BBC: Who Dung It

Can you match the poop with the poopetrator? Paleontologists sometimes find fossilized feces called coprolites. See if you can match a coprolite with the ancient animal that is most likely to have created it.

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Nature of Science Lessons

In order for evolution, climate change (and many other science topics) to be properly understood as a science, ENSI maintains that a thorough introduction to the real nature of modern science is a necessary prerequisite. Common misconceptions about the Nature of Science (NOS) must be exposed and repaired. Research tells us that the best way…

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Hollow Flashlight Invented by 14-Year-Old Girl

Meet Ann Makosinski, a 15-year-old who invented a flashlight powered by thermal energy from her hand – no batteries necessary – EVER! Use this video to introduce your students to a young inventor who won her age group at the 2013 Google Science Fair. Learn more about the science and technology behind her “Hollow” Flashlight! LEARN…

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The NCF-Envirothon is an annual competition for high school-aged students conducted over five consecutive days every summer during July or August. To expose students to diverse environmental issues, ecosystems, and topography the North American Envirothon is hosted in a different location each year.

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The ExploraVision competition for K-12 students engages the next generation in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM. ExploraVision challenges students envision and communicate new technology 20 years in the future through collaborative brainstorming and research of current science and technology.

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