STEMAZing Books
Fiction and nonfiction books and graphic novels with STEM related content or STEM themes. This collection includes both chapter books for elementary students, young adult books, and adult books. To find more which have not yet been added to our website, search #STEMAZingBook on either Facebook or Twitter. This collection also includes articles related to using books to engage students in STEM.

The first book in The Lunar Chronicles series, this book is the cyborg retelling of Cinderella and a great book to use to engage middle and high school girls in STEM and robotics ...

Coding and Robot #STEMAZingBook List
In no particular order: Baby Loves Coding by Ruth Spiro Robotics for Babies by Chris Ferrie and Dr. Sarah Kaiser How to Code a Sandcastle by Josh Funk How to Code a Roller Coaster by ...

House of Robots by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
It was never easy for Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez to fit in, so he's dreading the day when his genius mom insists he bring her newest invention to school: a walking, talking robot he calls E-for "Error" ...

House of Robots Robot Revolution by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
After a few early glitches in their relationship, Sammy and his "bro-bot" E are now fast friends. In fact, E is such a valued member of the family that the other electronic occupants of the ...

House of Robots: Robots Gone Wild by James Patterson (author) and Chris Grabenstein (illustrator)
Sammy Hayes-Rodriguez and his 'bro-bot' E are making new friends every day as E works as his bedridden sister Maddie's school proxy. But disaster strikes when E malfunctions just in time to be upstaged by ...

Investi-gator from Natural Inquirer
Investi-gator is a FREE science journal designed for grades 4-8. Animals and Ecosystems of the Southwestern United States is now available in hard copy and electronically. The Southwestern United States is a special place. This Investi-gator will introduce you to ...

Joy of Pi
David Blatner is an internationally known expert in publishing and the author of fifteen books on popular science, religion, and graphics. He is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars around North America. You can ...

Knowledge Is Beautiful
Covering everything from dog breeds and movie plots to timelines of the far future and the complexity of relationships of the Middle East, this stunning book unveils the intricate, invisible and sometimes hilarious stories lurking in the data, information & ...

Los SuperHeroes Estan en Todas Partes by Kamala Hariss (author) and Mechal Renee Roe (illustrator)
Antes de que Kamala Harris se convirtiera en abogada, senadora y vicepresidenta de Estados Unidos, fue una niña a la que le encantaban los superhéroes. Y cuando los buscaba a su alrededor, ¡se sorprendía al ...

Maker Comics Grow a Garden by Alexis Fredrick Frost
Will, Violet, and Basil must be the unluckiest students at the Garden Gnome Academy. They've been stuck with Mr. Butternut, the school's most unpopular (and unusual) teacher. Will and his friends have to learn about ...

Making Musical Instruments with Kids
Written for adults, this hands-on guide demonstrates how to make easy musical instruments with children. Detailed instructions are included for making more than 60 unique instruments that are suitable for children as young as five ...

Nick and Tesla’s Robot Army Rampage
Nick and Tesla are 11-year-old sleuths who use science and technology to save the day! In this adventure, a rash of robberies has hit the town of Half Moon Bay, and to catch the criminal, ...

Rosa y el Experimento del Gran Girasol / Rosa’s Big Sunflower Experiment by Jessica Spanyol
Rosa's group of friends want to learn all about growing their own sunflowers! The book covers each step, from planting the seed to examining the mini beasts the fully-grown flowers attract. It provides plenty of ...

Science Experiments with Sound & Music
34 easy-to-do activities that demonstrate the scientific concepts behind sound waves, pitch, acoustics, scales, etc ...

Sound Projects with a Music Lab
Flutes, harps, guitars, pianos, drums All musical instruments use fundamental properties of physics to produce their sounds. In this instructive manual, Robert Gardner explains how to build homemade versions of a variety of instruments, all ...

Sounds Interesting: The Science of Acoustics
Demonstrates the principles of sound and the science of acoustics through a variety of experiments ...

Systems in Motion books
This dynamic set of books consolidates the powerful lessons about oscillations in one place! This series of lessons (also online) allows students to explore and see the deeper nature of what is causing particular behaviors ...

Systems Thinking Playbook
This book has become a favorite of K–12 teachers, university faculty, and corporate consultants. It provides short gaming exercises that illustrate the subtleties of systems thinking. The companion DVD shows the authors introducing and running ...

Tabletop Scientist: The Science of Sound
Introduce kids to the scientific principles of sound with a series of simple, fun-to-conduct experiments. Each exercise illustrates an individual concept, from detecting the speed and direction of sound to making recordings. They'll build a bottle ...

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (adult, young readers, and picture book versions)
The phenomenal story of William Kamkwamba who taught himself how to generate electricity using science and engineering and then designed and built his own wind turbine. Shares the harsh realities of famine when people do ...

The Wild Robot Escapes (The Wild Robot #2) by Peter Brown
Shipwrecked on a remote, wild island, Robot Roz learned from the unwelcoming animal inhabitants and adapted to her surroundings--but can she survive the challenges of the civilized world and find her way home to Brightbill ...

Wild Robot
When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. Why is she there? Where did she come from? And, most important, how will ...

World of Mathematics
The World of Mathematics FREE interactive eBook allows learners to dive into a colorful and engaging world, discovering some of the most exciting and curious mathematical ideas. Using interactive games, animations, and countless illustrations, advanced mathematics becomes accessible ...