álverez Miguéns
Named a Best Children's Book of 2017 by Parents magazine Eugenie Clark fell in love with sharks from the first moment she saw them at the aquarium. She couldn't imagine anything more exciting than studying these graceful ...

Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist
At 9 years old, Eugenie Clark developed an unexpected passion for sharks after a visit to the Battery Park Aquarium in New York City. At the time, sharks were seen as mindless killing machines, but ...

Sharuko: El Arqueólogo Peruano Julio C. Tello / Peruvian Archaeologist Julio C. Tello (Spanish and English Edition)
At the age of twelve, Julio moved to Lima to continue his education. While in medical school, he discovered an article about the skulls he had found. The skulls had long ago been sent to ...

She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton (author) and Alexandra Boiger (illustrator)
Throughout United States history, there have always been women who have spoken out for what's right, even when they have to fight to be heard. In this book, Chelsea Clinton celebrates thirteen American women who ...

She Persisted in Sports : American Olympians Who Changed the Game by Chelsea Clinton (aurthor) and Alexandra Boiger (illustrator)
Throughout history, women have been told that they couldn't achieve their dreams, no matter how hard they tried. Women athletes have faced their own unique set of challenges, across countless sports and levels of play ...

Simple Machine by D. J. Ward (author) and Mike Lowery (illustrator)
Machines help make work easier, like when you need to lift something heavy or reach way up high. Can you adjust a seesaw to lift an elephant? What happens when you combine two or more ...

Skulls! by Blair Thornburgh (author) and Scott Campbell (illustrator)
You probably don’t think much about skulls. So what’s the big deal about them? Well, every head of every person you’ve ever seen has a skull inside. And that includes YOU! ...

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
The sky's no limit as the author-illustrator of The Dot and Ish winds up his Creatrilogy with a whimsical tale about seeing the world a new way. Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help ...

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can't wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a sky without blue paint? After ...

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds
Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds- Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a ...

Sky Sisters by Jan Bourdeau Waboose ( author) and Brian Deines ( illustrator)
Two Ojibway sisters set off across the frozen north country to see the SkySpirits' midnight dance. It isn't easy for the younger sister to be silent, but gradually she begins to treasure the stillness and ...

Snow White and the Seven Robots by Stewart Ross
When the wicked Star Queen shipwrecks her daughter, Snow White, on a remote forest planet, the plucky princess uses her engineering know-how to rebuild her ruined spacecraft into robot helpers! Can she and her mechanical ...

Sofia Valdez, Future Prez by Andrea Beaty (author) and David Roberts (illustrator)
Every morning, Abuelo walks Sofia to school . . . until one day, when Abuelo hurts his ankle at a local landfill and he can no longer do so. Sofia (aka Sofi) misses her Abuelo ...

Some Bugs by Angela Diterlizzi (author) and Brendan Wenzel (illiustrator)
Grab your magnifying glass! Find your field guide! And come hop, hide, swim, and glide through this buggy backyard world! Featuring butterflies and moths, crickets and cicadas, bumblebees and beetles, this zippy rhyming exploration of ...

Something Good by Marcy Campbell (author) and Corinna Luyken (illustrator)
This kind of thing won't be tolerated at our school, the principal declares the day the "bad-something" is discovered written on a wall. The incident makes the kids nervous, giggly, and curious at first, but ...

Sometimes We Do by Omo Moses (author) and Diego Chaves (illustrator)
Johari loves Daddy days, when he and his father make pancakes and play with trains. Together Johari and his father chat about size, number, amount, recipes, and family chores. Playful illustrations allow a glimpse of ...

Sophia Sparks by Elanor Best (author) and Lara Ede (illustrator)
Sophia wears her bow whenever she needs to come up with a new, dazzling invention. But one day, she can't find it! Join Sophia as she learns - through the power of mashed potato and ...

Star Stuff Carl Sagan and the mysteries of the Cosmos by Stephanie Ross Sisson
For every child who has ever looked up at the stars and asked, "What are they?" comes the story of a curious boy who never stopped wondering: Carl Sagan. When Carl Sagan was a young ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...

STEMAZing Picture Books Activity Cards Volume 1
STEMAZING Picture Books - Volume 1 Those Darn Squirrels by Adam Rubin (engineering design process) Hello Numbers by Dr. Klemm, The Numbers Lady (numerical literacy) Iggy Peck, Architect by Andrea Beaty (building bridges, architecture) I am Amelia Earhart by ...

STEMAZing Picture Books Activity Cards Volume 2
What's Your Angle, Pythagoras? by Julie Ellis and Phyllis Hornung (math, geometry) Press Here, by Herve Tullet (cause and effect, algorithms) Mix It Up!, by Herve Tullet (color subtraction, physics) The Tiny Seed, by Eric Carle (plant biology) The Boy Who ...

