On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein by Jennifer Berne (author) and Vladimir Radunsky (illustrator)
A boy rides a bicycle down a dusty road. But in his mind, he envisions himself traveling at a speed beyond imagining, on a beam of light. This brilliant mind will one day offer up some of the most revolutionary ideas ever conceived. From a boy endlessly fascinated by the wonders around him, Albert Einstein…
Read MoreIlusiones ópticas de la imagen secundaria de la bandera y los colores primarios
Puede imprimirlos en color o simplemente mirarlos en una pantalla para ver una imagen residual basada en cómo funcionan sus receptores de color rojo, verde y azul en su ojo. ¿Qué colores ves? El lado con las cajas tiene los colores primarios de pinturas/pigmentos. Deberías ver los colores primarios de la luz como la imagen…
Read MoreNegative Afterimages
Article from The Illusions Index explaining Negative Afterimages – staring at an image and then seeing different colors when you look away to a white screen or page.
Read MoreEverything You Know About Color Is (Probably) Wrong
A great article by David Hixon which does a great job laying out our modern understanding of color theory.
Read MoreNAU STEM Challenge
#NAUSTEMchallenge The NAU STEM Challenge is a series of STEM challenges designed for 5th grade students though may be used with students from 4th grade to high school. Each STEM Challenge has a teacher Google Slide deck and an engineering journal specific to the challenge. Please feel free to make a copy of the Google…
Read MoreModelo Sol, Tierra, Luna
Un modelo simple (no a escala) del sistema solar, terrestre y lunar. Excelente para reforzar la idea de que un día es una rotación de la tierra, un año es una revolución de la tierra alrededor del sol y un mes lunar (una revolución de la luna alrededor de la tierra) es de aproximadamente 28…
Read MoreSun, Earth, Moon Model
A simple (not to scale) model of the sun, earth, moon system. Great for reinforcing the idea that a day is one earth rotation, a year is one revolution of the earth around the sun, and a lunar month (one revolution of the moon around the earth) is about 28 days.
Read MorePozo de gravedad en un tazón o balde
¡Las canicas fascinantes orbitan alrededor de un pozo de gravedad tal como se imaginó Einstein! Desde un pozo de gravedad de cuenco pequeño hasta uno que cabe en un cubo, prepárese para pasar tiempo absorto en la terapia orbital. #STEMAZingVideo a continuación muestra pozos de gravedad en acción. Agregue una guía de tubería de PVC…
Read MoreROBOTS: Your Guide to the World of Robotics
A growing collection of resources from IEEE Spectrum from elementary activity sheets to real roboticists answering the question – “What is a robot?” and much more!
Read MoreGet in the Game from The Tech Interactive
A great lesson from If/Then that allows game designers (3rd-8th grade) to create a game in 90 minutes. Site includes student handouts and teacher guide.
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