Raytheon STEM Challenge

#RaytheonSTEMChallenge developed with support from The Raytheon STEM Challenge is a series of STEM challenges designed for 4th-8th grade students though may be used with students below and above that grade range. Each STEM Challenge has a teacher Google Slide deck and an engineering journal specific to the challenge. Please feel free to make a…

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Pi Day

Our favorite Pi Day lessons and stories! Two Circles to Square Selfie Frame from NumbersAlive! Find Pi: the King of Circles! video and more resources on NumbersAlive! Article: Indiana’s State Legislature Once Tried to Legislated the Value of Pi (also described in a video in the Pi on Numberphile Playlist linked below. Pi Toss Activity…

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Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell

This collection of resources are short, medium, and long-ish videos of Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell sharing her story about being one of the only women in astronomy during her time, discovering pulsars, not receiving her due credit for this discovery until recently, and working to support other women and underrepresented minorities in physics. These videos…

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Data Square – Nature of Science Activity

Print the templates below on card stock. There are two templates of the puzzle on each page. Cut out one of the large squares and then cut out the pieces as shown above. At first, just give students the four pieces on the left without the small square. Challenge them to form a square with…

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