Sciencing and Engineering
IDEAS Engineering Journal
The IDEAS Engineering Journal is designed to be used to engage students to iterate through then engineering design process using a starting model of something they have built. Two looper airplanes, pool noodle rockets, and rattle writers (aka doodle bots) are some examples you might consider. Peer critique is incorporated into the journal. It can…
Read MoreREAL Primary Colors Book
What are the primary colors? If you ask a physicist, they will have to ask you a question back. Are you talking about the primary colors of light, used for color addition, or the primary colors of paint, used for color subtraction? Use this book as a resource to learn what the REAL primary colors…
Read MoreNotice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals
Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journals come in formats that are printer friendly and in Google classroom versions for both Slides and Docs. Great tools for helping students notice and wonder how the world works! Journal version included below include Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal. This is both pieces together and requires some assembly.…
Read MoreBinary #MicDropMath (#MicDropCS) Lessons
This series of lessons is designed to take students’ understanding of the binary number system way beyond the well known fact that it uses zeroes and ones. While each lesson can be used on its own or in different orders and combinations depending on your learning objectives, it is recommended they are used in the…
Read MoreOpenSciEd Middle School Science Units
High-quality, open-source, full-course science instructional materials, and support for implementation of middle school science instructional units.
Read MoreThe Wonder of Science
The Wonder of Science was created to support the next generation of science teachers. The website aggregates resources developed by Paul Andersen and other science teachers implementing the Next Generation Science Standards* (NGSS).
Read MorePhenomenal GRC Lessons
A collection of vetted, three-dimensional lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards and state standards developed from the Framework for K-12 Science Education.
Read MoreNext Generation Science Storylines
A storyline is a coherent sequence of lessons, in which each step is driven by students’ questions that arise from their interactions with phenomena.
Read MorePhenomena Databases and Storyline/Investigation Collections
Can’t find what you are looking for in our collection? Sift through these collections to see if they have something that fits your needs.
Read MoreM&Ms Are Phenomenal – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students [Coming Soon!] Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides version of the Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal here: Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal for Google Classroom…
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