Flying Things
Lessons with airplanes, rockets, kites, projectile launchers, and more!

One Page Kite
Learning Objective Children will… • build and fly a kite using a piece of paper and other inexpensive materials. Key Question Can you make a kite from a single sheet of paper? (Lección disponible en ...

Paper Helicopters
Materials Paper Helicopter Templates (large and small – printed on regular paper) Paper clips Clothespins (plastic or wood) Scissors Key Question What affects how long paper helicopters stay in the air? Learning Objectives Children will… ...

Pool Noodle Rocket
Build this Pool Noodle Rocket using, you guessed it, a pool noodle, duct tape, rubber bands, scissors, cardboard from a cereal box, a sharpened pencil, plastic knife, rocket fin template, ruler, sharpie, string, and a ...

Projectile Popper
Build this Projectile Popper using an empty 32 oz Gatorade bottle, a string, rubber bands, drill (other options), scissors, goggles, bead, ping pong balls, and a box cutter (or knife). (NOTE: Adults should prep the ...