Stone Girl Bone Girl: A Story of Mary Anning of Lyme Regis by Laurence Anholt
Read about Mary Anning, the world's best-known fossil hunter ...

Storytime from Space
Rosie Revere, Engineer made it all the way up to the International Space Station! Listen to astronaut Kate Rubins read Rosie while in orbit ...

Structural Engineering by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Accurate enough to satisfy an expert, yet simple enough for baby, this clever board book explores the basics of building--from foundation to rooftop--and ties it all to baby's world. Beautiful, visually stimulating illustrations complement age-appropriate ...

Stuck by Oliver Jeffers
When Floyd's kite gets stuck in a tree, he's determined to get it out. But how? Well, by knocking it down with his shoe, of course. But strangely enough, it too gets stuck. And the ...

Sunshine Makes the Season by Frānklyn M. Brānley (author) and Michael Rex (illustrator)
The sun shines down on us, giving warmth and light. But did you know that the sun also makes the seasons? As the earth makes one complete rotation around the sun every year, the seasons ...

Super Rabbit Boy Powers Up by Thomas Flintham
King Viking has a plan to defeat Super Rabbit Boy once and for all! Can Super Rabbit Boy power up before it's too late? Pick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early chapter ...

Superheros Are Everywhere by Kamala Harris (author) and Mechal Renee Roe (illustrator)
Before Kamala Harris was elected to the vice presidency, she was a little girl who loved superheroes. And when she looked around, she was amazed to find them everywhere In her family, among her friends, ...

Sylvia’s Spinach by Katherine Pryor (author) and Anna Raff (illustrator)
Sylvia Spivens always says no to spinach. But one day Sylvia's teacher gives her a packet of spinach seeds to plant for the school garden. Overcoming her initial reluctance and giving the seeds a little ...

The 101 Coolest Simple Science Experiments by Rachel Miller, Holly Homer, and Jamie Harrington
Perform Mind-Blowing Science Experiments at Home You'll have the time of your life conducting these incredible, wacky and fun experiments with your parents, teachers, babysitters and other adults. You'll investigate, answer your questions and expand ...

The A to Z Guide to Jobs for Girls written and illustrated by Charles C. Dowd, CJ, and Allison
An adorably illustrated alphabet book featuring career options for girls such as Astronaut, Firefighter, and Quarterback! This premium board book edition makes an excellent gift for any empowered little girl or expectant mother ...

The Amazing Life Cycle of Butterflies by Kay Barnham (author) and Maddie Frost (illustrator)
From moth to chrysalis to beautiful butterfly, learn about a butterfly's life. Children have lots of questions about the world around them, and this book helps them discover many amazing and wonderful scientific facts about ...

The Bad Seed by Jory John (author) and Pete Oswald (illustrator)
He has a bad temper, bad manners, and a bad attitude. He's been bad since he can remember! This seed cuts in line every time, stares at everybody and never listens. But what happens when ...

The Bicycle Fence by Tom Noll (author) and Brandom Fall (illustrator)
L.T. has become THE NEW RECYCLING HERO! The series is about his adventures in recycling creatively with its' colorful, whimsical illustrations, nostalgic look and inspiring messages reminding us all that... We Still Need to Recycle, Go Green, Be ...

The Boy and The Wild Blue Girl by Keith Negley
This is a clever and inspiring story of how curiosity and observation can bring about change in the world ...

The Boy Who Grew a Forest by Sophia Gholz (author) abd Kayla Harren (illustrator)
As a boy, Jadav Payeng was distressed by the destruction deforestation and erosion was causing on his island home in India's Brahmaputra River. So he began planting trees. What began as a small thicket of ...

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon
When fourteen-year-old William Kamkwamba's Malawi village was hit by a drought, everyone's crops began to fail. Without enough money for food, let alone school, William spent his days in the library ... and figured out ...

The Brilliant Deep by Kate Messener (author) and Mathew Forsythe (illustrator)
All it takes is one: One coral gamete to start a colony One person to make a difference One idea to change the world The ongoing efforts to save and rebuild the world's coral reefs--with ...

The Bug Girl by Sophia Spener with Margaret McNamara (authors) and Kerascoët (illustrator)
Sophia Spencer has loved bugs ever since a butterfly landed on her shoulder--and wouldn't leave!--at a butterfly conservancy when she was only two-and-a-half years old. In preschool and kindergarten, Sophia was thrilled to share what ...

The Carrot Seed
The Carrot Seed by Ruth Krauss, Crockett Johnson (Illustrator). When a little boy plants a carrot seed, everyone tells him it won't grow ...

The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
One boy's quest for a greener world... one garden at a time. While out exploring one day, a little boy named Liam discovers a struggling garden and decides to take care of it. As time ...

