Caine’s Arcade

9-year-old Caine Monroy spent his summer vacation building an elaborate cardboard arcade inside his dad’s used auto parts store. The entire summer went by, and Caine had yet to have a single customer. Then, on the last day of summer, a filmmaker named Nirvan stopped to buy a door handle for his car. Nirvan became…

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Cooperative Games

(Rubber band and string game included) Cooperative games help children develop the essential skills of cooperation, communication, empathy, and conflict resolution by giving them an opportunity to work together toward a common goal. These games require the skills of everyone in the group, not of just one or two people.

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Using Blocks to Develop 21st Century Skills

An in-depth article about using the long-standing, developmentally appropriate activity of block play to teach 21st Century Skills. Includes a checklist to evaluate your block play area around 21st Century Skills.

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Block Puzzles

Make your own color block puzzles using Duplos and foam sheets. Do you think they have to be color specific?

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