Uno, Dos, Tres – Unifix Cubes Patterns and Math

Key Questions What is the pattern? What is the number? What do the numbers add up to? Learning Objectives Children will… create patterns. apply one-to-one correspondence counting. demonstrate adding numbers with cards and cubes. break total tower of cubes down into towers of tens and single cubes – ones. Materials Unifix Cubes Uno Cards Dry…

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Test Tube Patterns

Key Question What is the repeating pattern? Learning Objectives Children will… recognize and name colors. construct patterns. utilize tweezers to pick up pom-poms for fine motor practice. Materials Test tubes (baby soda bottles recommended) Printout of test tube template Craft pom-poms Book ring (1” or bigger) Blank 4×6 index cards Jumbo tweezers (not pictured) Hole…

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Skittles Science (and M&Ms too)

Key Question How can we create patterns using the dye (coloring) off Skittles and M&Ms? Learning Objectives Children will… identify and create patterns. change different independent variables of the experiment to see what effect it has. Materials Skittles M&Ms Water 3 white plastic bowls Optional: Salt and Sugar

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Paint Sample Scavenger Hunt

Key Question Can you discover items that match the color of the paint samples? Learning Objectives Children will… identify items that match the paint samples (red, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow). graph the total amount of objects they have matched to the paint samples. Materials Paint sample cards (red, orange, green, blue, purple, yellow) Hole…

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Color Me 100

Roll a die. Starting at 1, color in that many squares. Switch colors, roll die again, and color in that many squares. Continue until you reach 100! How many rolls did it take you to get to 100? Bonus Question: DaNel made a mistake in the pattern she was using to color in her 100.…

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Trading Up – Two for One

Key Question How many of the final colored (orange, in the example) pieces can you collect? Learning Objectives Children will… practice counting. use conversions to trade up Unifix cubes for those with higher values. subitize Unifix cubes by the conversion factor.

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Save My House on the Hill – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper

A Civil Engineering Flood Protection Project #SciencingAndEngineering Project Resources Teacher Talk with 2nd grade teacher Ms. Maddie Schepper and Robot General Sherrie Dennis Project Plan (detailed lesson description with links to all resources) STEMAZing Kit – Materials and Resources List (with links to vendors) Teacher Slide Deck (provided both as PowerPoint and Google Slides) Teacher…

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Spin Top Spin, Mix Color Mix

Key Question Can you create a top that spins? What happens when you make changes to the top? Learning Objectives Children will… construct a simple spinning top. learn to use and experiment further with the spinning top. make observations about how colors on the top combine as it spins.

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