The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield (author) and The Fan Brothers (illustrator)
Chris loves rockets and planets and pretending he's a brave astronaut, exploring the universe. Only one problem—at night, Chris doesn't feel so brave. He's afraid of the dark. But when he watches the groundbreaking moon ...

The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers
Boy, Duncan's crayons sure are a colorful bunch of characters. Having soothed the hurt feelings of one group who threatened to quit, Duncan now faces a whole new group of crayons asking to be rescued! ...

The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywatt
Poor Duncan just wants to color. But when he opens his box of crayons, he finds only letters, all saying the same thing: His crayons have had enough They quit Beige Crayon is tired of ...

The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson (author) and Rafael López (illustrator)
National Book Award winner Jacqueline Woodson and two-time Pura Belpr Illustrator Award winner Rafael L pez have teamed up to create a poignant, yet heartening book about finding courage to connect, even when you feel ...

The Desert Is My Mother/El Desierto Es Mi Madre by Pat Mora (author) and Daniel Lechon (illustrator)
The first bilingual picture book published under the Pinata Books imprint in 1994, Pat Mora's ode to the desert is finally available in paperback format. The Desert Is My Mother introduces the partnership of an ...

The Doctor with an Eye for Eyes by Julia Finley Mosca (author) and Daniel Rieley (illustrator)
As a girl coming of age during the Civil Rights Movement, Patricia Bath made it her mission to become a doctor. When obstacles like racism, poverty, and sexism threatened this goal, she persevered--brightening the world ...

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds- For anyone who has been afraid to express themselves- from a child in art class to an adult whose fear has shut down a long-held dream ...

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
Art class is over, but Vashti is sitting glued to her chair in front of a blank piece of paper. The words of her teacher are a gentle invitation to express herself. But Vashti can't ...

The Dot by PeterH. Reynolds
With a simple, witty story and free-spirited illustrations, Peter H. Reynolds entices even the stubbornly uncreative among us to make a mark -- and follow where it takes us. Her teacher smiled. "Just make a ...

The Girl Who Could Fix Anything : Beatrice Shilling, World War II Engineer by Mara Rockliff (author) and Daniel Duncan (illustrator)
Beatrice Shilling wasn't quite like other children. She could make anything. She could fix anything. And when she took a thing apart, she put it back together better than before. When Beatrice left home to ...

The Girl Who Named Pluto by Alice B. McGinty (author) and Elizabeth Haidle (illustrator)
An empowering, inspiring--and accessible!--nonfiction picture book about the eleven-year-old girl who actually named the newly discovered Pluto in 1930. When Venetia Burney's grandfather reads aloud from the newspaper about a new discovery--a ninth major planet ...

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures by Julia Finley Mosca (author) and Daniel Rieley (illustrator)
When young Temple was diagnosed with autism, no one expected her to talk, let alone become one of the most powerful voices in modern science. Yet, the determined visual thinker did just that. Her unique ...

The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Dr. Temple Grandin
If you've ever felt different, if you've ever been low, if you don't quite fit in, there's a name you should know... Meet Dr. Temple Grandin--one of the world's quirkiest science heroes! ...

The Inuit Thought of It : Amazing Arctic Innovations by Alootook Ipellie with David MacDonald
Today's Arctic communities have all the comforts of modern living. Yet the Inuit survived in this harsh landscape for hundreds of years with nothing but the land and their own ingenuity. Join authors Alootook Ipellie ...

The Little Red Fort by Brenda Maier (author) and Sonia Sánchez (illustrator)
A spunky, feminist adaptation of the timeless favorite, The Little Red Hen, sure to appeal to fans of Rosie Revere, Engineer ...

The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism by Steve Goreham
The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism is the first book on climate change that is fun to read. Using figures, cartoons, and whimsical sidebars, Steve Goreham describes our crazy world, which is far down ...

The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up by Kristen Earhart (author) and Carolyn Bracklyn (illustrator)
"Based on The magic school bus books written by Joanna Cole and illustrated by Bruce Degen"--P. facing t.p ...

The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds by Joanna Cole (author) and Bruce Degan (illustrator)
Ms. Frizzle's class is growing a beautiful garden, but Phoebe's plot is empty. Her flowers are at her old school! So, the kids climb aboard the Magic School Bus. They go to Phoebe's old school ...

The Moon Seems to Change by Frānklyn M. Brānley (author) illustrated by Bārbārā and Ed Emberley
This clear and appealing science book for early elementary age kids, both at home and in the classroom, introduces basic information about the moon. Have you noticed that the moon sometimes seems to grow and ...

