Bring on the Food: STEM, Agriculture, and You
Designed and facilitated by STEMAZing Teacher Leaders Danielle Coleman and Robyn Yewell
Where does food come from? How can we use sustainable methods to grow it? Our hungry planet must consider options for the future. Using the 5E model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Evaluate) participants investigated seeds and plants, then designed a classroom garden. Teachers engaged in real-world activities they could immediately bring to their classrooms including glove gardens, seed exploration, investigating where food comes from, and 2-liter bottle hydroponic gardens. Bring it on!
Bring on the Food Lessons and Resources

2-Litre Bottle Hydroponic System
How to reuse a 2-liter bottle and turn it into a hydroponic system for growing plants at school or at home ...

3D Flower Model
Using #STEMontheCheap supplies, students learn about the parts of a flower by creating their own 3D model and labeling it ...

Arizona Agricultural Literacy Program
Monica Pastor shared a bunch of great resources including "What Do PLants Need to Grow?" bead bracelet lesson, the Arizona Agademics trivia cards, and professional development opportunities. Go to this site for a searchable lesson ...

Buck Institute
The go-to place for resources for project-based learning (PBL). This is where Robyn found the creativity and innovation rubric. Sign up for a FREE account to access the resources ...

Creativity and Innovation Rubric
From The Buck Institute, you can use this rubric for grading the 3D flower model project ...

Crosscutting Concepts K-8 One-Pagers
The seven crosscutting concepts from the Framework for K-12 Science Education with just the K-8 progressions ...

A twenty-minute documentary about the University of Arizona's Lunar-Mars Greenhouse Lab - can we grow food on the Moon (or Mars). Sean Gellenbeck from this project shared details of this project with participants ...

Habits of Mind Rays
16 Habits of Mind we want to develop in our students represented as rays. A great activity is to have students draw their own symbols for each of the habits ...

How Did That Get in my Lunchbox?
Another great picture book which tracks food from farm to table (or lunchbox in this case) ...

How Does a Seed Become a Plant?
A lesson with student handouts about the process of a seed germinating and growing into a plant ...

Hydroponic Nutrients
You can order these nutrients to add to the water in you mini hydroponic systems to grow lettuce and herbs ...

Make a Thermometer
How to make your own thermometer using rubbing alcohol, a reused water bottle, and a few other supplies ...

STEMAZing Journal Hack
Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick ...

Tiny Seed, text only
Use this with annotation cards to engage students with the text from this picture book ...