Pop! The Invention of Bubble Gum by Megan McCarthy

Gum. It’s been around for centuries; from the ancient Greeks to the American Indians, everyone’s chewed it. But the best kind of gum; bubble gum! wasn’t invented until 1928, when an enterprising young accountant at Fleer Gum and Candy used his spare time to experiment with different recipes. Bubble-blowing kids everywhere will be delighted with…

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Zora’s Zucchini by Katherine Pryor (author) and Anna Raff (illustrator)

A YOUNG GARDENER LEARNS ABOUT SHARING FOOD AND THE REWARDS OF GROWING A COMMUNITY THROUGH FOOD.” The first zucchini of a summer garden is always exciting, but what happens when the plants just keep growing…and growing…and growing? Zora soon finds herself with more zucchini than her family can bake, saute, or barbecue. Fortunately the ever-resourceful girl…

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