The Moon’s Time to Shine by Myra Zarnowski
Just in time for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing The inquisitive robots from the award-winning StoryBots apps, videos, and Emmy Award-winning Netflix show star in a Step 1 reader that is over the ...

The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Spires has created a charming picture book about an unnamed girl and her very best friend, who happens to be a dog. The girl has a wonderful idea. "She is ...

The Paper Crane by Molly Bang
A beautifully illustrated retelling of an ancient Japanese folktale by Molly Bang, the celebrated creator of numerous picture books including the Caldecott Honor Books Ten, Nine, Eight; The Grey Lady and the Strawberry Snatcher; and When Sophie Gets ...

The People Shall Continue : 40th Anniversary Special Edition by Simon J. Ortiz (author) and Sharol Graves (illustrator)
Choices Republished for its fortieth anniversary, this powerful story by renowned Acoma Pueblo poet and storyteller Simon J. Ortiz traces the history of Native/ Indigenous people of North America from the time of creation to ...

The Princess in Black and the Science Fair Scare by Shannon Half (author) and Dean Half (illustrator)
It's mayhem at the science fair! A squishy goo monster is a challenge for the Princess in Black -- but luckily some science-loving princesses are on hand to help. Princess Magnolia is excited. Excited and ...

The Puddle Pail by Elisa Kleven
Elisa Kleven's beloved little blue crocodile, Ernst, stars in this story about two brothers. While sensible Sol collects things like feathers and shells, Ernst has a more whimsical approach: He wants to collect puddles and ...

The Reading Pig Goes to the Desert by Jessica Jankowski (author) and Judy Nostrant (illustrators)
The adventures of The Reading Pig continue. In this story, Cole and his classmates suit up and head out for a day long trek in a nearby desert park. They explore the charm of the ...

The Reason for a Flower : A Book About Flowers, Pollen and Seeds by Ruth Heller
The reason for a flower is to manufacture seeds, but Ruth Heller shares a lot more about parts of plants and their functions in her trademark rhythmic style. "[An] extravagantly beautiful creation. It is unusual ...

The Remarkable Farkle Mc.Bride by John Lithgow (author) and C.F Payne (illustrator)
Young Farkle McBride is a musical genius: He plays the violin, the flute, the trombone, and the drums with incredible skill. But he's never satisfied: Something is missing. In his first book, actor and musician ...

The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson (author) and Axel Scheffler (illustrator)
When a tiny snail meets a humpback whale, the two travel together to far-off lands. It's a dream come true for the snail, who has never left home before. But when the whale swims too ...

The Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka (author) and Lane Smith (illustrator)
In this hysterical and clever fracture fairy tale picture book that twists point of view and perspective, young readers will finally hear the other side of the story of "The Three Little Pigs." ...

The Sun and the Moon by Carolyn Cinami DeCristofano (author) and Taia Morley (illustrator)
The sun is out in the day and always has a circle shape. The moon's shape seems to change, and you can sometimes see it in the daytime and at night. What are the sun ...

The Tree Lady by H.Joseph Hopkins (author) Jill McElmurry (illustrator)
Katherine Olivia Sessions never thought she'd live in a place without trees. After all, Kate grew up among the towering pines and redwoods of Northern California. But after becoming the first woman to graduate from ...

The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope by Kristeen Rogers
Explores objects and organisms that can be viewed with a microscope and discusses various kinds of microscopes and microscopy techniques ...

The Vast Wonder Of The World : Bilogist Ernest Everett Just by Melina Mangal (author) and Luisa Uribe (illustrator)
Ernest Everett Just was not like other scientists of his time. He saw the whole, where others saw only parts. He noticed details others failed to see. He persisted in his research despite the discrimination ...

The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
Early one morning a little spider spins her web on a fence post. One by one, the animals of the nearby farm try to distract her, yet the busy little spider keeps diligently at her ...

The Water Princess by Susan Verde (author) and Peter H. Reynolds (illustrator)
With its wide sky and warm earth, Princess Gie Gie's kingdom is a beautiful land. But clean drinking water is scarce in her small African village. And try as she might, Gie Gie cannot bring ...

The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds
Some people collect stamps. Some people collect coins. Some people collect art. And Jerome? Jerome collected words . . . In this extraordinary new tale from Peter H. Reynolds, Jerome discovers the magic of the words ...

The Worm Family Has its Picture Taken by Jennifer Frank & David Ezra Stein
Emma is excited for her worm family to have their portrait taken. But when she sees her other friends' portraits, she gets discouraged. We had the most beautiful smiles, Ellie the Chipmunk squeals. Abigail the ...

There Once Was a Sky Full of Stars by Bob Crelin (author) and Amie Ziner (illustrator)
If you're looking for a unique children's bedtime story with an astronomical theme, pick up There Once Was a Sky Full of Stars. This beautifully illustrated book helps children discover the magic of the night sky, ...

