Say Zoop by Herve Tullet

Make some noise! Shout “OH!” Whisper “oh!” Say “Zoop”? Yes! “Zoop!” “Zoop!” “Zoop!” The newest book from Hervé Tullet magically responds with bursts of color and moving shapes.

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Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds

Sky Color by Peter H. Reynolds- Marisol loves to paint. So when her teacher asks her to help make a mural for the school library, she can’t wait to begin! But how can Marisol make a sky without blue paint?

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IDC (not IDK) How to turn absolutely anything into a science experiment!

IDC (not IDK) how to turn absolutely anything into a science experiment

Notice something interesting! Wonder how it works? Use this process to turn absolutely anything (well almost) into a science experiment. Learn about independent, dependent, and control variables. Brainstorm independent variables which can be systematically manipulated in the setup of your experiment. Consider dependent variables which might respond or change as you systematically change one independent…

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RGB Light Show Worksheet

Do you know the REAL primary colors of light? Use this worksheet along with red, green, and blue flood lights to demonstrate the REAL primary colors of light and the principle of color addition. Find video of RGB Light Show and Set Up of RGB Light Show in STEMAZing Resources. Videos on light setup for…

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Set Up for RGB Color Light Show Video

image of person with red blue and green flood lights in front of them

Video with tips about how to set up the RGB Light Show if you have your own set of red, green, and blue flood lights. Click on the title here, Set Up RGB Color Light Show, for a higher quality video hosted on Vimeo. Special thanks to Do Pham at the University of Arizona College…

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RGB Color Light Show Video

Do you know the REAL primary colors? With just a few supplies from your local hardware store, you can recreate this STEMAZing demonstration of the REAL primary colors of light and color addition in your own classroom. Or, you can simply use this video in your classroom. Click on title here, RGB Color Light Show,…

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The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds

The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds- For anyone who has been afraid to express themselves- from a child in art class to an adult whose fear has shut down a long-held dream.

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OK GO SANDBOX – This Too Shall Pass

OK Go created this video by connecting a series of simple machines together, to create a single chain reaction machine timed perfectly to their song. So perfectly, in fact, that one section of the machine actually plays a part of the song itself!

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