Fairy Science by Ashley Spires

All the fairies in Pixieville believe in magic–except Esther. She believes in science. When a forest tree stops growing, all the fairies are stumped–including Esther. But not for long! Esther knows that science can get to the root of the problem–and its solution! Whether you believe in fairy magic or the power of science, you will…

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Energy Island by Allan Drummond

Hold onto your hats! It’s windy on the Danish island of Samsø. Meet the environmentally friendly people who now proudly call their home Energy Island. At a time when most countries are producing ever-increasing amounts of CO2, the rather ordinary citizens of Samsø have accomplished something extraordinary–in just ten years they have reduced their carbon…

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Butterflies for Kiri by Cathryn Falwell

A Japanese American girl grows creatively and, with perseverance, masters the art of making an origami butterfly. Includes instructions. Kiri loves to make things. When she receives an origami set for her birthday, she can’t wait to try making a butterfly, just like the one Auntie Lu had made. Kiri chooses a bright purple paper…

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