There’s Something in the Water by Leena Bakshi (author) and Brian Lamont Burgess (illustrator)
Dr. Leena Bakshi intensively studies STEM education and how we can create access and opportunities for EACH and EVERY student regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or socioeconomic status. After seeing the limited access that underrepresented ...

Thermodynamtics by Ruth Spiro (author) and Irene Chan (illustrator)
Babies are natural scientists, discovering and experimenting every minute. With bright, quirky illustrations and simple text, this adorable board book illustrates a practical and accessible example of thermodynamics: the science of heat and energy. All ...

This Is a Book to Read With a Worm by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen (author) and Margaret McCartney (illustrator)
Foster a love of animals and science with this charming activity guide for finding and observing earthworms. Hands-on experiments help young biologists answer questions like "Which end is which?" and "Do worms make noise?" Insider ...

This is a Book to Read with a Worm by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen (author) and Margaret McCartney (illustrator)
Foster a love of animals and science with this charming activity guide for finding and observing earthworms. Hands-on experiments help young biologists answer questions like "Which end is which?" and "Do worms make noise?" Insider ...

This Land Is Your Land
This classic ballad is brought to life in a richly illustrated edition for the whole family to share. Woody Guthrie's powerful lyrics and Kathy Jakobsen's detailed paintings invite readers on a journey across the country, ...

This Old Band
What kinds of instruments would you imagine a band of cowboys playing? Surely nothing fancy, but they can still make do with what they have, like jugs, combs, boots, and whatever else they can find ...

Those Darn Squirrels and the Cat Next Door by Adam Rubin (author) and Daniel Salmieri (illustrator)
From the creators of Dragons Love Tacos comes the second laugh-out-loud story about Old Man Fookwire and the those darn squirrels! All is calm in old man Fookwire's yard until new neighbors--Little Old Lady Hu ...

Those Darn Squirrels Fly South by Adam Ruth (author) and Daniel Salmieri (illustrator)
From the creators of Dragons Love Tacos comes the third off-the-wall comedy featuring Old Man Fookwire, a lot of birds, and those darn squirrels. Old Man Fookwire's one pleasure in life is painting the birds ...

Tiny and the Big Dig by Sherri Duskey Rinker (author) and Matt Myers (illustrator)
A New York Times bestselling powerhouse team presents a doggie, a bone, and tons of determination to remind us that going for what you want brings ginormous surprises. Sniff Sniff-sniff I smell a bone. A bone that's ...

Tiny Seed, text only
Use this with annotation cards to engage students with the text from this picture book ...

Together is Better : A Little Book of Insperation by Simon Sinek (author) and Ethan M. Aldridge (illustrator)
Life is a series of choices. Do we go left or right? Jump forward or hold back? Sometimes our choices work out for the better...and sometimes they don't. But there is one choice, regardless of ...

Together is Better by Simon Sinek (author) and Ethan M. Aldridge (illustrator)
Simon Sinek sparked a movement with his bestsellers START WITH WHY and LEADERS EAT LAST. Now this beautifully illustrated book will inspire more readers to ask for help, help others, and discover their own courage ...

Tortillas are Round by Roseanne Greenfield Thong (author) and John Parra (illustrator)
In this lively picture book, children discover shapes all around them: rectangles are ice-cream carts and stone metates, while triangles are slices of watermelon and quesadillas. Many of the featured objects are Latino in origin, ...

Toy Boat by Randall De Séve (author) and Loren Long (illustrator)
A little boy has a toy boat. He made it out of a can, a cork, a yellow pencil, and some white cloth. The boy and his boat are inseparable, until one day when the ...

Tubby the Tuba
When the recording of Tubby the Tuba was first released, it met with instant success, and it went on to sell 13 million copies. Now, these classic characters have been reimagined by Henry Cole in ...

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner (author) and Christopher Silas Neal (illustrator)
A companion to the new Over and Under the Pond and the beloved Over and Under the Snow, this sweet exploration of the hidden world and many lives of a garden through the course of a year could ...

Very Hungry Caterpillar
A great story about a caterpillar but beware of inaccuracies to the real butterfly life cycle ...

Violet the Pilot by Steve Breen
Violet is a science-loving girl inventor with a flair for the air! ...

Violet the Pilot by Steve Breen
By the time she's two years old, Violet Van Winkle can engineer nearly any appliance in the house. And by eight she's building elaborate flying machines from scratch--mind-boggling contraptions such as the Tubbubbler, the Bicycopter, ...

Violet the Pilot by Steve Breen
By the time she's two years old, Violet Van Winkle can engineer nearly any appliance in the house. And by eight she's building elaborate flying machines from scratch--mind-boggling contraptions such as the Tubbubbler, the Bicycopter, ...

