Lost Women of Science

Lost Women of Science tells the remarkable stories of groundbreaking women who never got the full recognition they deserved – until now.

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We are connected – Dr. Jessica Dunkley

https://youtu.be/epqc7RD19-c Dr. Jessica Dunkley advocates for more diversity in medical professions to eliminate discrimination in her field. As part of the Ready2Listen campaign, we invited participants to tell us what drives them, what makes them proud and what advice they would offer to youth today. The campaign empowers Indigenous people across Turtle Island and counters…

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Nunaniuryuraqama: Maintaining Self Through Environmental Energy

Nunaniuryuraqama: Maintaining Self Through Environmental Energy is presented by Alaska Housing Finance Corporation and AK EnergySmart. Mayaq Irussaar Qip’arluk Kagganaq Maangyaar (Valerie Tony) is the latest representation of her Yup’ik and Sup’ik ancestry of the Kuigpak Tradition, geographically the Lower Yukon Delta. She is an interpreter of the Kuigpak oral history and strives to help…

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