Excavating Evidence: If Rocks Could Talk
What stories are hidden in the rocks? Think like a scientist and make connections to our past through fossil hunting, the geological column, and fossil reconstruction. Learn to interpret the past using systems thinking and geological evidence. Break the cycle of silo thinking by integrating ELA and math standards into your science lessons. Be the first to adopt lessons using the new state science standards for earth science. Leave with all the materials to make a simulated rock column with real fossils to excavate and help your students become expert geologists and paleontologists.
This STEMAZing Workshop was designed and facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Kathy Hartley and Mabel Rivera.

Arizona Geological Society and Resources
Arizona Geological Survey Homepage (click on image) To support our mission and meet state statute responsibilities, the Arizona Geological Survey will: provide geologic information to enhance public understanding of the state's geologic character, geologic hazards ...

Esri Story Maps
Esri Story Maps (click on image below to visit site) Esri Story Maps let you combine authoritative maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content. They make it easy to harness the power of maps ...

Geological Columns
Using fossils, plaster of Paris, and sand, create geological columns for your students to explore and discover. A great nature of science lesson! Digging Through the Columns Worksheet Rock Column Lab Revised ...

Habits of a Systems Thinker
The Habits of a Systems Thinker help learners understand how systems work and how actions taken can impact results seen over time. They encompass a spectrum of strategies that foster problem-solving and encourage questioning. The ...

Newsela Feathery Dinosaur Article at 3 reading levels
This feathery dinosaur probably flew, but not like any bird you know Grade 3 Reading Level Grade 5 Reading Level Grade 7 Reading Level ...

Stone Girl Bone Girl: A Story of Mary Anning of Lyme Regis by Laurence Anholt
Read about Mary Anning, the world's best-known fossil hunter ...

The Great Fossil Find
Students are taken on an imaginary fossil hunt. Following a script read by the teacher, students "find" (remove from envelope) paper "fossils" of some unknown creature, only a few at a time. Each time, they ...