Vivian and The Legend of The Hoodoos by Terry Catasus Jennings (author) and Phillis Saroff (illustrator)
Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos ...

Wangari Maathai by Franck Prévot (author) and Aurélia Fronty (illustrator)
Wangari Maathai changed the way the world thinks about nature, ecology, freedom, and democracy, inspiring radical efforts that continue to this day.This simply told story begins with Green Belt Movement founder Wangari Maathai's childhood at ...

Wangari’s Trees of Peace by Jeanette Winter
As a young girl growing up in Kenya, Wangari was surrounded by trees. But years later when she returns home, she is shocked to see whole forests being cut down, and she knows that soon ...

Water Rolls, Water rises by Pat Mora (author) and Meila So (illustrator)
Here is an ode to the beauty of the natural world as expressed by the movement and moods of water. With every evocative verse, we visit one of fourteen different water landscapes and cultural areas ...

We are Grateful by Traci Sorell (author) and Frané Lessac (illustrator)
The Cherokee community is grateful for blessings and challenges that each season brings. This is modern Native American life as told by an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation. The word otsaliheliga (oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah) is used by members ...

We Are Still Here! : Native American Truths Everyone Should Know by Traci Sorell (author) and Frane Lessac (illustrator)
Too often, Native American history is treated as a finished chapter instead of relevant and ongoing. This companion book to the award-winning We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga offers readers everything they never learned in school about Native American ...

Wed are the Water Protectors by Carole Linderstrom (author) and Michaela Goade (illustrator)
Inspired by the many Indigenous-led movements across North America, We Are Water Protectors issues an urgent rallying cry to safeguard the Earth's water from harm and corruption--a bold and lyrical picture book written by Carole Lindstrom and ...

Wendell the Narwhal by Emily Dove
Everyone in the ocean can make music, except for Wendell the narwhal. His big, pointy horn can't go "pop pop pop" or "clappy clap clap" or even "whoosh" ...

Wendell the Narwhal by Emily Dove
Everyone in the ocean can make music, except for Wendell the Narwhal. His big, pointy horn can't go "pop" or "clappy clap clap" or even "whoosh". Will Wendell find a way to join in with ...

What Do Wheels Do All Day? by April Jones Prince (author) and Giles Laroche (illustrator)
"A short rhyming text in very large type provides the framework for Laroche's impressive bas-relief cut-paper collages. . . . Best of all, the wide, single-scene spreads create their own staccato rhythm, with wheels of ...

What Do You Do With a Chance by Kobi Yamada (author) and Mae Besom (illustrator)
The award–winning creators of The New York Times best sellers What Do You Do With an Idea? and What Do You Do With a Problem? return with a captivating story about a child who isn't ...

What Do You Do With a Problem
What do you do with a problem? Especially one that follows you around and doesn't seem to be going away? Do you worry about it? Ignore it? Do you run and hide from it? This ...

What Do You Do With a Problem? by Kobi Yamada (author) and Mae besom (illustrator)
"What do you do with a problem? Especially one that follows you around and doesn't seem to be going away? Do you worry about it? Ignore it? Do you run and hide from it? This ...

What Do You Do with an Idea?
A STEMAZing picture book with loads of possibilities for engaging students from social-emotional lessons to developing out engineering ideas and learning from failure. This link takes you to a matrix of questions related to the ...

What do You do With an Idea? by Kobi Yamada (author) and Mae Benson (illustrator)
This is the story of one brilliant idea and the child who helps to bring it into the world. As the child's confidence grows, so does the idea itself. And then, one day, something amazing ...
What Do You Do with an Idea? YouTube Read Along
Read along video of What Do You Do With An Idea? ...

What Does it Mean to be an Entrepreneur by Rana DiOrio and Emma D. Dryden illustrated by Ken Min
Part of the award-winning What Does It Mean to Be...? series, What Does It Mean to Be an Entrepreneur? is a marvelous introduction for children of all ages to the concept of entrepreneurship and creativity. Being an entrepreneur means ...

What If You Had an Animal Nose!? by Snadra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
The fifth book in this popular series asks If you could have any animal's nose, whose would you choose? What if you woke up one morning and your nose wasn't yours? What If You Had ...

What If You Had an Animal Tail!? by Sandra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's tail, whose would you choose? What if you woke up one morning and you had sprouted a tail overnight? What If You Had An Animal Tail? -- the next imaginative book ...

What If You had Animal Ears!? by Sandra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's ears, whose would you choose? What if you woke up one morning and your ears weren't yours? What If You Had Animal Ears explores what would happen if you ...

