Far Out! Exploring Space through STEM
Designed and Facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Jennifer Maxwell and Amanda McPherson
Have you ever wondered how scientists observe and gather data on objects so far away? Engage your students with innovative ideas to explore your Earth and Space Science Standards. Gain fresh hands-on, minds-on lessons to enrich topics like lunar phases and night sky viewing. Inspire your students with citizen science campaigns, star parties and space exploration missions that are out of this world!
Space Science Lessons and Resources
Apollo 13 Engineer Scene
A great scene from the movie Apollo 13 in which the engineers are tasked with making a square peg fit into a round hole. Fantastic to use for engineering design project inspiration ...

Astronomy Dresses from Svaha
Smart dresses for smart women! Find all manner of nerdy dresses with constellations, DNA strands, math symbols, gears for engineering, and much more ...

Constellation Boxes
These #STEMontheCheap models can be used to teach perspective and vantage point. Challenge students to model actual constellations ...

Dark Side of the Moon Video
From MinutePhysics, the dark side of the moon misconception explained in 10 seconds ...

Far Out! Exploring Space Through STEM Workshop PowerPoint Presentation
Here is the presentation from this workshop for your use and modification ...

Globe at Night
Activity guide for January and February 2017 for this awesome citizen science program. Find additional activity guide and resources at www.globeatnight.org ...

Marshmallow Constellations
Students can use mini marshmallows and toothpicks to create models of the constellations ...

Matrix of Crosscutting Concepts from NSTA
A look at the Crosscutting Concepts from K-12 so educators can see the progression ...

Planetarium Construction Box
Turn a 4x4 gift box into a planetarium which can be used in a dark classroom to show the constellations and then their disappearance and light pollution increases ...

Prompts for Integrating Crosscutting Concepts Into Assessment and Instruction
Prompts for both formative and summative assessment for each of the crosscutting concepts. Great for thinking about the questions you ask students as they are doing science and engineering projects. STEM Tool #41 from STEM ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...

Tidal Locking
Why do we only see one side of the moon? This MinuteEarth video answers that question ...

University of Kentucky Real Curriculum
The Realistic Explorations in Astronomical Learning (REAL) Curriculum is an integrated mathematics science curriculum designed by Dr. Jennifer Wilhelm and Dr. Ron Wilhelm. REAL is designed for use at the middle school level. You will ...