Checkerboard Coding Game (with arrow colors to match Code & Go Robot Mouse)

Materials $1 Checkboard Game 2-4 Ping-Pong Balls $1 Plastic Animals Googly Eyes (optional but highly recommended) Glue Dots or tape Copies of Command Cards and Robot Base Key Question Can you use simple commands to program the ping-pong ball robot to reach its target animal? Learning Objectives Young computer programmers will… • learn how to…

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Tik-Tiki Juguete de la basura

Una versión modificada del Tik Tiki de Arvind Gupta’s Toys from Trash. Se puede usar un botón en lugar de la cuenta. La tapa de la corona se puede reemplazar con una tapa de plástico o una tapa de metal de cualquier tipo. ¡Muchas variaciones para probar! Instrucciones de montaje a continuación.

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Tik Tiki Toy from Trash

A modified version of the Tik Tiki from Arvind Gupta’s Toys from Trash – we replaced the button with a wooden bead. The crown cap can be replaced with a plastic lid or metal cap of any kind. Lots of variations to test! Find directions for assembly here:

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