What If You Had Animal Eyes? (What If You Had) by Sandra Markle
What if you woke up one morning and your eyes weren't yours? What If You Had Animal Eyes? -- the next imaginative book in the What If You Had series ...

What If You Had Animal Eyes? by Sandar Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's eyes, whose would you choose? What if you woke up one morning and your eyes weren't yours? What If You Had Animal Eyes? -- the next imaginative book in the ...

What If You Had Animal Feet!? by Sandra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's feet, whose would you choose? WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL FEET? is the next book in the successful WHAT IF series by Sandra Markle, illustrated by Howard McWilliam, following ...

What If You Had Animal Hair!? by Sandra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's hair, whose would you choose? If you had a polar bear's double coat, you would never have to wear a hat when playing in the snow. If you had ...

What If You Had Animal Teeth!? by Sandra Markle (author) and Howard McWilliam (illustrator)
If you could have any animal's front teeth, whose would you choose? WHAT IF YOU HAD ANIMAL TEETH takes children on a fun, informative, and imaginative journey as they explore what it would be like ...

What is a Scientist? by Barbara Lehn (author) and Carol Krauss (photographs)
Simple text and full-color photographs depict children engaged in various activities that make up the scientific process: asking questions, noticing details, drawing what they see, taking notes, measuring, performing experiments, and more ...

What Makes a Magnet? by Franklyn M. Branley (author) and True Kelley (illustrator)
Will a magnet pick up a paper clip or a feather? The answer is, just the paper clip. Magnets only pick up things that contain bits of iron. In this new addition to the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out ...

What Makes Day and Night by Frānklyn M Brānley (author) and Ārthur Dorros (illustrator)
This clear and appealing science book for early elementary age kids, both at home and in the classroom, uses simple, fun diagrams and a guided experiment to explain what makes day and night. This book ...

What To Do With a Box by Jane Yolen (author) and Chris Sheban (illustrator)
If you give a child a box, who can tell what will happen next? It may become a library or a boat. It could set the scene for a fairy tale or a wild expedition ...

What We’ll Build : Plans For our Together Future by Oliver Jeffers
A father and daughter set about laying the foundations for their life together. Using their own special tools, they get to work, building memories to cherish, a home to keep them safe, and love to ...

Whats in Your Pocket? : Collecting Natures Treasures by Heather L. Montgomery (author) and Maribel Lechuga (illustrator)
When you find something strange and wonderful, do you put it in your pocket? Meet nine scientists who, as kids, explored the great outdoors and collected treasures: seedpods, fossils, worms, and more. Observing, sorting, and ...

Whats Inside a Flower? : And Other Questions About Science and Nature by Rachel Ignotofsky
Budding backyard scientists can start exploring their world with this stunning introduction to these flowery show-stoppers--from seeds to roots to blooms. Learning how flowers grow gives kids beautiful building blocks of science and inquiry ...

When Daddy Shows Me the Sky by Rebecca Wenrich Wheeler (author) and Katherine Jordan (illustrator)
In When Daddy Shows Me the Sky, a father and daughter spend their evenings practicing yoga together under the night sky. Through spring, summer, fall, and winter, they learn the names of the constellations and ...

When I Build With Blocks
When I Build With Blocks transports an everyday classroom into various imaginative scenes - from outer space to the ocean. Any young child, who has ever built with blocks, can identify with this book. Each ...

When The Shadowbush Blooms by Carla Messinger with Susan Katz (author) David Kanietakeron Fadden (illustrator)
A young Lenape Indian girl observes and reflects on the small, important ways her family today, and her ancestors generations before, celebrate the cycle of seasons. Today when a Lenape Indian girl ventures to the ...

When the Wind Blows by Linda Booth (author) and Jana Christy (illustrator)
Spring weather can be exciting! When wind chimes start singing and clouds race across the sky, one little guy knows just what to do—grab his kite! But as the kite soars, the wind picks up ...

Who Did it First? by Julie Leung and Alex Hart illustrated by Caitlin Kuhwald
You likely know that Mae Jemison was the first African American woman in space. And maybe you know that Jane Goodall was the first human accepted into a chimpanzee community. But you might not know ...

Whoosh by Chris Barton (author) and Don Tate (illustrator)
You know the Super Soaker. It's one of top twenty toys of all time. And it was invented entirely by accident. Trying to create a new cooling system for refrigerators and air conditioners, impressive inventor ...

Whoosh!: Lonnie Johnson’s Super-Soaking Stream of Inventions
You know the Super Soaker. It’s one of top twenty toys of all time. And it was invented entirely by accident. Trying to create a new cooling system for refrigerators and air conditioners, impressive inventor ...

Why Do Leaves Change Color? by Betsy Māestro (author) and Lorettā Krupinski (illustrator)
This book includes simple, fun diagrams that help introduce concepts like photosynthesis and the different types of leaves. This book also includes a list of the best spots to view leaves changing color as well ...

