Color Me 100

Roll a die. Starting at 1, color in that many squares. Switch colors, roll die again, and color in that many squares. Continue until you reach 100! How many rolls did it take you to get to 100? Bonus Question: DaNel made a mistake in the pattern she was using to color in her 100.…

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Trading Up – Two for One

Key Question How many of the final colored (orange, in the example) pieces can you collect? Learning Objectives Children will… practice counting. use conversions to trade up Unifix cubes for those with higher values. subitize Unifix cubes by the conversion factor.

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Save My House on the Hill – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper

A Civil Engineering Flood Protection Project #SciencingAndEngineering Project Resources Teacher Talk with 2nd grade teacher Ms. Maddie Schepper and Robot General Sherrie Dennis Project Plan (detailed lesson description with links to all resources) STEMAZing Kit – Materials and Resources List (with links to vendors) Teacher Slide Deck (provided both as PowerPoint and Google Slides) Teacher…

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Spin Top Spin, Mix Color Mix

Key Question Can you create a top that spins? What happens when you make changes to the top? Learning Objectives Children will… construct a simple spinning top. learn to use and experiment further with the spinning top. make observations about how colors on the top combine as it spins.

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Engineering the World’s Best Glider using IDEAS Engineering Journal

This lesson serves as a great introduction to the engineering design process when you have a design or prototype and you are attempting to improve that design. In this case, students start with an original design of the “World’s BEST Glider” and then iterate through the engineering design process five times. They are also asked…

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got problems? let’s solve ’em Engineering Journal

From noticing problems to brainstorming solutions to testing prototypes, making modifications, and marketing a final product, this journal will walk students step-by-step through the engineering design process as it relates to solving a problem for a person, animal, or plant. Either use the entire journal or use the one pagers to tackle problems in bite-sized…

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SCAMPER – creative brainstorming

Used widely in gifted education, this creative brainstorming tool will help students come up with even more, divergent ideas about how to solve problems, innovate solutions, and invent new products. It is great to use this in combination with the IDEAS Engineering Journal to help students generate ideas for modifications.

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