New Generation of Women in Science

Meet A New Generation of Women in Science – Girls in STEM! This video features young women scientists and engineers who wowed the President and the nation at the White House Science Fair. It shines a spotlight on these extraordinary young role models and their exciting projects — ranging from a machine that detects buried landmines,…

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Fifty-Cent Microscope That Folds Like Origami

A 50-cent microscope that folds like origami! Watch the Foldscope TED Talk by Manu Prakash to learn all about how Foldscopes could revolutionize healthcare in developing countries and turn almost anything into a fun, hands-on science experiment. LEARN MORE

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Introduce a Girl to Engineering

What makes a superhero a superhero? Use this video to teach young girls how some real-life superheroes at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering are using the special powers to save people and make their lives better every day. LEARN MORE

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Minute Earth

MinuteEarth is a YouTube channel with short video clips (usually less than 3 minutes in length) on the science and stories about our awesome planet! From Why Are Leaves Green? to The Biggest Organism on Earth to How do Trees Survive Winter? and even Do Fetuses Poop? – you will find a little bit of everything here!

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Chemistry of Cookies

You stick cookie dough into an oven and, magically, you get a plate of warm, gooey cookies. Except it’s not magic; it’s science. Stephanie Warren explains via basic chemistry principles how the dough spreads out, at what temperature we can kill salmonella, and why that intoxicating smell wafting from your oven indicates that the cookies…

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Best Top 10 Plasma Tricks and Demonstrations

Did you know you can light a fluorescent bulb or neon tube using a plasma ball? Plasma balls are fascinating STEM toys. The Best Top 10 Plasma Ball Tricks and Demonstrations video highlights purposeful physics and physical science uses for this classic STEM toy. Explore, experiment and entertain with care while learning about electrostatics and more!

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Energy 101

The Energy 101 Videos from the U.S. Department of Energy are a collection of 15 short videos about the fundamental concepts behind renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. Learn about Electric Vehicles, Biofuels, Algae-to-Fuels, Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy and much more. WATCH ALL THE VIDEOS NOW  

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Invisible Bicycle Helmet

You know what kind of sucks about riding a bike? Other than all that pedaling? Bike helmets. Sure, they keep that overrated “brain” from getting splattered, but they take a lot of the open-air–joy out of things, and they’re not comfortable. Two Swedish women have developed a remarkable solution: the invisible bike helmet.

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Global Cardboard Challenge

Inspired by the short film, Caine’s Arcade, the Global Cardboard Challenge is a worldwide celebration of child creativity and the role communities can play in fostering it. In the month of September, kids are challenged to create and build using cardboard, recycled materials, and imagination. Then on October 5th, communities all around the world will…

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