Globe at Night

Activity guide for January and February 2017 for this awesome citizen science program. Find additional activity guide and resources at

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Spacetime Simulator

You can make your own or borrow one from The STEMAZing Project if you attended this workshop. The spacetime simulator demonstrates how Einstein described gravity – masses warping spacetime and drawing other masses into the gravity wells they create.

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Design Inspirations from RAFT

Combine two unrelated ideas to inspire a creative new design! Engineers often use everyday objects to stimulate creative ideas. For example, an early ballpoint pen designer might have had a flash of inspiration while looking at a pencil!            

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Reading Horizons

“The Importance of Reading Aloud to Students of All Grades and Levels,” an essay presented on the website Reading Horizons.

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Pepper’s Pyramid Projector

Pepper's Pyramid hack atop a cell phone screen

Turn your cell phone or tablet into a 3D hologram-like projector using plastic you would normally recycle. Reuse flat clear plastic to give this old physics trick a high tech twist. Less ecologically friendly, but good if you want to make a bunch of projectors, you can print templates onto transparencies and cut them out…

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