Wiggling Worms at Work by Wendy Pfeffer (author) and Steve Jenkins (illustrator)
Crawling through the dirt, worms are hard at work. Worms help the fruit and vegetables we eat by loosening the soil and feeding the plants. Read and find out about these wiggling wonders! ...

Wile E. Coyote Experiments With Speed and Velocity by Mark Weakland (author) and Paco Sordo (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote really wants to catch Road Runner. Watch as he experiments with speed and velocity in different ways to try and capture that bird. Will Wile E. be speedy enough? Or will he ...

Wile E. Coyote Experiences with Energy by Suzanne Slade (author) and Andrés Martínez Ricci (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote's biggest desire is to finally get his hands on Road Runner. Watch as he invents clever traps using energy from fossil fuels, the sun, wind, and more. Will Wile E.'s experiments with ...

Wile E. Coyote Experiments With Flight and Gravity by Mark Weakland (author) and Alan Brown (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote will try anything to catch Road Runner. Watch as he tries out flying contraptions in the hopes of grabbing that crazy bird. Will gravity be on Wile E.'s side? Or will it ...

Wile E. Coyote Experiments With Forces and Motions by Mark Weakland (author) and Christian Cornia (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote's main goal is to finally catch Road Runner. Watch as he builds wild vehicles and traps to help him catch that bird. Will his experiments with forces and motion be successful? Or ...

Wile E. Coyote Experiments with States of Matter by Suzanne Slade (author) and Christian Cornia (illustrator)
Wile E. Coyote wants nothing more than to get hold of Road Runner. Watch as he uses liquids, solids, and gases in clever ways to catch that bird. Will the states of matter help him ...

Women Who Changed the World by Laurie Calkhoven (author) and Patricia Castelao (illustrator)
Women have always played an important role in the history of the United States. But before they were women, they were regular girls just like anyone else. So how did these seemingly ordinary girls grow ...

Woody Guthrie, Poet of the People
This is an introductory biography presented as a picture book with a brief lyrical text and powerful, hand-tinted, woodcut-like illustrations. It includes the complete lyrics to “This Land Is Your Land” and excerpts from his ...

Worm Weather by Jean Taft (author) and Matt Hunt (illustrator)
Drip, drop, skip and hop. Splish, splash, sidewalk dash! It's worm weather! Join in the rainy-day fun, as kids splash through the puddles, affecting another weather enthusiast, a nearby worm. An imaginative and playful story, ...

Yasmin The Builder by Saadia Faruqi (author) and Hatem Aly (illustrator)
Everyone seems to have a great idea for the makerspace project -- everyone except for Yasmin! All the good ideas are taken. Luckily, recess solves everything! Inspiration strikes and Yasmin creates something that brings the ...

Yawning Yoga by Laurie Jordan (author) and Diana Mayo (illustrator)
Starting with a gentle Om, Yawning Yoga's simple instructions, gorgeous illustrations, and soothing poetry guide readers through a relaxing routine to end the day. Thoughtful poems depict a series of step-by-step yoga poses. Each of ...

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D (authors) and Sara Ackerley (illustrator)
Educator and psychologist Dr. JoAnn Deak offers a fun and engaging introduction to the anatomy and functions of the brain that will empower each young reader to S-T-R-E-T-C-H and grow their fantastic, elastic brain! Looking ...

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain, Stretch It, Shape It by Joann Deak
This innovative and timely picture book teaches children that they have the ability to stretch and grow their own brains ...

Your Place in the Universe by Jason Chin (author), Caldecott and Sibert Honoree
Jason Chin, the award-winning author and illustrator of Grand Canyon has once again found a way to make a complex subject--size, scale and almost unimaginable distance--accessible and understandable to readers of all ages. Meticulously researched and featuring ...

Yucky Worms by Vivian French (author) and Jessica Ahlberg (illustrator)
Who would want to be friends with a wiggly, slimy worm? You can’t even tell which end is which! But there’s more to these lowly creatures than meets the eye. Kids are invited to find ...

Zathura by Chris Van Allenburg
Acclaimed author Chris Van Allsburg's daring companion to Caldecott-award winning Jumanji--a tale of intergalactic adventure and sibling rivalry where a roll the dice transports two brothers to the mythical land of Zathura. Taking place where Jumanji ended, ...

Zora’s Zucchini by Katherine Pryor (author) and Anna Raff (illustrator)
A YOUNG GARDENER LEARNS ABOUT SHARING FOOD AND THE REWARDS OF GROWING A COMMUNITY THROUGH FOOD." The first zucchini of a summer garden is always exciting, but what happens when the plants just keep growing...and growing...and ...